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Defending Yourself Against a Home Invasion

Having your home invaded by bloodthirsty attackers is one of the greatest dangers you could face, especially after a major disaster. Everyone is panicking and looking for supplies and decide to make you their target. With the coronavirus scare we’re experiencing, you’ve probably thought about what you’re going to eat and drink if the SHTF and what other supplies you still need to acquire, I know I have.

Any plan you might have will go right out the window if someone invades your home, steals your stuff, and possibly murders you and your family. That’s why I am writing this article in hopes of preparing you to deal with a home invasion.

Hopefully, you are already like me and have fortified your home to stave off would-be attackers. I have a dog to alert me should intruders break in, which hopefully gives me enough time to get to my weapons. I also have motion detector lights and signs and stickers that indicate I have a security system and monitoring. I have reinforced my doors with gated bars on the back; I have noise detection alarms on my windows, motion-detecting cameras, and other measures.

Unfortunately, when times are hard, people become desperate, and even secure looking homes, like mine, may be targeted. Just in case a criminal gets around your security and breaks into your home, here a few suggestions:

Have an escape plan.

I have ensured that my wife and daughter know what they need to do if attacked in our home and also the quickest way to exit our house, no matter where they are. I even have ladders for exiting upstairs bedrooms. I have also told them where to meet if we get separated. I suggest you do the same.

Use a code word

My family and I have a code word that, when we yell it, everyone in the house will know that someone has broken in, and they need to escape immediately. We also have a code word for the security company should we be forced by an attacker to give once to shut off the alarm and let the company know we are apparently OK (they will then send the police.) You should come up with a word to use with your loved ones.

Have a weapon in every room

I have strategically placed weapons in various places in just about every room in my home. I have four handguns, but I don’t leave them where my 13-year-old daughters can get them, but I will soon get them trained to use some of them. Since I can’t keep a gun in every room, I have made sure I have something I can grab at a moment’s notice throughout the house. I have machetes, knives, swords, and other devices. Since I am trained in knife fighting and the use of improvised weapons, my kitchen is literally filled with items I can use, as is my toolbox. You should ensure you have something that you can use as a weapon if you need to, be it a baseball bat, a two-by-four, a butcher knife, or anything else that can put someone out of commission. Speaking of that…

Put intruders out of commission

If someone breaks into your home, you should not focus on trying to hurt them a little, so they’ll leave. If they were brave or desperate enough to break into your home with you and your family present, then they are probably willing to hurt or kill you. Therefore, you must be prepared to disable them long enough so that you can get away. That’s why I recommend a firearm that does enough damage so that one shot is all you need to take them down.
Go for the head

If you don’t have a firearm, use whatever weapon you have strategically placed around your house (like I advised before) to attack their head. A strong man can often take a blow to his body, especially if he is high or his adrenaline is pumping. But a strike to the head might be enough to knock him out or at least daze him for a few seconds so you can hit him again, or escape.

Fight dirty

I say this over and over again; there is no such thing as a fair fight if you are trying to defend yourself. If you don’t have a weapon, or even if you do, fight dirty. Jab him in the eyes, pull his ears, punch him in the nose or throat, strike and grab his groin, kick him in the knees, bite, spit on him and do whatever it takes to win the fight. Look, if he’s broken into your home, he’s not going to “fight fair” either.

For additional information, there are many resources here at Fight Fast that will teach you how to survive a home invasion, street attack, or how to survive should TSHTF. I recommend you pick a few of them up on various subjects that will help you to survive.

As much as you might worry about the coronavirus, hurricanes, earthquakes, solar flares, an EMP, or the zombie apocalypse, if you survive those, then the next thing most likely to kill you is a desperate attacker. That’s why what I am teaching you here is so important.

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