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How to Deliver A Punishing Horizontal Elbow Strike For Self Defense

As Glenn tells you in the video, elbow strikes are one of the most important tools in close range combat. That’s why it is crucial that you understand how to properly use them.

The most important piece of information in this video is that you must get in close and grab ahold of your attacker before you throw an elbow strike.

Elbow strike: Close The Distance

If you don’t do this and you are lucky enough to still land the elbow you will just end up with an even more pissed off attacker who is able to take the offensive.

By holding your attacker you are able to maintain the offensive. This requires that you either continue to deliver elbow strikes, as Glenn shows in the video, or you can move onto other strikes such as knees or a head butt.

By laying down a barrage of counter attacks when you are assaulted you will be able to disorient your attacker and prevent him from regaining the offensive.

If you do this right his primary goal will be to get away from you, which is exactly what you want him to do (right after you cause him enough pain to make sure he won’t come back for more).

As for the actual elbow strike technique shown in this video you want to make sure you are using the right part of your arm. You don’t want to use the tip of your elbow. The tip of the elbow will deliver a painful strike but you risk damaging yourself.

By striking your attacker with the boney surface just below the elbow joint you will be able to strike repeatedly without risking much damage to your own body (and it’s just as hard as the tip the elbow).

Elbow Strike: Where To Strike From

Remember keep your hand loose (making a fist will limit your freedom of motion) and your arm bent (like you are holding something in the crook of your arm).

Finally, the key to delivering an effective elbow strike in any self defense situation is making sure you put your body weight behind it. This means using your core and your hips to deliver the strike. Your arm plays a small role in this move.

It’s kind of like trying to hit a home run without pivoting when you swing the bat (pretty much impossible). All your power comes from your pivot, so use it. Oh and before I forget, if you want to see more from Glenn Boodry check out his Real World Combat Package.

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7 thoughts on “How to Deliver A Punishing Horizontal Elbow Strike For Self Defense”

  1. Thankyou very much. At 66 I hope I never have to use this knowledge. But if so I will be ready thanks to you and your team.

  2. Good! Good! I am a 100% disabled Vet. Moves like this I can do in my condition. Good show, THANK YOU!


  3. Grazie per le tue preziose informazioni. Ti prego di non inviarmi nulla (nemmeno di cartaceo). Grazie! L’altra volta mi sono trovato in difficoltà con la carta di credito con la quale avevo acquistato il coltello per 10 dollari. Qui la legislazione è molto severa. E poi io sono “under controll”: non ho fatto mai nulla di male, ho solo reagito quando hanno cercato di aggredirmi. Tieni presente che l’Italia è un Paese “buonista”, anche perché c’è il Santo Padre. Questo vuol dire che i delinquenti la fanno franca e chi reagisce (comprese le Forze dell’Ordine) rischia di passare un brutto guaio. Ma il mio motto è: <>. Hi Bob