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Category: Derek Smith

5 Tips to Surviving a Street Fight

5 Tips to Surviving a Street Fight

Street Fights Are No Joke Street fighting can never be compared to any kind of sport. In street fighting, there are no rules and regulations to be followed. It is brutal and cruel enough to kill you. It is always better to avoid this kind of situation at all cost. However, if you are caught Read More

5 Tips to Surviving in the Urban Jungle

5 Tips to Surviving in the Urban Jungle

Have You Ever Heard This Term Before? In the military (and sometimes in law enforcement) we use the term “combat arms”. Have you ever heard of it? Many have not, but because you are a loyal reader of the Fight Fast blog, you probably have. Read More

Train to Survive Like a Soldier by Derek Smith

Train to Survive Like a Soldier by Derek Smith

The Reality of Training Like a Soldier As many of you probably know, I served in the Air Force, Army, and Navy, so I have had a LOT of military training. While in the army I worked as a counterintelligence Interrogator and an Army Criminal Investigations Special Agent. The aim of any army soldier when Read More

Special Agent Tactics: 3 Steps to Becoming a Warrior

Special Agent Tactics: 3 Steps to Becoming a Warrior

Developing a Warrior Mindset In a previous article, I wrote about the warrior mindset, and I told you I would describe how to build that mindset. In this article, I will do just that. When I was a federal agent I read somewhere that there was a saying that many cops have to live by, Read More

Special Agent Tactics for Urban Survival

Special Agent Tactics for Urban Survival

You could find yourself in an urban survival situation when you least expect it. With all that is happening in the world today, things are really changing, and you have no idea what you could be up against in the near future, or if you are traveling in a foreign country that is not as Read More

What Is The Warrior Mindset? by Derek Smith

What Is The Warrior Mindset? by Derek Smith

I see the term “warrior mindset” has been thrown around quite a bit lately, but there has been very little explanation about what this term really means and how to develop it. With 38 years in the security, law enforcement and military fields I want to give my take on what the “warrior mindset” really Read More