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Category: Derek Smith

Dealing With An Active Shooter by Derek Smith

Dealing With An Active Shooter by Derek Smith

In Perspective Well, we have yet another school shooting to deal with in America. The massacre on Valentine’s Day, where a 19-year-old expelled student killed 17 people at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida is yet another true American tragedy of epic proportions. And as you know, events such as these seem to be Read More

5 Urban Survival Tips To Keep You Safe

5 Urban Survival Tips To Keep You Safe

Catastrophy Often Comes With Little Warning When I was an Air Force Office of Special Investigations Counterintelligence Agent, I was stationed in Turkey for two years. While there I was performing what is called HUMINT which is Human intelligence or intelligence gathered by means of interpersonal contact, as opposed to the more technical intelligence gathering Read More

Being Smart Versus Being Tough

Being Smart Versus Being Tough

Which Will Save Your Life? When contemplating how to prepare for real life survival and combat there is often a debate on whether you need to be smart to survive an encounter or if you should be the toughest mother around. Well I plan to explore this for you in this article and give you Read More

Special Agent Tactics: Escaping From Handcuffs

Special Agent Tactics: Escaping From Handcuffs

Break Free As an agent I used handcuffs on bad guys quite often. It was one of my most essential tools of the trade. However, there was always a possibility that my handcuffs could be used against me or the bad guy may have handcuffs of his own, especially when I was undercover. Because of Read More

One Strike Knockout…For Real!

One Strike Knockout…For Real!

The Brachial Stun While an agent with the Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI) I went through a defensive tactics instructor course that taught me a devastating blow that totally changed my perspective on one punch knockouts. The strike I am speaking of is called a “Brachial Stun” which is without a doubt the Read More

8 Phases to Effective Self-defense By Derek Smith

8 Phases to Effective Self-defense By Derek Smith

In my special agent combative system, I attempted to include what I felt was the greatest thing missing from most martial arts and self-defense programs. That is a structured and systemized outline designed to help you easily learn a tried, true, and simple to learn, system of self-defense. Special agent combatives are not to be Read More