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Category: Derek Smith

The Use of Force Continuum for Civilians

The Use of Force Continuum for Civilians

Use of Force: Explained As an agent or law enforcement officer and even as a military combatant, it is not always feasible to just pull a weapon and shoot someone, nor is it morally correct. To ensure some lone ranger does not just go around using their gun for any reason they deem fit, most Read More

Special Agent Tactics: How To Tell If Someone Is Lying

Special Agent Tactics: How To Tell If Someone Is Lying

Become A Human Lie Detector Practice these techniques so you can recognize them easily, but don’t give away your secrets because the person will try to hide his actions if he knows what you are doing. Read More

Why Most Martial Arts Training FAILS! (Here’s What To Do.) – Derek Smith

Why Most Martial Arts Training FAILS! (Here’s What To Do.) – Derek Smith

I hate to tell you this, but most of the self-defense programs out there are crap. Yep, I said it… they are crap. They will steer you in the wrong direction if you’re a person who is serious about learning how to really protect yourself, or your loved ones, against bigger, badder, stronger attackers who Read More

How To Fight Even When You Are Tired By Derek Smith

How To Fight Even When You Are Tired By Derek Smith

When I was attending my Federal Police Officer’s Academy at the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC) we used to do what we called “3-minute Wars” where for 3 minutes we would battle all out with our fellow officers using the defensive tactics we were being taught. Read More

How To Tell If You Have A Tail: The Art Of Counter Surveillance By Derek Smith

How To Tell If You Have A Tail: The Art Of Counter Surveillance By Derek Smith

When I attended the Air Force Office of Special Investigations Academy, one important technique we learned was how to conduct foot surveillance and how to tell if we were being surveilled. For those of you who may not know what I mean, it is basically how to follow someone and tell when you are being Read More

Realistic Training Equates to Realistic Fighting

Realistic Training Equates to Realistic Fighting

One of the things I was taught as a special agent in the military and as a civilian agent was to “Train Like You Fight, Fight Like You Train”. I incorporated this mentality into all my martial art classes and courses I have ever taught. You see, if you train like most martial art classes Read More