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Category: Uncategorized

Dealing With An Active Shooter by Derek Smith

Dealing With An Active Shooter by Derek Smith

In Perspective Well, we have yet another school shooting to deal with in America. The massacre on Valentine’s Day, where a 19-year-old expelled student killed 17 people at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida is yet another true American tragedy of epic proportions. And as you know, events such as these seem to be Read More

Aggression Handles by Mark Hatmaker

Aggression Handles by Mark Hatmaker

Pop Quiz: What do the following have in common? Early UFC-Phenom Kimo Leopold Fortune 500 Power Suits My Great-Grandfather, Jerry Harber Cargo Shorts Frenchmen in the court of France’s King Louis XVI And hockey jerseys As the title tips, the common theme is handles. Read More