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Facer Your Muzzler By Mark Hatmaker

“Facer your what?”

Today’s historical offering borrows a bit of lingo from fisticuffs, or the Fancy (early boxing), circa 1780. At the time, a blow to the face was refered to as–you guessed it–a “facer”. A “muzzler”, on the other hand, was an early term for an upper-cut. Today’s historical look-back is less about vocabulary than about a bit of lost tactical advantage when it comes to the use of the muzzler.
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I see the term “warrior mindset” has been thrown around quite a bit lately, but there has been very little explanation about what this term really means and how to develop it. With 38 years in the security, law enforcement and military fields I want to give my take on what the “warrior mindset” really Read More

“Let another’s wounds be your warning.” (Njal’s Saga, c.37) How wise is it to quest for or resurrect lost abilities/skills while allowing present skills to atrophy? In the pursuit of excellence, we often overweight positive or how-to advice, i.e., via positiva, as opposed to looking just as hard for negative lessons, or how-not-to advice, i.e., Read More

Surveillance takes up a lot of some investigator’s day, and it is a critical task and investigative component for us agents, but they really sucks. In this third blog on surveillance, I want to talk about some of the challenges and problems you will have to deal with during a surveillance.

The Apache Of the many Native American tribes in United States and Mexico, the various bands of Apache carry a reputation of fierceness, resourcefulness, and an almost superhuman stamina. The name “Apache” is perhaps a misnomer as it refers to several different tribes that are loosely connected. In fact, “Apache” is actually a variant of Read More

Carrying Out a Surveillance Surveillance Vehicles In a previous article I talked about surveillance in general and gave a few tips. In this article I will talk about vehicle surveillance. Usually during surveillance, a vehicle of some sort is needed at some point during the operation. You need to give some special consideration to the Read More