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The 3 Nasty’s You Should Avoid!

Blog… blog… blog… everyone’s asking me to blog.


With repeated requests for over 18 months, I questioned the value of blogging efforts here primarily because… in all honesty… my psyche fell into a trap of complacency, mixed with two of the ugliest ingredient-traits known as “busy-ness” and “lazy-ness” (purposely misspelled).

I forget the core root value of a choice that you already “wisely” made.

You have made the choice of valuing yourself, others and even material things in your life that are important to you. This is huge.

Like Ronald Reagan’s “Peace Through Strength” philosophy… you’ve also initiated the efforts to arm yourself for protection against the evils of the world that could present themselves as a threat to you or those people and/or things that you hold dear.

Kudos to you my friend.

You have gone beyond the majority of drifting souls that leave the security of their place in the world up to someone else to care for.

So let me address the 3 Nasty’s that have held my initiative captive to begin this blog communication, explain its value AND offer you the opportunity to share your knowledge as well.

#1 Nasty Limiting Concept: COMPLACENCY

Complacency is bred from comfort and contentment that all is fine in your world.  Individuals and empires have suffered the result of complacency in NOT tending their efforts to foster, perpetuate and protect what they value.

When your protected, seemingly secure, world gives you the false confidence that you no longer need to secure those things you value, this is when you are moving backwards.

The tough thing about overcoming complacency is that, by definition, we lack the awareness thereof.

#2 Nasty Limiting Concept: “BUSY-NESS”

Most of us, especially Americans, define our lives as “busy”. Yet, when a moment arrives that has greater value than our “busy-ness”, we suddenly are able to put everything on hold and tend to the widow, the child, whatever the concern might be.

Busy is a label for an excuse that we make to put things off… until it’s too late.

Be careful using this excuse of being “busy”. When this word comes to your mind for use in conversation, force it to be a trigger to ask the question, “what could happen if I don’t invest time or energy towards this effort”?

What could happen if you don’t spend time with your spouse?
What could happen if you don’t finish your work? Your homework?
What could happen if you don’t spend time playing with your kids?
What could happen if you don’t take the time for fitness?
What could happen if you aren’t knowledgeable and/or capable of protecting those you love most?

In those potential difficult circumstances that can result from the neglect of your attention, will the phrase or label, “I was too busy” be a sufficient medication for the feelings you may have?


#3 Nasty Limiting Concept: LAZINESS

I’ve painted you into a corner with this one… intentionally.

You see, complacency and “busy-ness” can sometimes be experienced or exercised without our conscious thought.  Laziness however, is being confronted with the choice and STILL doing nothing. If you are aware of the value… whatever your motive; pain or pleasure… and you make the conscious choice NOT to act and gain success… you are then a victim of your own laziness.

Often, especially with the topic of fitness, the pain of the neglect from laziness is not immediate enough for us to find the motivation to put forth the energy to invest the time. If you don’t work out today, will you die of a heart attack tomorrow? Likely not.

But what of the benefits both short term and long term.

You’ll feel better (endorphins), you’ll look better… you will be healthier and happier.

Yet, 30 minutes to 1 hour a few times each week is just too much. I don’t have the time. I’m too “busy”.


What of self defense, combat skills and the confidence of protecting you and your loved ones?

I’m here to point out to you… kinda like preaching to the choir I suppose… that the neglect of learning to protect and defend what you value will bite you in the ass sooner than your neglect of anything fitness related.

Both important.

My point in illustrating these 3 Nasty’s to make you consciously aware of their wages.

Their wages include, but are not limited to, frustration, pain, envy, agony, despair… even death!

So what is the value of my blogging efforts here at Fight Fast?

Complacency, “busy-ness” and admittedly laziness almost clouded my vision for this effort.

But no more.

I had forgotten my journey.

It’s so easy to begin thinking that others know what you know, have seen what you’ve seen, have journeyed where you’ve traveled.

My unique experience in seeking out and bringing to light the most cutting edge fighting, prevention, and other various personal combat technologies offers me the ability to pass that knowledge along to YOU should you be so inclined to listen.

You see, I value relationships. I value my relationship with you. In so doing… I want to see you grow.

Grow in your knowledge, grow in your talents and abilities, grow your confidence…

… eventually, grow in your contribution as well.

Without question, avoid regrets. No suffering at the hands of a would-be perpetrator. No bullying.

While my journey is still ongoing in this venture, I’ve accumulated so much that I have a responsibility to share it with you and select others.

I consider it a contribution to our interdependent nature of human existence. To our relationship.

The whole ying-yang associated with give and receive… receive and give.

YES, there is karma in the universe!

This blog allows me that capability to share and I am choosing to exercise the choice.

There will be no shortage of my opinions and beliefs posted here.

What do I hope to gain from you?

Your contribution. Participate, share… give back.

We are only a community if we share thoughts ideas and perspectives.

I ask that you share yours.

So let’s begin. ..

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