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Scott Pilkinton’s “Trachea Hold” Video Post

Hey, Gang!

Our most recent instructor is a Golden Gloves Champion U.S. Marine Corps boxer with serious street credibility working as an executive protection specialist and nightclub bouncer in some of the most gang-infested cities in CA. He’s earned serious respect because he knows how to both kill, and/or control crazed lunatics with his bare hands. Instead of me talking him up, I’m just gonna let Scott speak for himself as he demonstrates to you how to make this work.

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It even comes with a video showing you exactly how to draw this folder from your pocket (one-handed) so that it snaps open and is ready for action in the blink of an eye. (Your buddies are going to be sooo freaked out when they see this).

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Be careful! This is not a hold you go throwing on your 12-year-old or—heaven forbid—your wife so you can test whether or not it really works. Hope you enjoyed this short, albeit painful, lesson from Pilkinton.

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367 thoughts on “Scott Pilkinton’s “Trachea Hold” Video Post”

  1. Hey, sorry to post this on here…but i was looking for your bodybuilding video. could you give me a link to look it up.

  2. Hey, jack,
    That cane you have is the best weapon in self defense. Called canefu—you can take it anywhere you go. Even on an airplane. It’s an awesome weapon. Good luck, d.h.

  3. i almost went to prison using this move it’s deadly you’re not choking the man you’re killing him my dad a military guy taught this to me in 1975 when in high school when i get the dudes throat he had to have a hole puncher put in so he could breathe this is truly a deadly move but you do tell the truth on trainning tips just remember when you do something like this and have strong grip iron palm you’ll most like’ly just about kill your opponet n you’ll have to explain yourself thank you for all tips

  4. I’m a small woman but now that I’ve learned this hand hold on the trachea, I believe I could protect myself quite nicely. Thanks tons for this tip! 🙂

  5. that’s a very effective move as they are limited with how they can respond once you start driving forward with serious momentum

  6. Excellent tip. I just received my QK pack a couple days ago; though I pray I don’t have to use this stuff, realistically, considering the type of “evangelism” I do on Friday afternoons in a muslim area of a nearby city, I have the feeling that these refesher tips on ass whoopin’, sometimes lethal, just may be needed. I’m 62 and still in good health and wish to keep myself and family in good health; those who attack us; well, I’m NOT too concerned about preserving their health.

  7. Awesome technique. Used something close to that hold on my cousin when I was a kid. some self defense mag I was looking at showed a chop or jab to the just below the trachea. Without realizing it I went to far with my jab to my cousins throat, instantly he fell to the ground, gasping for air. We he recovered he was determined to kick my butt……..he was pissed…..i was now scared like crazy….and ran like hell !!!!

  8. that trachea hold looked pretty devastating for those that come into contact with this guy. looks like that guy could cause someone to stop breathing if he wanted to. But he probably wouldn’t since he’s a bouncer. Just to get that person under control or leave the establishment. Looks pretty effective against most anyone.

  9. i have used this move several times with very devestating effects. left black and blue marks on opponnets throat. they were very weak and submissive after move.. thank for the confirmation

  10. Learned this move the hard way at Parris Island in 1965. It was a favorite of Marine DI’s until the Marine Corp became “Kinder and More Gentle”.

  11. Brevity is the soul of wit but it is the soul of that little maneuver aswell and the dude that is getting it won’t think it’s funny either. That can be applied by just about anyone under any circumstances and you have control. Well, I’m done. That’s all I need to know. Do I get a diploma or something? DBH

  12. Great Move guys !!! It scares the hell out of an opponent and, makes them think twice about ever approaching you again…….

  13. Good Clean Fast and Effective Trachea Hold. When We Must Gain A Quick Offensive Hold and Capture.
    2 Moves And He Is Subdued.

  14. I agree, it looks like a very effective move to control a disruptive person…. Keep Up the great videos guys !!!

  15. As a x marine delta force having. Served in nam, this are defiantly life saving instructions…saving ones self! An one can use to intervene to spare unnessary agony in an stupid armature confrontion. Hats off to your concerns, which many unfortunate ly think its all about just beating up on someone, rather than self defense or protection of another

  16. This technique really works I’ve personally used this on an opponent high on meth and twice my size. When I slapped it on he became as meek as a kitten. Keep up the excellent work guys.

  17. Good move, however, as a professional boxer I know the other person
    has to be drunk or passive. As for me when your going for the throat
    I would be counter punching you to the head.

  18. Hey jack,
    There’s no such thing as an ex marine. I too have learned of this effective tactic and a few more at P.I. Don’t think it has gotten any easier. Snatching a knot into some lil nasty recruit still happens. But other than that it’s all good training.

  19. Extremely effective. I have done this while squeezing the guys sack at the same time. Wasn’t worried much about his hands being free because he didn’t know what to do…and yes, it will certainly leave both of you wondering if they are dying or not. “…Used only as a last result when all lesser means have failed or can not reasonably be employed on time.”


  20. 100% agree this is lethal hold can cause serious injury/death.Should only be used in tight situation when necessary.There are other techniques to choose from which can be used effectively and with lesser serious legal complications. Assumed that persons learning these techniques are responsible people with sound judgements.I would advice learning simply as ‘armless defense’, not as agressor or provocateour.

  21. My department was taught this technique back in the late 70’s. We called it the “C” clamp. Super effective. Must remember to be careful with the xyphoid process, that bone in the throat that can break very easily causing swelling and eventually death if not treated quickly.

  22. This hold is very effective. I’ve used it on someone that outweighed me by a minimum of 100#s and it worked fine until a couple of people wanted to intervene thinking I was doing more damage to her than she was to me with all her punching and hair pulling. It does leave some really gruesome bruises though. Thanks!

  23. Tried this on my 11 yr. old when he lipped me up about taking out the trash. Walked him to the can and we had no further issues…just kidding.

  24. I think that Sal is confused about where the xyphoid process is located.
    It’s a piece of cartledge at the bottom of the sternum

  25. Grateful for all the video’s that you are sending to us for the prevention of being mauled, molested, raped (which I had been two different times) & knowing what to do in the most extreme (no time to spare, so that they can get the upper hand on you!) You have to beat them to it, & if you are thinking I will wait to see if this person is going to try to kill me or just want my money, don’t think too hard as that will cause your death! Believe me growing up in Chicago, & knowing street fighting & some Judo & Karate, at 100 pounds, I was a hell cat to deal with. But you have to be careful, & I can usually judge if a person is high on meth, or they want to kill me just by the look and their body language. Don’t wait until you are another statistic! Get real & get down & dirty. Thanks for everything we are learning to deal with if the situation calls for it.

  26. Hello I had this hold shown to me about 15 years ago I found I could not move a muscle and if I tried my friend just tightened up a bit. Some time later I got in a fight and tried to do this but the guy just tucked his chin down onto his chest so I couldn`t do it!!!

  27. So simple when used & taught,correctly.
    I learned this in in various martial arts.But
    when attacked i have twice used it wrongly,by
    grabbing my attacker lower down the neck, on their more
    muscly areas, leading to a longer and uneccessary timelength in defence mode.Precision is key here.Thank you.For a safer life always.

  28. You guys make it all so easy. I feel that I am at a disadvantage because I am only 5’2′. I can’t reach am tall mans neck. I will no doubt use some of the other great techniques you sent me instead. I would rather fight and stay alive. I am NOT afraid of getting hurt in the process. Thank you for all of the great video instruction.

  29. My tablet won’t show the video, but based on the comments and past videos I know it will be effective and worth my time when I get home. I am retired Army and a retired law enforcement officer; used a cane for a while as well as a result of injuries sustained in the military and in the line of duty. My cane was my little friend (I leaned on it and knew that if necessary I would use it in self defense). Train in the martial arts everyday and use your techniques to complement my training. How about some canefu instruction for those who must use canes to ambulate? I live with pain everyday and appreciate your instruction (s) on protecting myself, my family and defenseless citizens should their lives/health be threatened. Can’t shoot in most situations and I need effective, quick means to control subjects until the uniforms arrive. THANKS AGAIN!!!

  30. This is very dangerous!!!! If actor fights/squirms it can cause much damage!! Use only if all else fails to stop actor!! Good info!?

  31. This is a very dangerous hold this is something that is used when you are
    faced with no way out then you could use it. It can leave your subject in a very
    bad way or dead It is good to know this incase you have to protect your wife or
    your kids or yourself.

  32. Excellent move that I haven’t used, but tried on a buddy half-speed. If you grab behind the arm and finger-tips, basically, BEHIND, the trachea, and you do it without warning, at the correct distance, it has enough pain for compliance. Your left arm under his right, lifting up, prevents any serious threat from a full, body-twist, punch

  33. Excellent move that I haven’t used in an actual confrontation. Tried on a buddy, half-speed many times, and then near full speed, once I had the range nailed. If you grab behind the right arm and finger-tips, basically, BEHIND, the trachea, and you do it without warning, at the correct distance, it has enough pain for compliance, without killing him. Your left arm under his right, lifting up, prevents any serious threat from a full body, twisting, punch. Seems that the throat-grab doesn’t have to be leathal . If he struggles more, or tries to punch you with worse intentions, just squeeze harder on the throat. Can be done with pretty gross motor skills. Practice makes perfect. Ultimately, s**t does happen and if it comes down to it, better him than me. Thanks for the info.

  34. I see several comments referring to the assailant tucking their chin down to prevent this hold from taking place. As well, one comment claiming to be countering with a punch to the head. If they do throw a punch, here is a simple yet effective move to open this area up. Using your blocking arm, with your palm facing him, follow the block in with a quick palm heel to the assailants forehead and this will make the throat wide open for the grab, but this must be one fluid movement (i.e. palm heel to the head and grab as the head starts to go back). You should never throw a defensive block…wait…and then an offensive attack.
    Block and Counter Simultaneously!
    Hope this helps and it should as I know it works.

    Thanks again Bob!

  35. Being a woman, just about to turn 60, I thank you for
    Giving me my confidence back instead of being fearful.
    Great vdeos….Thank You.

  36. Wow. Sir, I had to use this move several times while in the USNavy. After I would release my grip I’d have their complete attention. I will not hesitate doing it again. Now I’m older and wiser and I have chronic back pain, it’s essential. With the videos and web clips, I’m feeling more confident daily. I have a CHL but I’ve been going without my weapon more frequently. Thank yall very much. Continue your teachings!

  37. Personally I would never do this to anyone as it opens up the guy who has his hands on your neck to several counters. His entire core is open to attack. You have forgotten about the free hand, feet, and knees. This is an easy way to escape this hold. simply use your free hand and rip the guys fingers backward and off your throat, gouge his eyes, at the same time knee him in the groin, grab his groin twist pull and stomp on his feet, shins, and chop over and over at his throat. Pick one or All of the above. If a guy gets this close to you he just gave you a gift rip him apart. I know from experience. A guy tried this with me and he was huge, but he went down like a ton of bricks, and I am only 5’3″. Bigger guys seem to love to try do choke moves on women and us little guys, makes them feel powerful. When you know how to counter the move their feeling of power and dominance lasts only about 2 seconds.

  38. Really enjoying these SIMPLE moves. Havenot done any martial arts training EVER and have found these moves to be easily learnes, fast and EFFECTIVE. Have practiced a few with a martial arts trained friend and even he was amazed. Thanks so much. Wish I could get them copied to me ipod so I could review more often. Any way to help with that would be greatly appreciated. Thank again. You probably saved my, as well as others’ lives if I ever find ourselves in a bad situation.

  39. while the guy has you in a trachea hold and his other hand is also tied up holding your arm 4 fingers aimed at his eyeballs with your free hand and he will release that hold in an instant.

  40. Thank you so very much for all your instructive videos. I am a 61 year old female truck driver and work nights alone. Rest areas can be more then hazardous areas. I’ve memorized this move and feel much more capable of defending myself, should the need arise. Thank you!

  41. I had a “bouncer” do this to me in Honduras when I was 50+ years old.I saw it coming,tucked my neck,grabbed his little finger,broke it,then stuck him in the armpit with 3.5″ of fine D-2 steel.He was too busy trying to keep his artery closed.He lived.I wasn’t charged because the authorities there consider that hold a choke,or killing hold.

  42. Thankyou you on this site, I have lupas nd bone degenerative bone problems. On that note I’m 55 nd not half of what I used to be nd I’m gratefull that you can show some of your knowledge on fast nd easy control moves so .
    ,I can be in a situation where I don’t need to mess around. Thankyou. HSIII?

  43. I am 5’5″ and 105 lbs. These moves are invaluable for someone my size. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

  44. The trachea hold is quick and effective and can be applied with either great strength or a more gradual pressure depending on the gravity of the situation.It is particularly effective in close and tight situations which usually require a very quick reaction in order to control an aggressive assailant.Initially speed is also important in order for you to execute the hold properly.Grabbing the throat and trapping the assailant´s arm should be done in less than one half of a second.The element of surprise should not be ignored because it is vital in being to execute the hold or choke with maximum results.

  45. Your videos are super and I learn a lot from you. The five best strikes using quickness, rhythm and trap range makes everything fall into place. I don’t practice on anyone and would only use these effective strikes when I don’t have any other choice – which then becomes destruction.
    At age 75 BOB-XL and :I are good partners and friends. The best win is to first walk away and don’t put any burden on the health system.
    Thanks, Bob. Keep us protected.

  46. I can see how easy this could would be to apply if you have the quickness. I dont think I would personally use this unless I was trying to kill someone and I was out of bullets! Better yet,just shoot the guy in the treac

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