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Scott Pilkinton’s “Trachea Hold” Video Post

Hey, Gang!

Our most recent instructor is a Golden Gloves Champion U.S. Marine Corps boxer with serious street credibility working as an executive protection specialist and nightclub bouncer in some of the most gang-infested cities in CA. He’s earned serious respect because he knows how to both kill, and/or control crazed lunatics with his bare hands. Instead of me talking him up, I’m just gonna let Scott speak for himself as he demonstrates to you how to make this work.


Be careful! This is not a hold you go throwing on your 12-year-old or—heaven forbid—your wife so you can test whether or not it really works. Hope you enjoyed this short, albeit painful, lesson from Pilkinton.

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367 thoughts on “Scott Pilkinton’s “Trachea Hold” Video Post”

  1. It’s been over 20 years since I sat in a law
    enforcement class and watched one of the Seasoned male instructor’s demonstrate any of these techniques. I am trying to pick this mind set up again after 20 years of fulltime parenting. Thank you.

  2. I like Simplicity of the move very effective very straight to the point and pardon the fun but the individual actually gets choked up over it I thank you for showing me this move and

  3. yeah it was originally used by various special force units but with other deadly force techniques taught to me by my father who was in special firces airforce unit teaching things that have one combative outcome fatality!That knowledge will go with me to my grave!!

  4. This hold was used by the ROK Army when I was stationed in South Korea alongside the ROK Army. This was back near the end of the 70s. The first time I saw one of them use it was when one of the Americans pissed off a Korean and the Korean took hold of
    that situation really fast using that move.

  5. Used this for years to end fight BEFORE it even starts. This hold, combined with a leg sweep, from behind the knees, will put down, and take the fight…… out of anyone!! NO ONE wants to continue, When they have landed hard on their back. And they can’t breathe!!!!! End of fight!!!!

  6. Absolute fantastic and awesome to be able to learn such skills
    You guys are my heroes and I am forever grateful for all you are sharing
    Since I last logged into your you tube my phone was stolen and I had to go get a new one
    So glad I am able to get your emails although it seems I wasn’t responding
    Have a great and awesome day

  7. This move only works if the assailant doesn’t know wrist locks.

    It will work on the average Joe, but you have to choke them out or they just get pissed.

  8. SEMPER FI Marine I’m an Old Salt Marine myself having played close attention in close combat I was trained to put them down well now that I’m in MY 60s it’s still clear as a bell but I feel its something I have to suppress so I tend to let it slide and suppress the controlled rage since fighting is no longer playground am I wrong

  9. Very good move, I’ve used this with a slight difference for years. The coming up the chest is a great move because people don’t see it coming.

  10. Nice controlled move, easy, effective, & least amount of effort, being a former Spec. Forces operator, it is a good control move or a maiming move.

  11. Great move, low energy imput, attacker does not become your patient, especially if you lower his head as he goes down. If he dies, his problems are over, yours have just begun.

  12. I like this move, it seems to happen so fast that the aggressor doesn’t know what happened. These are the moves I’ve wanted to see.

  13. The old saying that “You learn something every day” is always true. I learned something here that I, a 78 years old and partially disabled “Old Geezer” can still employ if needs be. Thanks a million, I’ll not likely ever forget it.

  14. I love these techniques you show! It’s perfect learning material for someone like me (armed security) that doesn’t have a lot of time to go to a dojo and train. And the way the instructor keeps things practical helps tremendously! Thanks Again,

    Nick Milonas

  15. Wow, these tips and videos are really helpfull in self defence and anyone who wants to take up marshall arts,karate ect.
    It’s extremely useful, at first I thought it would be awful but it turns out that it’s amazing. Keep up the god work! ❤

  16. Thank you for showing us a self-defense move for free !! It seems everybody is after the almighty dollar & not to help a fellow fellow human. Thanks a great help !!!

  17. I’ve had to use that move in a fight it works really well cuz if he can’t breathe he can’t fight but thanks for reminding me of that move

  18. Awesome in both effectiveness and it’s simplicity. Give me 5 or 6 good moves like this to become proficient with and I will leave the dojo to the young bucks.
    Thank you.

  19. Definitely outstanding and something I would love for my significant other to be aware of in case she ever needs it. Thanks

  20. Although that may be effective, from just looking at how it is applied and trying on myself, any strong or thick counterpart could manage to move out of this grasp. Basically all a thick necked or slightly buff individual would need to do to take the effect away from this grab is to expand the neck or swell up. It would take extreme grip strength to stay in control with that grip. An alternative grasp that would be nearly impossible to get out of would only require moving the fingers to the outside of the carotid artery. With Your Thumb on the outside of the Larynx/WindPipe and your fingers (index/Middle) on the outside of the carotid, squeezing your hand together at that intersection could do far more damage and allow way more control that just grabbing the windpipe. Anytime you guys really want to know how to control or end a situation, feel free to give me a shout.

  21. Hi

    Agree, I think this would be very effective – however if one a lot shorter (I am 5′ 6″) it would be quite difficult to lift him up as you describe.

    Any suggestions?

    Another thought – my left side (abdomen) would be exposed if he had a knife in his right hand (most likely) leaving me very exposed. Even a punch from his right hand into my stomach could disable me.

    Many thanks


  22. You know if you slash the throat with the “pinky” side of the forearm you have a quick injury anyone can use with little training which will make the throat swell up and cause an attacker to asphyxiate. Just a thought in case you are caught by surprise or have no weapons available.

  23. This hold is tried and true!I have never had anybody squirm out of the trachea old. If utilizing a quick overpowering matter and applied exactly the way I demonstrated it works. I worked as a bouncer for 10 years after I got out of the Marines I have training In Hapikido.I was able to formulate a form of self defense with real life applications. Use this hold only as a last resort. You could permanently damage or kill an Assailant if used improperly. Scott Pilkinton