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Throat Strike

Hey Guys,

If you read the last blog you know I was talking about the importance of targets and the throat and neck in particular. If you haven’t read it yet scroll down and get caught up. This post will be much more useful if you know where I’m coming from.

Anyways today I’m going to show you step by step how to execute a devastating but simple throat strike. This is a great tool to have in your self-defense arsenal.

Before I get right into it remember this is not a move to practice full speed on a sparring partner who doesn’t have neck and throat protection. This is not kid stuff, you can really hurt someone this way (that’s why it’s so effective for self-defense).

The throat strike should be a self-defense tool you use when you are in the punching range. Don’t think that this is your silver bullet or that you should get in there and try to use this strike no matter what.

But if you find yourself in the punching range or maybe a little tighter in but you still aren’t tied up or grappling use a throat strike.

To learn how follow the steps below.

Step 1:

Throat Strike: Hand Position

Strike the throat right in the little notch above the collar bone. You can strike it with one finger, your thumb or your whole hand. I prefer the thumb as is demonstrated in the picture.

Step 2:

Throat Strike: Thumb digging into throat

Apply pressure inward and down as hard as you can. Really dig it in.

This will cause tons of pain and the thought that you are willing to crush his throat is going to distract most attackers and give you the upper hand.

Step 3:

Everyone’s natural reaction to this pressure point is to move away, usually backwards. Take this opportunity to take them to the ground or escape.

Step 4 A:

Throat Strike: Place the hand on the lower back and pull waist toward you.

If you want to take them to the ground you can either hit the throat strike while simultaneously sweeping the feet or applying pressure to their low back (as seen in the picture).

The trick is to drive the thumb in while simultaneously pulling the attackers waist towards you. He will lose all his balance and go to the ground.

Step 4 B:

Depending on your situation you can often escape immediately once they are retreating backwards. You have to decide for your own whether to follow up or escape.

Stay tuned for the next post.



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