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Self Defense Saves Lives Every Day

Hey All,

The most rewarding part of my job is hearing back from customers who have found my instructional products useful.

I get mail all the time from customers who have been impressed with the quality of my self defense products and amazed by the amount of information the instructors pack into each video.

Many of these letters are just sent to thank us for making a good product (something you can’t just take for granted these days). They often say how simple we make self defense, or how easy to learn it was and some other nice words.

I love hearing this positive feed-back and so do the instructors.

But… even better that that I often get letters from customers who tell me a story about how the information in our self defense videos got them out of some serious trouble.

These are the kinds of stories I tell my friends and anyone I can get to lend their ear because you guys have some truly amazing stories to tell.

One of my favorites was from a guy from Southern California.

I have to abbreviate his real name because he is a guard at a high security prison and his safety and privacy means a lot to me. So for the rest of the story we’ll call him Vernon B.

The inmates Vernon works with are the kinds of guys you don’t want to get cornered by.

Most of them have life sentences and, according to Tom, take any chance they can get to hurt or try to kill the guards.

Anyways Vernon said he is always looking to learn new and better ways to defend himself but because of the long hours he must work he gets very little time to take a traditional martial arts class

Vernon came across one of our self defense videos featuring Frank Cucci (Frank was a member of the elite Navy Seal Team Six)

He bought the video and started learning the brutal and effective self defense moves Frank teaches.

After watching Vernon started using these tricks in some pretty serious incidents.

Those tricks made sure Vernon and his partner walked away virtually unscathed. Something guys in their line of work can’t take for granted.

If you have bought any of our self defense products and have used the information to protect yourself and your loved ones please tell me about it.

I love to hear your stories. The most important thing is that your stories can inspire others to take their self defense into their own hands. Give us a call at 1-800-899-8153, or drop me a line at Oh and please remove the text between the dashes, I hate spam as much as you do.

Oh and don’t worry I won’t share it with anyone unless you tell me its okay. Your privacy and safety is my number 1 concern (after all that’s why I’m in this business).

Please contribute to the FightFast community. Who knows? The life saving experience you have had with self defense might help someone else save their own life.

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