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Self Defense Auto Pilot

Hey Guys,

Today I want to talk about something that is really common in high level security (think Secret Service), but too often forgotten when it comes to personal self defense training. I call it setting your ‘personal triggers.’

This is some really important stuff that will take you from ‘guy who has a few tricks’ to ‘automated ass kicking machine.’

Personal triggers are like lines drawn in the sand, but only you know where they are drawn.  They allow you to make lighting fast decisions about what to do in the heat of the moment.

Real Life Example: Self Defense Situation with and Without Personal Triggers

You are walking back to your car, its late, the lot is empty, and a dark figure is walking your way. He’s got a hood on, you can’t see his face or expression (is he in trouble, or a predator), you have no idea what to expect.

He’s getting closer…50feet…40feet….30feet, and his pace is quickening. What do you do?

Cops consider a man with a knife lethal from 30 ft. away. A man at a sprint can close 30 ft. faster than the cop can draw his weapon and fire.

If this hooded figure is 30 feet away you could be in mortal danger. A guy who has set up personal triggers would put his hands out in front of him, yell “hold it right there, don’t come any closer.” Then say “we can talk from here. What do you want?”

Already the guy with personal triggers has done two things.

1. First he has found out if the guy means him harm. Anyone who meant you no harm would stop and say “sorry for startling you, I’m just…”

2. Second if this guy was a predator you have told him you are aware and ready for him, even when he is 30ft. away. If he doesn’t stop you have enough time to get out your pepper spray (or other self defense weapon), or start running.

What about the guy without personal triggers. He would have probably let the guy get within 10 feet before he did anything, because he would have been trying to decide who this guy was, what he should do or what he should say.

So ultimately the equation looks like this…

No Personal Triggers = More likely to become a Victim! (It doesn’t have to be)

The personal triggers guy decided these questions well in advance, thus he knew exactly what to SAY and exactly what to DO depending on the mysterious man’s response.

Claim your person space… without fear or reservation. It belongs to you! You are both the rightful owner and proprietor of those that live within your personal space.

Space = time and safety. Use it to your advantage. And keep in mind that your invisible sphere of personal space can vary from place to place.

You need to decide how close is too close during the day on a sidewalk, in a shopping center, in an alley etc. Don’t make it too complicated because the whole idea is for this stuff to be second nature, but you may have three or four different zones.

Now that you have the idea of personal triggers you should expand it to all kinds of aspects of personal self defense (and maybe even other areas of life). Here are some things you should be thinking of:

What am I willing to fight over (pride, family, personal security)

When is it okay to back down, maybe if it puts your family in danger?

What do I do if a guy pushes me etc. (where is the line)

The list can go on and on. Really take some time with this, grab a piece of paper and start listing out your triggers. Read over them, internalize them. Run through mock scenarios in your head.

This is not being paranoid, this is being prepared. The military and high level security use very similar techniques so that in the heat of the moment they don’t waste any time thinking about their decisions, they make them quickly and efficiently saving time and lives.

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