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Fight Stopping Body Language Pt. 3: Convey Dominance With These Simple Techniques

As promised here is the conclusion (although there is still a lot left to talk about) of this discussion on how body language can end a fight before it starts. Before we dive in lets recall that in the previous posts I discussed how our body language can tell everyone around us whether we are a dominant or submissive person.

Giving off submissive signals dramatically increases the likelihood that you will be drawn into a fight, be attacked, mugged, or chosen as a target by a bully.

I also described how you can manipulate these subconscious signals thereby showing everyone around you that you are a dominant ‘alpha-male’ who nobody is going to want to pick a fight with.

In the last post I was going over some very specific things you can do to give off these fight stopping alpha-signals. In this post I’m wrapping up that discussion with a few more key techniques proven to give off alpha-signals and keep you out of a fight (without having to run or be submissive to anyone). If you want to check out the previous posts (I highly recommend this if you are just tuning in) here are the links: Body Language Pt. I, Body Language Pt. II
More Fight Stopping Alpha-Signals:

4. Move around:

  • Alpha Males are never afraid of calling attention to themselves by moving. Don’t stay glued to your seat or stand in one spot for too long. Don’t be a wallflower.
  • Moving around shows that you are comfortable in the group or the situation.
  • This does not mean you should be fidgety. Look relaxed at all times.

5. Dominant Gestures:

  • Don’t touch your face frequently while you are talking to someone. Many people unknowingly scratch their nose or ear repeatedly without even noticing it. This is an anxiety leak. Learn yours and correct it as soon as possible.
  • Don’t fiddle with objects around you either. Twirling a pen or playing with your phone is seen as a tension release mechanism.
  • Always initiate the handshake with someone, and try to simultaneously touch their shoulder or arm. This initiates dominance.

6. Dominant Voice Tone: You would think that voice tone is not part of your body language, but since it is more about how you say something not what you say (this is one thing your wife or girlfriend was right about) I’m going to discuss it here with the rest of the body language stuff.

  • Speak in a loud, strong, and clear voice. Don’t be the guy nobody can hear at the bar. Talking quietly suggests to people that you are weak. This doesn’t mean you have to be obnoxious but when you say something make sure you are heard the first time.
  • Speak at a quick pace. Although it has nothing to do with your actual strength and confidence a slow talker is seen as weak and unintelligent.
  • Don’t clear your throat often. As a person who has seasonal allergies I know this one can be tough, but you have to stop this bad habit.
  • Don’t say “um,” “like,” or “you know,” very often. These are filler words and aren’t essencial to communication, that’s why I consider them part of body language. Using these words as fillers suggests that you aren’t intelligent and don’t know what you are talking about.
  • Avoid weak phrases like “I guess,” or “ok.”

Alright I don’t want to weigh you down with too much stuff here so I’m going to stop there. This is just enough material for you to go out and have plenty to observe and practice for the next couple days.

Don’t be afraid to use these techniques later today or tomorrow, the sooner you start using them the faster they will become second nature. These will not work for you in a fight or self defense situation unless you use them convincingly. If you use all these tricks the right way you will notice very quickly that people treat you differently, especially women (which is a nice bonus).

Okay quick summary on what you should now know. We give off non-verbal signals all the time telling people we are either dominant or submissive. People who give off submissive signals are far more likely to be attacked or chosen by a bully as a target. Being submissive can actually get you into a fight.

You can learn to change the signals you give out to ensure that you are giving off ‘alpha-signals’ all the time. These alpha-signals can actually keep you out of a fight or prevent anyone from even wanting to fight you in the first place.

Remember you will never master these alpha-signal techniques unless you practice them so get started asap. You never know they could deter an attacker or prevent a fight tomorrow.

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2 thoughts on “Fight Stopping Body Language Pt. 3: Convey Dominance With These Simple Techniques”

  1. I read everything I can;there’s a lot to digest!!
    I really appreciate your efforts and dedication & all the great warriors who work with you. I can’t thank you enough, but thanks a bazillion to all of you!! I’m sure you have saved my life–even if it is in the future.
