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Sharing Self Defense With Others

Last week I received a comment from a customer who pointed out one of the biggest problems with self defense. What he observed is something that has plagued our efforts here at for the past 20 years.

How do you get people motivated to learn self defense skills before they are attacked. You see many of our customers only start to think about self defense after they have been attacked, mugged, jumped, or see that happened to a close friend or relative.

Learning self defense is kind of like buying health insurance (don’t worry I’m not trying to sell you health insurance). When you are young and healthy you don’t think you need health insurance, it seems like a big waste of money. But when you tear your shoulder playing football with some friends and suddenly find yourself stuck with thousands of dollars of medical bills insurance doesn’t seem like a bad idea.

Motivation: Learning self defense before something happens takes motivation

With self defense the stakes are even higher. Most people never think they will be attacked. They rationalize their ignorance by foolishly believing that muggings only happen to people on the news or those who live in bad neighborhoods. The truth is it happens to regular people like you and I every day. Don’t wait until you are attacked to learn some self defense skills. The price of being defenseless is too steep.

Why do I care about self defense? I started this company over 2 decades ago with the goal of giving people the skills they need to protect themselves and their loved ones from violent crime. As you know we have many excellent instructors (the best in the business hands down) who can teach you everything you need to know about self defense and fighting. The general ignorance about self defense in today’s society is not due to a lack of information, anyone can find our products in magazines or online, the problem is most people lack the motivation to learn these skills (that is until it’s too late).

Every time I hear about a mugging or a violent attack on the news two things go through my mind. First I get really pissed off at the SOB who attacked an innocent person, then I wonder how that victims life may have been changed if they had only watched one of my self defense videos.

I know that my videos save lives. I get letters and email all the time from customers who saved their skin using the skills they learned from our self defense videos (by far the best reward for being in this business). That’s why it is so upsetting to hear about people with no self defense skills who are brutally attacked and victimized. I know I could have helped them, but they have to help themselves first.

I can’t make people watch my videos (although sometimes I wish I could). All I can do is try to get the word out that anyone can take your safety into your own hands even old ladies (I got a letter just a few months back from a retired lady who thwarted a purse snatcher with skills from one of our videos).

If you are reading this right now it’s probably because you are already interested in self defense, maybe you already own one of my products. This puts you in a unique situation. You are already part of an elite group of people who have taken your safety into your own hands, masters of your own destiny (I’m not kidding around this is serious life and death stuff).

Because you are ‘in the know’ you also have a responsibility to get the word out. You know how dangerous the world can be, you know than there are evil people out there who care little for anyone else and wouldn’t flinch at hurting someone for their own material gain.

If this is you talk to a friend about learning self defense. If you are a parent, talk to your kids (if you haven’t already). Teach your girlfriend or wife some of the key self defense moves you know. You will never regret teaching someone about self defense, but if they get attacked and you didn’t you will always regret not teaching them about self defense.

The best part is that you can easily find a training partner this way. Having a training partner will make both of you better fighters. Training with a friend can also strengthen a friendship. You really get to know someone when you train together.

Just one word of caution. Always practice self defense carefully. Always use floor pads and the appropriate protective gear. Never practice full speed without padding. Never strike the throat, eyes, or the neck instead use a focus mitt to simulate these targets.

Go out there and tell someone about self defense. If you aren’t quite sure how to do it just send them over to my facebook page. If you aren’t already a fan of my facebook page just click the like button at the top of this post.

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One thought on “Sharing Self Defense With Others”

  1. Bob,

    You are right. I have a friend that was assaulted recently and this has led me to purchase your products in order to protect myself. Like you mention, unfortunately most of us don’t think it can or will happen to us. Thank you for your inspiring words…

    r. vasquez, NY, NY