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Great Fighters Know The Value Of A Good Distraction:

All great street fighters (or any kind of fighter) know the value of distraction. However, most average guys still believe in the ‘fair fight’ fantasy they have seen in movies or heard about in stories from our parent’s generation.

I’ve got some news for you. Those fair fights in the good ole’ days weren’t always so fair. And I can tell you for sure that today’s bar and street fights are never fair.

Okay so I’m sorry to ruin the romance about fighting, but what does this all mean for you. Well if the times have changed you have to change with them. So I’m going to tell you about one of the most useful little tools you need to have in your bag of nasty self defense tricks.

Ever noticed how it’s pretty hard to focus on more than one thing at a time? Have you ever seen that video where you are asked to watch the basket ball as several men pass it back and forth? If you haven’t check out the video  before you read on.

This video makes it pretty clear that our minds have a hard time focusing on more than one thing at a time. You would be foolish to not use this to your advantage.

There are literally thousands of things you can do to distract an attacker no matter where you are. But to make it more clear I will go over some of the general ways to distract in a self defense situation, then talk about some specifics for each type.

Verbal Distraction:
This kind of distraction is often used subconsciously by attackers. This includes yelling obscenities and heckling a person. It almost always forces the person being attacked to think about what is being said instead of focusing on what the yelling guy is doing.

If you find yourself in a self defense situation you can use this technique too. You don’t have to have something clever to say to make this work. Just yell something. Keep in mind that if a fight wasn’t eminent you have probably just made it eminent by yelling at the guy. So don’t use this unless you are pretty darn sure a fight is coming your way.

Also if someone tries to use this technique on you in a fight the key is recognize it early, ignore what is being yelled, and instead focus on the attackers body movements looking for targets etc.

The best part is, now that you are aware of this distraction technique it will be much less likely to work on you.

Physical Distraction:
This is anything you do which touches a person’s body and causes their mind to change focus from you to whatever the distraction was. Physical distractions are great self defense tools because it is even harder to ignore a physical distraction than a verbal distraction, even if you know it is a distraction.

A great example is throwing your drink at someone. If you are in a bar and a guy is trying to fight you or you know a fight is coming, chuck your drink at him. If it is one of those thick glass tumblers, all the better, you might not have to do anything else (how’s that for quick and easy).

However, if you were not the pitcher of your high school baseball team you probably aren’t going to take him out with a glass to the face, but that really isn’t the point of this move. In fact winding up to chuck it is a bad idea because it lets everyone in the room (including him) know that you are about to throw your drink (unwanted attention). Instead toss it in his face from a relaxed position in front of your body.

I guarantee he will be distracted for at least a second, long enough for you to deliver good shot to the face or groin, or maybe kick him off his bar stool (always a classic).

I’ve got more great distractions to share with you all, but I would like to hear from you too. If you have any distraction techniques you have used or know of any great tricks please share them with the other readers by leaving a comment below.

I’ll finish this post up next week and tell you about the other distractions I know work well.

Alright I hope you learned something from this, other than the fact that moon-walking bears are hard to see. If you want to learn how to follow up these distractions with some vicious and effective finishing moves check out my home page or sign up for my free video course on the top right of this page.

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10 thoughts on “Great Fighters Know The Value Of A Good Distraction:”

  1. looking over the other persons shoulder and makin out like something is going on behind them is a pretty sneaky technique that i’ve used to get out of a pretty scary every time.

  2. I love this video. I was so intuned into keeping track of the ball that I did not see the moonwalking bear. To add insult 2 injury my wife DID see him.

  3. Re: distraction techniques… I’ve alway found that an easy way to get in close is to smile, hold both hands up palms outward, whilst shaking your head and saying, no, no, no, no, listen… All the while you. Are moving into the destruction zone, where you can immediately take him by surprise, grab his head and but him in the face, then elbow and knee strikes. Or more head butts if you can keep hold of him.

  4. I always liked the “spit in the face” move because it’s icky and the opponents first thought is to wipe it off.

  5. Tensing up, and looking behind your opponent and saying with a nervous voice, “The Cops” has worked for me.

  6. The ad about bikes irritates me because I grew up in a time when parents cared enough to ensure the safety of their children. A neighbor told my folks they had seen me biking next to a very busy highway and I caught Hell for it. Today, the politically correct governments champion the rights of the bicyclists who foolishly risk their lives because they have no parents or authority to convince them it is a lethal idea. And thus, no matter the complaints of ads, liberals or governments, cyclists will continue to die because they, like idiot children, play in traffic. It’s so simple, but so impossible to convince the blind liberals of. Let your kids wander out in traffic and then blame the cars and drivers. Since abortion is the Rule of this society, what difference, really, if the child is already born or still in the womb?

  7. One of the distractions I used several times as a young man, when I spent a little more time than was good for me hanging out in bars, was tossing the contents of an ashtray in the wannabe tough guy’s face. Distracted and temporarily blinded is a real bad way to start out in a fight, and I don’t think I ever lost one that began with my opponent blind and coughing. Back then smoking inside bars was legal and seems to me most people did. And that was before the bars all switched to freebie/cheapie plastic ashtrays with no weight to them. A lot of them had glass ones, and many were big and thick enough to knock a man out with one smack. Tossing an ashtray load of cigarette ashes in the guy’s face, then giving him a good slap in the head with a heavy glass ashtray was usually all the fighting I had to do. Sometimes it took a couple of smacks or whatever seemed a good move at the time to make sure the threat was neutralized.

  8. My father was a drill Sargent in the 82 airborne showed me a trick where if u knew going to fight u would use cap to slap them in the face and the follow with a left hand right hand combo then a knee or kick to the groin or knee. Also he had a Silver dollar sewn into the top of the cap hurt like hell to get hit with it. Guess U could use a washer or metal slug to get the same effect.

  9. I’ve actually had my left hand in my pocket, when a very drunk man at least 250 pounds. Where I’m right around 190, and also a retired Marine MARSOC RAIDER. Anyway he thought just because I was standing beside his girlfriend at the bar ordering a drink, we were going to sleep together. It’s one of those situations you speak about all the time, “know when the fight is on”. I took one side step to my right and naturally removed my left hand from my pocket and at the same time dropped some change on the floor. The second or two he took to look down I hit him in his ( neck shoulder V ). And thanks to you he went night, night. And I spent the night doing what he accused me of.
    Thanks for the idea big guy.
    John Rush: