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Nasty Thumb Lock Takedown

We’ve All Been There

Nearly all of us have been in a situation where a guy has grabbed our upper arm to try to gain control of us or assert his dominance. Grabbing the arm is a common way for someone to escalate a conflict without throwing a punch. Because this is so common, no self-defense system is complete without having a way to deal with this kind of attack.

Regain Control

More often than not, when a guy is grabbing your arm this way a fight is eminent, and the last thing you want is to start a fight with the attacker already in control of you. A grab like this is also a common setup for multiple attackers. One guy grabs and restrains you while another guy starts laying down the beating. Not a good place to be.

Fortunately, there is a really easy way to take down a guy who has grabbed your arm, even if he is bigger and stronger than you. This technique relies on a thumb lock that the attacker is literally handing you when he grabs hold of your arm.

Breaking It Down

As you can see in the video, this technique doesn’t rely on size or strength. Like any good self-defense move it relies on you being smart and using any advantages you have.

The great thing about this move is that when you drop your weight you will be able to take down guys who are way heavier than you are (even if you are only 150 pounds). In fact, this self-defense move actually works better if you are shorter than your attacker because when you drop down to your knees you will be pulling him further off balance.

Go ahead and practice this move with a training partner or friend. You should practice this technique with floor pads so you can really practice taking the attacker down to the ground, but be careful. This thumb lock can break the thumb so be smart when you practice it. This is just one more great self-defense tool to add to your arsenal.

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249 thoughts on “Nasty Thumb Lock Takedown”

  1. Hi Bob,

    Thank you for keeping me in the know. Great stuff.
    You are one in a million. You always make me smile.

    Larry Currier

  2. I wanted to see how this worked for my girlfriend as she is a fairly petite woman. When explaining the move to her and having her set it up it became immediately apparent that her arm is no where near long enough to grab my elbow, my forearm being nearly the length of her entire arm. I figured this would make it impossible for her to complete the maneuver properly. Fortunately for me I told her to move slowly just in case and am glad I did. If I hadn’t I would have ended up on my backside possibly with a broken thumb. So even if there is a extreme size difference this move can be used effectively. Just grab as far back as you can use the other hand to insure the lock and drop to a knee. She moved me easily despite a 100lbs weight difference.

  3. good stuff can a 63 year old man still benefit from this or are their just moves for older ???????

  4. This is a wonderful non-aggressive water to make sure to get away from an assailant. And it dosen’t take any body weight.

  5. Yeah, I can do that with little trouble, and I am a short guy; so, I can see the advantage. Good video.

  6. That was very informative and looks easy to utilize. Any other moves would be appreciated.

  7. Good Idea If They Grab You With Their Thumb On The Outside Or Top Of Your Arm, Fingers Down Or On Inside. But What If They Grab You By The Arm With Their Thumb On The INSIDE Or Under Your Arm And Fingers On Top?

  8. Seems like a useless move to me. Why do both of you have to go to the ground? Now it will take extra effort to run. No one can hold on to your arm with just their one hand. You could easily jerk your arm backward, breaking his hold and now that your arm is ‘cocked’, punch him in the throat with your knuckles all in one swift move. You remain standing, he gasps for air and you are open for your next move.

  9. This is a great move thanks hopefully you can give us more right now i am only one working so i can’t afford the dvds i appreciate the videos joe

  10. I really like all the videos that I’ve watched from the fightfast series. All of you guys are awesome and I’ve learned alot from each video. Thank you so much. Joey.

  11. Just remember, you better be quick about it because the perp still has his other arm with which to combat your move. All in all, too close for comfort in my opinion. In the example given, I still have both weapons while he’s using one of his. I’m going for the throat while pushing he jaw upwards. and eyes And depending on which side he chooses, he’s going backwards with the aid of my legs and feet. You’re already at an advantage with the angle shown in the video

  12. Thanks. I’m a very thin guy don’t way but 118 pounds 6 ft tall I need help defending my self. I’m tired of getting jump on and getting robed please help me learn to take them out. With out killing them.

  13. I’m disabled so this is really helpful!! Thanks again Bob, as always!! Bob you have really helped someone like me & I either have already or have plans to give as many people ur info as possible!! Wish I could do more!! Thsnk you & GOD BLESS YOU!!!

  14. Cool. I’m 60 years old and could have used this a few years ago. Now, after seeing this video, I’m going to show my girlfriend how to defend herself, after getting off work at night. I will practice this with her. Now, I have another trick for taking a dumbass down. This will complement the “15 Brutal Ways to End a Fight”, video. Thanks from an old veteran!

  15. I am very impressed…as a pensioner, these days, it’s more evident, that people in my age group, are very easy to take down, for the robber or thug, who enjoys, there vulnerability, I am 70 and have taken up rowing.. this DVD will help me to train my self too be prepared, for the unexpected…and feel confident in my own aera of territory..when someone, invades my space uninvited. Regards, Angela NAZZANI.

  16. Great move I like very little effort to take attacker down so you can get away or continue the attack thanks joe Liguori

  17. thanks for the video – while effective, I don’t like grab specific responses – if you are grabbed in a similar, but different way, this won’t work – there are lots of generic responses that are better as they are reactive and don’t rely on a specific response to a specific grab… and please lose the mask – this whole thing of everyone trying to look scary and look like an “operator” is really old – I prefer trainers to look like regular people as that makes their information look more relatable to anyone – IMO – thanks

  18. Excellent! Thank you and your staff. I do have a question, I have a total knee replacement of the right knee, I could do this in a pinch but not without causing myself a major” aye chingado!” To myself, how about a wheel chair bound person, since elderly and handicapped are most likely to be seen as easy targets. I’m sure many of your subscribers would appreciate anything you can show us, again thank you for sharing your excellent knowledge

  19. I can see a thumb lock working. What do you think of shoving an arm (again height doesn’t matter) to the attacker’s neck and sort of grabbing his Adam’s apple?

  20. Nova, hit the outside of the attacker’s thigh. I looked for “tricks” disabled people’ could use too. Another would be bringing his head to your knee, but how to get him there is one I haven’t figured yet although we can roll over, one perk we have.

  21. Much appreciated! Working at a bar, one never knows what will walk in or try to walk out the door….being prepared is Key. Thanks again!

  22. Two tours Vietnam search and rescue which means I’ll be 70 in March so quick decisive moves to stop the aggressor are important for me to relearn.Let’s see what you got