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Nasty Thumb Lock Takedown

We’ve All Been There

Nearly all of us have been in a situation where a guy has grabbed our upper arm to try to gain control of us or assert his dominance. Grabbing the arm is a common way for someone to escalate a conflict without throwing a punch. Because this is so common, no self-defense system is complete without having a way to deal with this kind of attack.

How To Pick Locks. (Who Needs Keys?)

You may find this shocking, but picking open a standard "tumbler" lock, (like the one on your front door), is pretty damn easy when you know how it's done.

And in a "meltdown" survival situation, (once the smash-n-grab crowd has stolen everything not tied-down), the food and water and secure shelter will all be behind locked doors, (which explains why Special Forces are often trained in lock picking... and why they carry a set of lock pics with them).

It's a lot of fun learning this skill, (it doesn't take long)... and kinda nice to help out that buddy locked out of his house after the wife discovered what really happened on that "no money down" real estate seminar in Vegas.

>> Check Out "Lock Picking Kit" Here. <<

Regain Control

More often than not, when a guy is grabbing your arm this way a fight is eminent, and the last thing you want is to start a fight with the attacker already in control of you. A grab like this is also a common setup for multiple attackers. One guy grabs and restrains you while another guy starts laying down the beating. Not a good place to be.

Fortunately, there is a really easy way to take down a guy who has grabbed your arm, even if he is bigger and stronger than you. This technique relies on a thumb lock that the attacker is literally handing you when he grabs hold of your arm.

Breaking It Down

As you can see in the video, this technique doesn’t rely on size or strength. Like any good self-defense move it relies on you being smart and using any advantages you have.

The great thing about this move is that when you drop your weight you will be able to take down guys who are way heavier than you are (even if you are only 150 pounds). In fact, this self-defense move actually works better if you are shorter than your attacker because when you drop down to your knees you will be pulling him further off balance.

Go ahead and practice this move with a training partner or friend. You should practice this technique with floor pads so you can really practice taking the attacker down to the ground, but be careful. This thumb lock can break the thumb so be smart when you practice it. This is just one more great self-defense tool to add to your arsenal.

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249 thoughts on “Nasty Thumb Lock Takedown”

  1. That was very good, I never even thought about doing that. Even as a Recon Marine, but to that was 40 years ago, and I know the Recon trains even harder now.

  2. got any slick self defense tricks for someone in a wheelchair? believe it or not i am more a target now than I ever was. I always thought that even lowlifes would not attack someone in a wheelchair, but turns out they are lower than I would have ever imagined. I do thank you for what you have posted. you are greatly appreciated.

  3. Thanks again Bob these fight Technics are great please keep them coming, they have tought my wife and kids how to protect them selves.

  4. Thank you for the thumb move but once the attacker is thrown is that the time to run to safety ? Or what other fighting moves can I go into ?

  5. The chances of and aponent this day and age grabbing you in that fashion is second to none . Plus you are leaving yourself very vonurable to several counter attacks that could be applied before you get the chance to take him down.especially the way you are pulling them in twords are increasing his momentom and power on the counter blows availible if your a skilled fighter and know how to turn that move right around on him.

  6. Thank you very much. SFA, retired police ex attorney general organized crime task force. I’m finding your videos and dvds a useful refresher tool and at times a oh yeah, forgot about that tool, or didn’t know that. Again, thank you. Keith A Smith

  7. Nicely done. Key, though, will be to maintain control as the opponent goes down, and also to get back on your feet and deliver a kick or punch to some pleace mortal or at least debilitating.

  8. I like does thumb lock takedown it looks very effective and very painful for the individual that grabbed your arm thank you for the great video and lesson

  9. The thumb lock takedown is very effective in the video and I can imagine it will be very effective in real life because you don’t give him a chance to do anything else great video great information

  10. First let me explain was not trying to be rude or insensitive but ….as a older person I prefer not to be pulled down also with the attacker cause this move leaves you off balance….being trained in judo, taiquando, aikido, aiki jitsu, mma, ….state correction defense, security defense,….it would be faster to upper deflexion and redirect or underarm wrist lock and redirect to take down so if any offense is precieved forgive me because I like most of the defense move videos I watch and have practice them….

  11. I love these videos they are very in formative and helpful anyone can do it and the instructor explains it all perfectly.

  12. Great technique. And although I can’t go down, due to the fact that I’m in a wheelchair, I can still use this technique.

  13. Would have thought it would be more likely for the attacker to grab the outside of me left arm with their left hand to line me up for a right handed punch? In which case i can’t control his thumb?

  14. Thanks again for helping build the confidence needed to take on bullies and drug crazed idiots that will prey on people smaller younger and elderly to get what they want

  15. I like practicing to reversing grabs on any part of the body, so if someone grabs me any where I don’t need to think about how to react, I haven’t trained for awhile thoe.
    Any way this is a wow technique.. Once someone grabs you they have made there move, at that point you make yours..

  16. I am a 5’2”,59 year old woman, with severe arthritis! I have had this since I was 9yrs old. So, I’ve spent a big portion of my life making sure that my muscles are limber and that I have as much range of motion in my joints as possible!
    After watching these hints, I asked my 23 year old 6’8” son to try them with me. I have to say, my height worked to my advantage, and my son knew what was coming! His confidence in his ability and height worked against him! Following each move, the difference in our height put him in a more awkward position, making the momentum and his height, creating a balance issue he couldn’t quickly recover from, it even caused him to loosen his grip and at that point I followed through!
    The second move would be a bit harder! The range of motion in my hands and fingers made me very cautious. The Part that ended working beautifully in my case, was “… leaving my rather twisted first fingers, out of play! I followed through, shocking both my Son and I, with the results! Never thought with my limitations, I would be able to use these to defend myself! Can’t wait to learn more!

  17. Looks great. I’m 82 years old but I’m in fairly good shape. No walker or oxygen tank
    not fat. I also have a mace pen good up to 8 feet. Good to know how to protect yourself
    if grabbed and can’t knee him.
    Thanks for info.

  18. I’m not the man I once was, I’m 60 years old and ex-military, ex- special forces, ex- Navy I’ve broken 27 bones, 36 screews, 2 ss plates, 2 artificial joint, 4 titanium rods and shot twice, stabbed twice, and over 4 feet of surgical scars, broken back and neck I thank you for your information on self-defense issues. Though I would rather just shoot them that is not always possible. I was an hand to hand expert in my time but many things we were taught is just not valid anymore and the systems you teach are easy and fast so that even I can use them. Keep them coming because if I can learn them anyone can. Gratitude.

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