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Simple Knife Disarming Technique

The Wait Is Over

As promised, here is the knife disarming video. Pay close attention because this is the real deal. These are not showy, difficult-to-master martial arts moves. These are the simplest, most effective knife disarming techniques known to man. With that said, let’s get started.

Breaking It Down

As you saw in the video, you never want to attempt a disarm technique until your attacker has committed himself by stepping forward with his back foot (if the knife is in his right hand, the right foot is the back foot). Once he commits he has lost much of his thrusting power and maneuverability. This is the most crucial part of the technique.

When he commits to the stab you need to throw the cross block while simultaneously stepping back. The cross block redirects the stab downward and stepping back moves your body away from the blade.

This combination ensures that you don’t get stabbed. The cross block is great because, like Randy says in the video, it doesn’t have to be aimed perfectly to work. You have a wide range where you will still deflect and redirect the knife.

Some Advice

This is one of the most important knife disarming techniques you can learn. It is crucial to practice this technique to get it right. You will need a training partner and a dummy knife. If you don’t have a dummy knife you can simply use a wooden dowel or some other safe item that resembles a knife.

Practice slow at first to make sure you understand the joint lock and gradually speed up the motion. The goal is to be able to use this technique at full speed without letting the blade touch you. Randy and Bob make this technique look easy (and in truth it is a simple technique) but don’t be fooled.

They have years of experience. It will take some time to master, but it is well worth it. And even if you don’t have the time to spend to master it, simply being good enough can save your life.

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144 thoughts on “Simple Knife Disarming Technique”

  1. Mr. Pierce,

    Great Video! I applaud you guys on going above and beyond to offer your clients cutting edge products that other comapnies don’t. I found the video to be practical and useful and this what people need to survive not just fancy Van Damme spinning kick, that stuff is great in the movies but will get you killed in real life.

    Keep Up The Good Work,

    Joe Breen

  2. The problem with this type of technique is the assumption the knife
    wielder stops everything else. Forward momentum pull-back, rapid
    repeated stabbing is what normally occurs ( I have a knife stab wound scars
    on my right arm). My opinion… 1) run away 2) get a weapon 3) block,
    angle away then repeatedly attack moving forward unbalancing the attacker
    with vicious strikes to the eyes, throat, groin then percussive strikes to the
    head. Damage and destruction to the enemy needs to be immediate and
    conclusive. Your going to get stabbed so expect it , minimalize it and survive.

  3. My instructor (now deceased) who teaches Tai chi and Pakua, and was an experienced knife fighter, frequetly said, “NEVER GRAG THE INCOMING KNIFE HAND”, (and we never move backwards”, or you will loose you fingers,/hand that holds the knife. This is by no means an “airy fairy” old Tai Chi system.

    James Fraser

    Formally of Visalia, now of Baltimmore County, MD

  4. Grabing the hand that hold the knife, is very dangerous, as a skilled knife fighter. wll pull back and their goes your fingers. And thrusting like that only happens from someone not “educated” in knife methods of attack.


  5. Any technique that causes both hands to be on one side of the eyeline (direction one is looking at) causes both arms to be weakened seriously. Cross extensor reflex.

    This is easily demonstrated with a comparison(judged by the defender) by:

    1. Defender places both arms apart in a forward block position (like boxing stance) and the attacker places hand on forarms and pushes. The defender can easly press back, Then ask the defender to cross arms, and attacker pushes defender easily/

    2. Ask defender to hold one arm in horisontal positing to one side, opposing arm across the chest in same direction. Ask defender to pick spot on wall and look at it.
    Attacker tries to push extended arm down … difficult. Ask defender to look straight ahead (both hands now on one side of eye line, and attacker easily push are down.

    Cross arm blocks are derived from Eastern Martial Arts are not blocks, but attacks on the pressure points on the forearm, done quickly in and out. Unless one knows exactly which pressure points are involved one should not try any such strike.

    The use of an attack from the outside presents itself whne the opponent creates or responds to a push of one arm so that both hands are one sided. That is the fundamental principle that Wing Chun and Bruce Lee’s system use a lot.

  6. One lesson I was taught several years ago, was when the attacker lunges at you, grab his arm and pull him forward, and lean off to opposite side so to avoid being stabbed by the knife (If he is left-handed, grab with your left hand and lean right. The opposite is done for a right-handed attacker). At that point, you have him off balanced, he cannot stab you if you make sure you don’t turn loose of his arm. Once you have done that, you can attack his legs, ribs, or his head. There is no way he can defend either attack, because you have him off balanced and you have the arm that would be able to defend himself from your counter attack. The whole side from which he is holding the knife is vulnerable to strikes. It takes a little practice to master getting the knife to pass by without being struck by the knife, but the maneuver does work.

  7. Tying up your weapons (both hands, arms, elbows) by cross-blocking the knife is an invitation to getting them both badly cut as the attacker draws back the knife. Better to 90 degree block with the near hand while striking with the other. Only attempt to joint lock or restrain the knife hand when the attacker is distracted by a crushed larynx, broken nose, or damaged eye(s), which can be done simultaneous with the block. Then you can disarm, insert the knife where it will do the most good, and go home to a nice meal.

  8. Thank you for the new knowledge of self defense, more simple and straight to the point. It has broaden my arsenel of defense….keep up the good work and keep’em coming.

  9. I really enjoy your videos…but some of them like this one, is not practical for your average person. I say this from a martial artist’s point of view. This a technique that we often drilled with when practicing knife fighting. Its a great technique for demonstration when the person lets you disarm them, but not someone who’s hell bent on hurting you. I am a 6’2 290lb man and I work in some dicey situations and that move will never be one that I will use, nor have I used. Plus a joint lock on a big strong guy doesn’t work…I’ve had individuals fight right through the pain and keep fighting. Also in a fig or flight situation gross motor skills go out the window. Dumb it down to about two simple moves and it’ll be great.

  10. Being a girl means that we don’t have the strength of a man,this enables us to protect ourselves and loved ones from an attack. Thanks so much for the sample of your videos. I live in a small town that is growing-up, and the crime is increasing… scared to go out after dark. Thanks again for the sample video.

  11. This is a good one to remember. Saturday night and the scum walking the streets looking for an easy targer wouldn’t expect this much resistance from someone.

  12. Thanks Bob for the tutorials. My say on this is: Anyone who intends to use these techniques better be 1. Fearless & 2. Expertly skilled. The moment one is faced with a knife-wielding attacker, fear will force him to run or pick up something for his defense.The application of these techniques, I’m certain, will be the last option on a normal person.we have to remember that attackers also have their skill in using whatever weapon they use in their ‘trade’.

  13. I am ex-special forces ( 6 yrs. Vietnam )this is the best i’ve ever seen. I’ve got no one too practice with except my wife. She said ” if i wanted to get rid of her,get a divorce.”

  14. I need to see other techniques.There’s gangs in my area that tape knifes to their hands.They reportedly push their knife weapons back & forth furiously, in a curving motion aiming at the torso/stomach areas of their innocent defendants.This move though nice to have in ones defence arsenal, would not work on these tweaked out sadists..

  15. I need to see other techniques.There’s gangs in my area that tape knifes to their hands.They reportedly push their knife weapons back & forth furiously, in a curving motion aiming at the torso/stomach areas of their innocent defendants.This move though nice to have in ones defence arsenal, would not work on these tweaked out sadists..

  16. Many knife instructors say “Do not use cross blocks” He can retract his knife whilst cutting your hands. They also say do not try to disarm a knife. Just injure the knifer badly instead.

    However, if it has worked for someone in real life, who am I to argue?!

    John Watson

  17. Secrets of a Modern Warrior was the 1st video set I received from TRS and I was hooked. It was and is my all time favorite Self Defense video set. Since then I have purchased many, many different DVDs from TRS (Fight Fast). They are excellent quality and any time I did have any issue with the DVDs, the Customer Service department made it right. Thanks Fight Fast for making this information available to the General Public.

    George W.

  18. This is a commonly taught technique that can easily disable you. While it may work against someone who is not well versed in knife handling, you are putting yourself into danger by thrusting your hand in palms down. All the attacker has to do is twist the blade upward and pull back. As he pulls back he cuts the tendons that help you close your hand(s).

    The comment on the foot is good as far as reducing the power of the thrust but the pull back power is not affected.

    It should be noted that if a person attacks with a knife, your response should rise close to, if not actually, deadly force. I’ve seen the results of professionals getting life threatening cuts by knife users at all levels. Always expect to get cut in a knife attack, all you want to do is minimize the damage and come out on top. Even a dull knife can kill.

  19. Simple yet effective. I liked the technique about reducing the maneuverability and power by stepping back, but what if the attacker pulls the knife back with the blade turned up?

    1. Hello Rob,
      The fact that the attacker can withdraw the knife and cut you is by far the most common argument made against the cross block. This move should only be used when you are unarmed and cannot escape the situation. You will most likely be cut when you use this technique but remember when unarmed the goal of knife attack is to survive, not to escape without injury. This technique is very effective at redirecting a fatal blow, but you will still get cut. The key is not simply throwing the block then waiting for the attacker to withdraw. The block must flow into the disarm immediately, unless you feel that you can escape instead. Thanks for the comment.

  20. This is last ditch stuff. Redirecting the thrust is just to prevent fatal
    injuries, not to avoid cuts. Shoot the attacker if you can.
    Knives scare the crap out of me. I have a big shoulder scar to
    confirm the reason. This is the reason to get a CCW and carry!

  21. The techniques are better than no technique. By the way the knife is held in video, I would assume he has no real experience with a blade. This would make this move (if done quickly) possible, but still risky. Of course being in a knife fight in my opinion is risky. (but what do I know). One good thing, it takes only basic motor skills, and is easily learned. I agree, that pulling back with knife will create a nice injury, and the natural reaction would be to pull back. I think I would take the knife and trim the ugly mustash.

  22. I don’t understand why the demo does not include breaking the knife arm at the elbow, and then taking the knife and using it against the attacker. If you’re gonna defend yourself, do so LETHALLY!

    Look at the position of the defender at 1.34. Very easy to move from end of the attacking arm to the elbow whilst dis-arming the attacker and then breaking the arm at that point, following up with lethal moves to make sure the attacker never bothers you again…

  23. Why not show some technique for when YOU have a decent size (maybe 4″) folder in your pocket and you are attacked?

  24. Good Basic knife defenses. I hope I will be able to use these and remember the sequence of moves should I ever need to. You may want to mention in passing that on that third move if you sit down on his elbow you may break it as you disarm the knife from him. I also liked that little suggestion about not committing until you see him step forward. Thanks for making these self-defense tactics available to the civilian population. In my opinion, they need someone who is in their corner. Many can’t afford “schools” or are not in well enough condition to be able to travel and do a lot of practice. Most of the moves I’ve seen you offer to the public are good simple moves. When you are in danger knowing some moves is better than not having any repertoire of self-defense move at all. Thanks for sending these moves to me. I like watching them and should at one time in the future it should become necessary I hopefully wish that I may be able to remember the proper move(defense)in order to counter the challenge. Best Wishes – GDH

  25. Thanks! This is worth knowing, but a good knife fighter will be using slashing motions instead of stubbing motions. Training is of utmost importance & every piece is worthwhile!

  26. Gents,
    Anyone with a knife is a big problem.
    The best solution is a gun and a headshot.
    I faced a knife wielder, and have a nice chest scar to
    show you. I was unarmed, and the only weapon i could
    find was an old wire coathanger (!) I unwound the hook
    and whipped the wire as best i could across his face.
    I got slashed, but opened his face and one eye.
    He ran, and I went to the E.R.
    I’m convinced that in any knife situation, you’re going
    to get cut, somewhere. You need to STOP the attacker
    so you can leave. Survival will not be bloodless.
    This is why handguns were invented. Don’t leave your-
    self unarmed.

  27. Doc Ellis: if you have any honor ,respect for life or faith in god then you’d understand that you should take a life only if you have to. If you’ve disarmed an attacker and broken his arm he is no longer a threat therefore there is no reason to end him. If you’ve ever seen the light leave someone’s eyes as there life fades and endured the nightmares that can come of this you’d understand this.

  28. Good move and reasoning on the foot of the attacker! Please remember if possible get away but if no other choice fight for your life and know you will probaly get cut,but if you keep a level head you can walk away.

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