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Advanced Street Fighting Strategies

Fighting Strategies: street fight squaring off

A street fight is nothing more than a physical confrontation that takes place in an uncontrolled environment (almost all fights). A fight doesn’t have to be in a back alley to be called a street fight.

It is crucial to understand this if you want to have an effective self defense strategy. A controlled environment is something like a dojo or a gym where you are sparring with a partner where there are rules.

The key difference between a street fight and any other fight is that there are no rules. This one simple fact is the most important thing about street fighting strategies.

If you understand this fact about street fights you can use it to great advantage. In fact, it makes it a whole lot easier to end a confrontation quickly (the goal of any self defense confrontation).

But to take advantage of this you need to understand a few key principles. They are pretty simple so bear with me.

Fighting Strategies: Fight Dirty to Protect Your Loved Ones
  • He who strikes first wins. Yes, I know it’s not polite, but in a real life street fight hitting first dramatically increases you likelihood of winning. And don’t forget that in a self defense situation winning means you and your loved ones walk away with fewer injuries.
  • He who fights dirty wins. This may not be the way you envision a street fight in your head, but its how they work in real life.Your street fighting strategy should be to win at any cost. This includes doing things you might not feel good about (like throwing sand in his eyes, or biting and pulling hair) whatever works goes.Think about some of the alternatives. He wins and snatches you wife, daughter or girlfriend. He wins and takes to kicking you into a pulp.There are plenty of reasons to fight dirty when you are attacked.

With these two self defense strategies in mind let’s take a look at some advanced street fighting strategies.

Always be prepared:

I don’t mean you should walk around all paranoid or anything, but take note of your surroundings. The absolute best street fighting strategy you can possibly have is to avoid one all together by recognizing and deterring an attack before it happens.

This only happens when you are highly observant.

You should be especially observant in high risk locations like: bars, bad areas of town, at night time in parking lots etc.

Always be looking for items to use as improvised weapons (it will become second nature after a week or so).

Always know if someone is following you. Switch to the other side of the street if they follow you too long.

Now that you are prepared and observant the next most important street fighting strategy is to…

Act quickly and decisively once you know that you are being attacked:

Fighting Strategies: Be Observant.

As I mentioned earlier he who strikes first wins. You must take control of the conflict if at all possible. Nobody ever won a fight by blocking, offense is your best defense. In fact I don’t know why they even call it self defense. It should be called self offense.

I’m not going to go into how to know when you are being attacked (this post is about advanced strategies). So if you are interested in that sign up for my free online video fighting course at the top right of this page. I go over that information in detail.

Once you know an attack is coming or a verbal confrontation is not going to end well act first (note this is not what your lawyer would say, but his job is to keep you out of jail. My job is to keep you out of the hospital.).

Think about it this way: You are the lead actor in your own life. If you don’t initiate the action it’s like letting someone else write the script for your life. Don’t take a backseat in your own life, take control of the situation and define your own outcome.

Sorry if I’m getting a little too philosophical here, but this is important stuff. After working with tons of self defense instructors, martial arts masters, and special ops soldiers I’ve found that they all take charge in a confrontation (and not because they are big guys, most are average size).

These guys win because they lead the confrontation. They don’t start the conflict, but once they recognize it they take the lead, because they know this is the best way to win.

The last advanced street fighting strategy is to…

Strike Where It Counts:

Your first move should tell the attacker that you want to hurt him really badly. He should start to doubt his ability to win and start worrying about getting hurt.

You do this by using nasty, street fighting techniques like eye gouging. A good flicking strike at the eyes will get the desired effect on his psyche. Another great tool is an ear slap. It can burst the ear drum in one shot causing extreme pain and temporary loss of balance.

A good throat strike or groin shot will also get him thinking about all the ways this might end badly for him.

If you want to learn more street fighting strategies or are curious about how to execute some of these moves check out some older posts or see the free videos in my free fight course by signing up at the top right of the page.

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