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The Feinting Hook: A Nasty Self-Defense Distraction Technique

Get Your Opponent To
Drop Their Guard

This is just another nasty little fighting trick to throw into your arsenal, and you know that if it’s coming from Diallo, it is certified street-tested and proven. This guy doesn’t mess around. The basic idea behind the feinting hook is to get your attacker to drop his guard so you can move in with brutal, fight-ending moves. A body shot is rarely a fight-ender, but most guys are going to drop their guard to block a body shot, and that is exactly what you want to bait them into doing.

Breaking It Down

As Diallo said in the video, the goal with the feinted hook is to get your attacker to drop their guard, allowing you to exploit the vulnerability in their defenses by following up with a swift hook to the jaw. When you feint a hook to your opponent’s body, their first instinct is to block the blow. Unfortunately for them, this usually means that they will bring their hands down in order to block the body shot, leaving their head wide open. This is why it is critical that you really sell the feint.

Once your attacker has his guard down, it’s time to go to work with a nice hook to the jaw. This alone can easily be a fight-ender, but if you aren’t lucky enough to knock him out, you will still throw him off his game long enough for you to slip in another shot (maybe something like the horizontal elbow strike from last week’s post).

Now, like I said before, you really have to sell the fake hook to the gut to get him to drop his guard. If he thinks it’s a fake, you’re the one who’s going to end up regretting it.

Keep Your Guard Up

Unfortunately, every time you strike you are losing one of your guard hands, leaving yourself open to attacks. To counter some of this, you always want to keep your other hand up, blocking your neck, chin, and face.

Either way, the side you are striking from will be open for a split second. If you don’t make him really believe that you are going in for a body shot he can counter-strike.

The bottom line is to be intent on landing a solid body shot. If you do, he will instinctively be more interested in protecting his gut than recognizing the opening he just created for you. Once his guard is down you have the opportunity to strike his unprotected jaw and face. As a bonus you get to land a solid body shot, too.

Distraction Moves

This move is a sort of “active distraction technique”. If you follow this blog or have signed up to get my fight guide, you will now that I talk a lot about distraction moves. Distraction moves are crucial. They give you such a huge upper hand in a self-defense situation that you really cannot go without them.

In fact, every single fighter I have ever worked with over the past two decades has used distraction techniques. Why? Because it’s how they get the upper hand on larger opponents or cut down other skilled fighters. It’s the secret weapon that enables them to win fights, even against equally well-trained fighters.

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171 thoughts on “The Feinting Hook: A Nasty Self-Defense Distraction Technique”

  1. Maybe useful IF you are in a fist fight…One of the best rules is don’t use fists because you can, and probably will, break bones in your hand..then you are really in trouble!

  2. Sweet move but with me being 66 yrs old, Daillo looks quite a bit faster than me, think I’ll stick to the fingers & pantlegs for now Thanx.

  3. Thanks for your many ways to stay standing. I can absolutely attest to the fact that a fake and then a hook to the head, jaw, etc. Will drop a person right in the spot he was standing. Been there—-done that. Keep up your good work. Dick H.

  4. Good for guys but no help for small women. Maybe you need a tape just for small weak out-of-shape women teaching moves to quickly put a mugger out of action.

  5. Great reminder about being open going for a gut shot, the key here is follow through with skills you know to end if fast.

  6. How about a feint to the lower body or strike(either hand that suits you) when his guard drops a strike to his adams apple area and he is done,,On the ground gasping for breath.Careful how hard you strike the throat,you can kill or light strike can disable.

  7. How does one know to go for a knockout jaw punch rather than a punch to the throat in a defensive situation? It seems the throat punch would be more unexpected and stunning.Thank you for clarifying this question.

  8. thank-you so much for the free videos, im 58 yrs old with physical problems .you gave me the confidence i lost about 15 yrs ago….GOD BLESS YOU..

  9. I’m not digging this one as much. Against a fast opponent you are likely to get clocked as you drop your hands for the low fake. How about a kick to the skins and then a head shot for those who are not as athletic as the instructor in the video?

  10. A southpaw would knock your ass straight out with that shit. Plus a good fighter could absorb both of those. When you double pump like that you take half the power away from the head shot. I think better to fake with both shoulders like you could be coming up or down left or right guard up the whole time — upper cut left to the body or inside to the chin then immediate straight right to the face thats if you’re taller -like me

  11. Very nice technique,demonstrated by Mr. Frazier, “Quick,Fast,Effective Execution All from the Lead Hand.

  12. Everything you say,Bob,makes great sense which is why I have bought about 10 of the
    DVD courses you recommend in the last few months!

    Keep up the great work. Sometimes I prefer your comments to the actual video you
    are commenting on


    John Watson

  13. This might work for the average person you meet on the street, but what about the others? You know, the ones who refuse to be attacked and attack themselves. If you haven’t figured it out by now, he drops his lead arm while coming in to feint…and then still remains open when he comes in with the real hook punch. This is a lot of hang time with the face wide open for a clear straight lead punch (to the face). And anyone not afraid of someone coming in on them in such a way will take advantage of that weakness.

    Guess I Peter and I are the only ones who see this. You might be able to get away with leading with a hook punch, but more than likely not in the street. Quite often its 2 guys going in for the attack about the same time (its rarely like the UFC [or Rocky] were one guy attacks and the other defends, then they switch). Why not just feint a straight cross punch so as to open for the lead hook or something? Might as well come in with both arms spread out to each side and then swing for the hook using this “distraction” technique.

  14. Man, someone opened the gate for the critics.
    Shouldn’t be watching stuff you’re better than.

  15. Thank you Mr Pierce for these short free vieos you send, I am at a ruff time in my life right now and don’t have the funds to send for your videos, but can take these short videos you send keep looking
    Them over and practice the movements, can’t really find anybody to
    Practice these moves with so I don’t know how effective they will be
    For me in a real confrontation, but I appreciate what you have given
    Me so far! Thanks again

  16. That’s an old boxing move. I, personally, like to fake high with a jab, drop shift and body punch with the other hand. Or fake a one-two punch and then kick.

  17. Peter, you have to take your head outside the centerline killing field, like you would to throw a back hand straight punch to the body. The down and up double hook is good, but everybody does it so everybody has seen it and knows how to defend it. Up and down is unusual, because it takes more practise, not being as natural, and, if you get good power into the liver, the legs just collapse out from under the recipient and he gets that same sick, weak, painful experience that comes from being kicked in the balls. Then you can kick him in the head without the risks associated with high kicks. You may have occasion to stomp the throat on your way out of the area once he becomes horizontal. I would caution against waiting around long enough to take a scalp. His friends could be coming and it would be hard to explain to the police when you are a safe distance away and call to report that you have been assaulted. One final point: you should consider making the head shot an ear slap if you have another fight coming up so you don’t break your hand on his hard head and cause interference with your training. The fist is quite sturdy enough to dig into the liver and works best if you punch through the floating ribs on the left side of the recipient and try to bury the punch well up onto the wrist/lower forearm as the fist travels slightly upward through the body. The combination fits together nicely if the head shot is an outside hook and the out punch to the liver is an inside shovel hook. As to your proposal, I find some ambiguity. If the “skins” are the scrotum, you have my vote. If you are talking about the shins from long range he will just pick up the lead targeted leg and do a giant trigger step into his own straight punches. I prefer to attack shins in trapping range with a downward stomping motion ending with force on the instep. Shins get trained so they are not sensitive anyway. Foot arches do not respond to any sort of strengthening I am aware of and it is the structural damade rather than pain that impairs the recipients stand up fighting ability as well as his ability to chase you.

  18. I dont think this is very effective for an opponent that has any idea of how to fight. The elbows should be tucked closer to your body to protect your ribs. The dude in this video had his elbows up high not protecting anything. Then a fient like this has a chance of working but against a semi skilled fighter. I just dont see it working.


  20. Fabulous, Mr. Frazier! Obviously, you are a boxer as well. Great moves! Be honest,
    Mr. Frazier, are there really any defensive moves that would protect a woman from power and skilled opponents such as yourself? If there is, please provide all information you can, and I will say it for myself, for clueless females. I say that because most of us are never thinking about having to defend ourselves, especially against such large and powerful opponents. Thank you.

  21. I’m really appreciative of all the information I receive ,whats nice is , I can pull from the information , what works for me the best ,and store the rest in my go to arsenal for the when and if I need them,in this day and age it’s better to have it and not need it ,then to need it and not have it , thanks from Arizona

  22. Thank you sir for all your wonderful tips and techniques. Living in South Africa I know the threat is real and constant whether you’re at home or walking along on the street with your family. There has been two attempts to mug/rob me and luckily both times I was able to get out with some basic boxing moves, leaving the assailants with a broken nose and cracked ribs respectively, but as you said, boxing won’t always work. Sometimes nothing beats a good old fashioned dose of crazy on the street.

    Someday I would like to be able to purchase some of your and your other contributors’ material but finances doesn’t allow it at the moment, which is why I’m so grateful, as I’m sure many others out there are, for what you’re doing to help the people arm themselves against every day threats at no cost.

  23. Diallo, is certainly a tough gi, hopefully he is also a good man, the two can easily coexist. I read that a few women stated that they could not use this double low high strike. I don’t think that they can if they have to fight there way in like a man. The solution is to fight like a woman and allow the attacker in close, confident and open then launch, bang, bam. Also unless you are trained you a lible to damage your own hand more than the other bloke with a punch, slaps and elbows are less dangerous for yourself. Launching the attack from close allows the smaller person to more easily use knees and elbows. Do what ever else you need to do and get the heck out of there, and go and see the police later.
    I love all your stuff Bob, and I recommend it to my older trusted students and friends.
    Grant McGuinness, Sandan Aikido (Aiki-Kai)

  24. I agree with Peter’s comment on May 27, 2013. This move just sets you up for eating a punch from your opponent. If you want to drop his guard for a shot to his head, throw a short lead hook that you use to physically pull his guard down with and then follow up with a strike with your dominant hand to his face, nose, or throat. This is an old “dirty boxing” move.

  25. For those that don’t believe in the move, don’t use it. Not everything works for everybody, but to a fast guy like myself or when fighting a slower opponent, it works easily. I use several different feints in several different situations.


  27. Fantastic moves! This just shows how vulnerable the average person is. Even learning not to face a person straight on but
    to stay turned slightly sideways is extremely valuable. Another tip from a New Yorker is when walking, stop and turn periodically sideways to look back and to the side to check who is coming up behind you. Always thinking to keep chin tucked and face at an angle to anyone. Thanks very much to Mr. Frazier for these life saving tips.

  28. Fire techniques!!!!! Imma beat a fool too sleep if he try me for real. that low high is my favorite cause its more personal

  29. In gratitude, you get from me a well deserved thank you for these most beneficial and free info-demonstrating e-mails. Sincerely, RAY

  30. this move will work if your hand speed is fast enough to give the attacker two punches but i prefer to jab with my non dominant hand and deliver the knockout punch with my left which is a very fast hand , and the bones in my left hand are almost as hard as stone, due to slightly punching a concrete pad for about a million times which condenses the bones to become nearly impervious to breakage. I have hit a few heads that were said to be as hard as stone and they crumpled to the ground like they were hit with a sledge hammer. but a great video none the less keep them coming and i will continue to learn what you can show me Danny

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