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Blow Past Multiple Attackers With The Wedge Technique

The Wedge Technique

This self-defense technique is so effective because it utilizes simple full-body movements and requires no fine motor skills. Everybody knows how to run and push forward with their arms. The secret here is to know how to properly use your body weight.

About This Technique

This technique comes from Christophe Clugston’s “Comhrac Bas” which is a martial art he created based on the fighting techniques of Roman Gladiators, Clugston’s real-world street fighting and bar bouncing experience, and his extensive martial arts background. You can’t find this training anywhere else.

When Is This Useful?

The primary purpose of this technique is to help deal with a self-defense situation where there are multiple attackers coming at you. In this type of situation your best bet is to deal with each attacker individually. To do this, you need to be able to break the group of attackers up.

This wedge technique allows you to move past one or more attackers quickly so you can disrupt their plans and deal with whichever one you want first or blow past all the attackers and escape to safety. Every self-defense situation is different, so it is up to you to know which route is the best to take in the heat of the moment.

Breaking It Down

Alright, so now that you know what situations to use this in, let’s break it down. This simple, two-step technique is goes as follows:

  • Drive through the person. Don’t just run up to them and push their shoulder. Run through them while pushing. Targeting the shoulder is important. If you target their core you’re simply tackling them (which is exactly the opposite of what you want). Targeting their shoulder causes them to rotate around their center of gravity, allowing you to pass by them while they are thrown off balance.
  • Plan on using this move on the attacker’s left shoulder (your right side). About 85% of people are right handed and nearly all untrained fighters will try to strike first with a wide right haymaker. Moving to your right (his left) makes it difficult for him to land his punch. You can even circle to your right before you drive past him with the wedge.

Don’t worry if you happen to come across a lefty or your attacker throws a left punch, this fight move will still work. In fact, it will cause a lot more damage to the shoulder joint and by striking the shoulder of his punching arm, you will take all the power out of his punch.

A Quick Reminder

In case it wasn’t clear in the video, you should always use heavy padding when practicing this technique. If you don’t have access to full body pads have a partner stand behind a heavy bag. Never practice this technique on someone without some sort of padding, the shoulder is a sensitive joint which is easily damaged.

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143 thoughts on “Blow Past Multiple Attackers With The Wedge Technique”

  1. Usually when confronted with multiple people they surround you. Most of the time they hit you from the rear before the one in the front attacks. If they don’t totally surround you, they stand side by side and make a wall. Turning around and running won’t work, because they can be on you before you have a chance to run. What would you suggest?

  2. I find that many of these online videos are done very well. Too bad they are short in time. I know why though as you want to sell the full video. I have bought a one but even though I am enticed to buy more, it all adds up to additional expense which I don’t have. So, I stick mostly what is available here and on you tube. I am an elderly person and walk with a cane. I have an inkling to buy a cane which has a stun gun of 3,000,000 volts. Do you think that showing the sparks would deter an attacker and back away? Just a thought.

  3. I’v found that the best defense in this type of situation is as follows. Place your right foot over your left, turn around 180 degrees, and get the hell out of Dodge. I am a U.S. Marine, and a retired Police Officer, and a retired Private Eye. I have learned that common sense over rides machoism, Thank You!

  4. This “wedge” technique is a great one. Focus on keeping your balance while running through your attacker just in case you don’t get great contact you don’t want your momentum to make you lose balance. This is very good info! Good video! Thx!

  5. Its ok if you have a lot of room. I was mugged in Chicago at 4:00 PM in Sept 1966. It was on the corner of 48th and Ellis.
    Three muggers approached me from behind. I faced them south and they faced me in the northern directions. The setting sun was not a factor.
    Behind me was a brick building and on my left was a mugger. The mugger in the middle had his hand twisting my collar and about to punch me at very close range.
    The guy on my right was wearing a long coat with no lining. The man that had my collar told me; “Give us your money, boy” I hesitated but gave them my $14 out of my wallet
    he punched me nevertheless, took my wallet made sure that i gave all my money. These thugs took off laughing and running. The thug on my left warned me that if I ever go to
    the police, they will “come and get me”. They know the school i go to. I even refused to id them in a police lineup due to fear.
    I was barely a teenager from the Philippines. Later that year, I met John Johnson who became the President of Ebony magazine, many decades later, at the same school, Harvard St. George
    He told me that he knew a Shotokan expert, that punched the middle mugger as his “block” to set up the remaining two. All muggers ended up in the hospital.

  6. I think great move if like you stated are out numbered odds stacked against you great defense move thanks joe Liguori.

  7. This message is for Mel Ezy and others who are thinking about a tazer cane which is basically a Cattle Prod. I also walk with a cane, you should check your county and city ordinance some I believe you cannot carry a stun gun, tazer etc… I have also been thinking about buying one of those canes. I know the old saying “would rather be facing a jury of twelve than be carried by six”. Just remember it seems like laws favor the criminal more than the law abiding citizen who is just trying to protect themselves. You probably know you always have to be on guard. I am a people watcher and it amazes me how many people I see who seem to go about their day in a box and are basically only thinking about themselves, they would be easy targets. Heck, look at the way people Park anymore. For sure check your county or city ordinance.

  8. Thats good info but usually when i fight the guys buddy always blindsides me in the side of the head or while facing the one guy the other two start punching from both sides or someone jumps on my back one time a guy was sitting down on my left and he jumped up and side kicked me in the ribs . You must not hesitate do the wedge keep punching and moving run if you can and if they give chase set them up for a fall or lead them into traffic and let them get killed by a car

  9. As a long time FightFast member, I have learned incredible fighting techniques that have saved my life more than once. I once took out a guy in about 10 seconds, when he ztried to hit me in the face for calling him a big ” girl part”. He suddenly attacked me and I had no choice but to execute a self defense technique that I learned in a FightFast video. It was awesome! My self confidence is so strong that I can speak my mind without fear. I call it like I see it. I no longer haved to hide my true feelings just because it is not politically correct in public. That’s why I’m a Donald Trump fan! Donald Trump has made it possible for Republicans to be who they are and not be ashamed! Go Trump! Go Trump!

  10. I am sending for the DVD on this fighting technique I believe in what the gladiators used they were fighting to the death for a Julius Caesars entertainment!

  11. I personally would use the paqua, hand behind the neck, arm grab, and throw his to the ground and probably into the other attacker.

  12. This is very useful information, and nicely done instruction video. Though I am not n an environment where I come across fight potential, it’s nice to have information on what to do, if. I probably am very passive, I don’t look for fights. And even in my Tae Kwon Do training I didn’t get farther than forms, the moves seem so similar to Tai chi,
    As for sparring, even as that needed practice, nope. If I fight, it’s not to intend the opponent to live to fight another day, it’s best to try to walk away. I feel sorry for any attacker thinking he’d escape with my money and perhaps few injuries, he wouldn’t be getting away, nor even up, ever. I want a T-shirt. “Ask yourself, am I ready to die today?” That alone, if would be atacker is literate should “stun” his thought process, and through himmoff balance. Thanks for all your great self defense videos. I haven’t the money to buy your offered package sets. Though I’m sure filled with great information.

  13. Very cool, doable, useful. Thank you for all you show me…. us. I post these onward everytime!

  14. Yes, but what if those 3 street thugs happen to each be holding an assault rifle….what do you do then?

  15. Great job especially if more than one attacker is coming at you gives that few seconds to either run away or go on the attack of other person thanks joe liguori

  16. THANK YOU FOR THE INFORMATION PRESENTED. I am awaking to the dangers out there for righteous people who are being tormented and abused by evil people. The gangs, the mafia, etc. The information is lifesaving and will help in different circumstances.

  17. Thanks guys I am disabled Arms work great But have A Bad leg So IF I EVER HAVE To Use It AND I HOPE I NEVER DO I JUST wanted To THANK YOU AGAIN

  18. Hey Guys,
    I just wanted to send my sincerest thank you for the information you bring to us. After each video I share these techniques with my teenage daughters.
    Being a full time, single father of 2 teen girls means I don’t have the available funds to purchase all the videos, although I am putting a little back now and then to save for your courses, so the free videos you provide in the emails are so incredibly important in keeping my family safe. I have been able to take advantage of your offers of tactical flashlights, knives, and lock tools for my daughters and I, then videos on proper techniques in their use.
    Once again, thank you for all you do for people’s safety and for my piece of mind for my daughters.
    Ken Larson

  19. That last comment was to Hanline, USMC, but Samsung changed it and I didn’t catch it. Best regards from Ric in LV.

  20. Excellent move, thank you. My job consists daily of going up against homeless and teenagers who want to fight you in an instant. i guess never a dull moment, but extremely stressful at times.

  21. Very afftive move, it’s even more needed, in this day and age..especially if you are late 60,s
    I am learning self defence, and am surprised, how the moves are constructed….Regards Ange.
    It would be good for me too see, how the person deals with multipul attackers.

  22. I like the moves and this move gives you at least some options you did not have before!

    Great job, keep these updates coming out to us.


  23. Thnx for the tip,. it’s nice to see some real stuff that looks like it would work. How would you compare this style to krav mada ( spelling? ) Israeli style, or military mosad ? I am looking for a style that’s simple, very effective, and doesn’t take a long time to learn. Is your system available on DVD?

  24. Thanks Bob these are great strategies for people who don’t know how to fight and even those who do and need to protect them selves.

  25. Patricia,

    Nobody has had a real assault rifle since prohibition times. An assault rifle, you squeeze the trigger once and the magazine empties. You mean a semi-automatic rifle, it should be the same or actually easier. Your most important thing is to keep the rifle pointed to the ground, if only for a second. That’s when you go on the offensive.

  26. Like an elbow break to the shoulder? Cool, I am over sixty, would I be justified to wedge left to prevent recovery? I never go looking for trouble if it finds me with disparity of force I love moves that keep me from prolonged self defense.