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Blow Past Multiple Attackers With The Wedge Technique

The Wedge Technique

This self-defense technique is so effective because it utilizes simple full-body movements and requires no fine motor skills. Everybody knows how to run and push forward with their arms. The secret here is to know how to properly use your body weight.

About This Technique

This technique comes from Christophe Clugston’s “Comhrac Bas” which is a martial art he created based on the fighting techniques of Roman Gladiators, Clugston’s real-world street fighting and bar bouncing experience, and his extensive martial arts background. You can’t find this training anywhere else.

When Is This Useful?

The primary purpose of this technique is to help deal with a self-defense situation where there are multiple attackers coming at you. In this type of situation your best bet is to deal with each attacker individually. To do this, you need to be able to break the group of attackers up.

This wedge technique allows you to move past one or more attackers quickly so you can disrupt their plans and deal with whichever one you want first or blow past all the attackers and escape to safety. Every self-defense situation is different, so it is up to you to know which route is the best to take in the heat of the moment.

Breaking It Down

Alright, so now that you know what situations to use this in, let’s break it down. This simple, two-step technique is goes as follows:

  • Drive through the person. Don’t just run up to them and push their shoulder. Run through them while pushing. Targeting the shoulder is important. If you target their core you’re simply tackling them (which is exactly the opposite of what you want). Targeting their shoulder causes them to rotate around their center of gravity, allowing you to pass by them while they are thrown off balance.
  • Plan on using this move on the attacker’s left shoulder (your right side). About 85% of people are right handed and nearly all untrained fighters will try to strike first with a wide right haymaker. Moving to your right (his left) makes it difficult for him to land his punch. You can even circle to your right before you drive past him with the wedge.

Don’t worry if you happen to come across a lefty or your attacker throws a left punch, this fight move will still work. In fact, it will cause a lot more damage to the shoulder joint and by striking the shoulder of his punching arm, you will take all the power out of his punch.

A Quick Reminder

In case it wasn’t clear in the video, you should always use heavy padding when practicing this technique. If you don’t have access to full body pads have a partner stand behind a heavy bag. Never practice this technique on someone without some sort of padding, the shoulder is a sensitive joint which is easily damaged.

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143 thoughts on “Blow Past Multiple Attackers With The Wedge Technique”

  1. I presume you attack the shoulder without a knife. It looks like you could wedge wedge wedge to get past three attackers.

  2. Thank You for both the demonstration and the needed understanding that goes with it. Having confidence in such situations is paramount, and this something which I can share with any would be assailants ….sharing is nice.

  3. Es difícil decir lo que uno hará para evadir un ataque de varios oponentes. Generalmente no hay tiempo para pensar, es el cuerpo conducido por el instinto el que toma el mando. Ante un ataque semejante quizá pueda usarse esta técnica que muestra el video, para salir del encierro, evadiendo el ataque y huir lo más rápido posible.
    Otra forma podría ser embestir de frente al más cercano y en último momento desplazarse a un lado (triangulación usada en el Wing chun) para atacar rápidamente al oponente más débil. Así sales del círculo y pegas la carrera para huir de la situación.
    El Aikido practica muy buenos desplazamientos para evadir ataques múltiples, así como halar o empujar al atacante más próximo, a modo que estorbe los movimientos de los otros enemigos.
    En cualquier caso, creo que lo más seguro será pegar la carrera para huir del atraco.

  4. That is something interesting after some time in doing Karate I have learnt something NEW thank you !

  5. From my chair I would have to use my gun or knife. At 72 I have had to use my pistol about 3 times to ward off trouble. There is a lot of crazy people out there. I don’t feel safe anywhere.

  6. If you add a disabling stiff left hand or fist punch to the soft pressure point of the shoulder won’t that make the move even more effective? The attacker’s left arm will be disabled. If he decides to continue the attack he will have lost the use of his blocking arm or his dominant arm if he’s a lefty. I don’t think this additional part of the wedge move will slow you down or reduce your chances of getting away if that’s your goal. Most of the people watching your videos are self-defense focused. They have taken in a lot of information already.

  7. Thank you for this defense move. I am an older gentleman and cannot fight like I used to. Using body weight and Force at the same time could give us older guys the advantage.

  8. Gosh I wish I could buy all of these DVDs so I could learn all of this stuff. Thanks so much for making it available to us.

  9. I’m not the fighting type, but enjoy watching the videos. Good stuff and thank you for bringing it to us.

    Cheers from Canada!

  10. Christopher,
    Great lesson as more and more attacks to individuals are being done by MULTIPLE attackers. I learned alot from your lesson.
    Tom Arillotta

  11. Hey, Hey now I can see myself going through an opponent’s using moves throwing blow’s and getting out of Dodge. Great techniques Luv it.

  12. I thank you for the very informative
    Videos this technique’s a great way to
    Get passed a very bad situation

  13. This is a great technique but what if you’re like me and have a bad knee I don’t know how fast I can move going forward without my knee popping out and falling but this is a great technique for someone that has both legs I have to use a walking cane I’m 60 I have osteoarthritis

  14. Does it matter if the attacker is right or left handed if you go for the left shoulder? Do you read which arm they are throwing at you?

  15. That’s now do you keep going once you get threw them and if they are persistent then put em down for a long time?

  16. I am interested in learning more of these techniques. Is an in-person class offered? In what cities? Thanks for the videos.

  17. Good to know!!! I always wondered what to do if there was more than one that attacked me. Taking out the first attacker wouldn’t do any good if there were more behind him. Thank you for giving me the solution!!!!

  18. I already purchased the DVD lesson with Cristophe Clugston teaching Comhrac Bas. I found it to be very informative. It is very effective against karate based martial arts and the common street thug. If you like this move, I recomend buying his DVD.

  19. Thanks for that very useful wedge technique. I really didn’t know a strategic move when approached by multiple attackers.