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How To Block The Feared Thai Kick

The Most Feared Kick

The Thai Kick is one of the most feared fighting moves. Skilled Thai kick boxers have been known to break the femur of their opponents with a well executed Thai kick. While the Thai kick is powerful, and a worthwhile skill to develop, it CAN be effectively blocked.

Breaking It Down

Unfortunately, most martial arts teach ineffective blocks for these powerful kicks. This is good if you are a Thai kick boxer, but bad if you have to fight one. As you can see in the video the normal block (where your raise your knee and move it to the outside) leaves you in a weak position if your opponent is skilled. It will work in a pinch, but not something you want to rely on. The block shown here by Mike Goldbach is a much more effective self-defense technique.

As explained in the video, the power in a Thai kick comes from the body rotation. Any effective self-defense against the Thai kick must include a way to stop the body rotation. Ideally in any self-defense situation you also want to take the offense as soon as possible.

The block shown in the video above accomplishes both of these tasks. You are able to stop the attackers body rotation and move him backwards. This removes his ability to use a powerful kick a second time and allows you to follow up your block with an attack of your own.

Go grab a partner and try this out for yourself. Remember a simple block is okay, but good defense won’t get you out of a dangerous self-defense situation. That’s why you need to learn blocking techniques which transition you into an offensive position, like the one shown above.

About Mike Goldbach

Mike Goldbach is a 5th Degree Blackbelt in Shorin-Ryu Karate, but he set most of that training aside when he began learning Muay Thai from Chai Sirisute (the godfather of Thai Boxing in the U.S.) who founded the Thai Boxing Association of the USA. From personal experience Mike found that traditional martial arts simply didn’t hold up against the powerful moves used in Thai Boxing.

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75 thoughts on “How To Block The Feared Thai Kick”

  1. After seeing this kick,I wondered what agood defense would be. The one that is demonstrated sure takes the pain down for real. Excellent..

  2. Good technique. Used well in the street if the guy thinks he is a kickboxer.
    Simple and leaves alot of room for counters.

  3. I was a Nedan (Second Dan) in Shotokan.

    Prior to seeing your method I would have raised my left leg to block the kick whilst moving that leg inwards to reduce the impact and then as I stepped down at a 45 degree angle to the attacker I would counter the attack with a ‘snap’ punch to the jaw with my very large first two knuckles on my left hand which would on most occasions break his jawbone.

    I’m biased of course but I believe that Shotokan is one of the elite martial arts but it is not given the publicity it merits.

    Wait till the Olympic Games in Japan to see it in real fighting situations (called ‘Freestyle’) with bare knuckles and no body protection.

  4. Good technique thank you for the information and the excellent video I know what mistakes not to make now if I’m confronted thank you

  5. Good video and now I know how to avoid ending up with a broken leg and counter attack all at the same time Too Faced by Muay Thai are kickboxing in general great video very informative keep up the good work

  6. I always wondered how to block kicks effectively – this is lateral logic tactics of throwing the attacker off balance !

  7. I really liked this simple, honest presentation. I have never fought a kickboxer, but I have always wondered how it would compare to military unarmed combat and now, with this simple scientific knowledge in my bag of tricks, I feel that the fight could be even more interesting.
    I have never enjoyed fighting for sport, but I have enjoyed a good fight, these two little techniques would make that fight just a little more interesting and are well worth practising with and that’s what sons are for.
    Thank you.
    Chris …

  8. Excellent technique. Very similar in principle to stopping a roundhouse kick in Karate by stepping in and attacking the thigh with a knife hand block to prevent elevation while countering with a fist strike to the throat. The benefits of moving forward to prevent or minimise the effects of an attack are not appreciated nearly enough or taught often enough in some circumstances. Great that this blog, Bob, reveals these techniques to those who wish to learn. Keep them coming!

  9. I liked that. Basically, it’s not giving in to the opponents action or just acting automatically because “that’s what is taught”.
    He explains it clearly and I think it will be very easy to remember the technique to practice and make it a part of one’s arsenal of defensive techniques. I think it will be extremely beneficial to people who don’t have shins of steel, who are weaker, older or not hardcore athletes or fighters. Those are the people who need such tactics the most in order to survive a threat.

  10. Thanks for the video. There are only so many ways to hit a man and block those s trikes of course, it you can always learn something from Instr. Niece’s videos. Thank you and keep them coming
    Roger Boni, sho dan Wado Ryu, Fairbain-Sykes WWII Combatatives, Capt Chris Pirazzo, general information sponge.

  11. What a great tip !!! I never cared for getting kicked in the shin !!! But leaning in to push him back while he is on one leg ? SMART MAN & THANKS ! I hope I never have to use it , but you know ….. ?