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Tackle Stopper: Use His Head As A Handle

Take Control

The tackle is a pretty common attack that you may run into on the street, and if you don’t know how to handle it you may be in for a world of hurt. Luckily, after watching this video you’ll have one more brutal combat technique in your arsenal to help you easily dispatch anyone stupid enough to try to tackle you you.

How To Pick Locks. (Who Needs Keys?)

You may find this shocking, but picking open a standard "tumbler" lock, (like the one on your front door), is pretty damn easy when you know how it's done.

And in a "meltdown" survival situation, (once the smash-n-grab crowd has stolen everything not tied-down), the food and water and secure shelter will all be behind locked doors, (which explains why Special Forces are often trained in lock picking... and why they carry a set of lock pics with them).

It's a lot of fun learning this skill, (it doesn't take long)... and kinda nice to help out that buddy locked out of his house after the wife discovered what really happened on that "no money down" real estate seminar in Vegas.

>> Check Out "Lock Picking Kit" Here. <<

Quick Note

Before we dig into the specifics of this self-defense tackle stopper I want to quickly draw attention to Jacov’s technique of watching an attacker’s throat not his eyes. This is great advice for two reasons:

  1. Watching the throat gives you a better view of the entire person.
  2. Avoiding eye contact gives you a psychological advantage because it helps you remove emotion from the conflict and eliminates an attacker’s ability to distract you with his eyes.

Breaking It Down

Now for the meat of this self-defense move. To start, this tackle defense is meant to be used on a guy who is already standing in front of you. It’s not meant to stop a bull rush or a running tackle.

  1. If an attacker is in front of you and drops down to grab one or both of your legs, your first move should be to step backwards, lowering your center of gravity. This gives you more stability.
  2. Next, you want to put one hand on the crown of your attacker’s head while your drive your other palm forward into his face. Driving your hand forward into his face will usually stop his forward momentum, but it also serves another purpose.
  3. Once you make contact with his face you will have both hands on opposite sides of his skull. This allows you to easily manipulate his body. Using his chin as a handle, you can torque his head to the left or right which will force his body to follow.

Wrapping Up

Once you’ve gained control of his head, there are a number of self-defense moves you can use to quickly end the fight. The choice is all yours. Just keep in mind that any time you are manipulating the head and twisting it, the move can become lethal, so when training this self-defense technique, go slowly and be very careful.

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144 thoughts on “Tackle Stopper: Use His Head As A Handle”

  1. Excellent demonstration to control an unwanted situation. Prevention first if possible,effective offense if necessary.

  2. good advice, like the non- chalant appearance it gives. “I’m innocent, go ahead and attack me with confidence”

  3. The bull rush is the favorite tactic of a 350 .lb relative who has used it many times.
    I have often wondered how it could be defeated. Other “heavies” also like to use the rush and then crush with their weight. Thanks for the video info! Great stuff.

  4. Great stuff. Controlling the head in that way is one of the only workable defences from that position. Very good site, lots of practical tips. Keep up the good work.

  5. The only time a guy tried to take me down to the ground like that, he lost one of his teeth, when I kneed him in the face. Good vid, though. I’ll have to train with that.

  6. I would critique the video for several reasons. First, the preliminary issue about throat focus and avoiding eye contact is excellent advice once you are sure there is going to be a fight. That being said you can also fool your attacker with your eye focus. Years ago someone was itching for a fight and I wanted to avoid. I looked him in the eys and then shifted my attention to the right and said “Thank God, its the cops!!!” By the time he looked over his shoulder, found he had been duped and tried to charge he was so off balance that I was abel to stop him with a single blow to the clavicle.

    All that being said the advice is still excellent for the majority of confrontations where you know your antagonist wants a fight. As far as “giving your attacker a leg” it is important not to allow yourself to come off balance. This requires a fair amount of practice. You dont want to end up allowing the physics of a misplaced leg allowing your attacker to immediately take you down with even minimal force.

  7. Wow! Beautiful technique! These are things the ordinary person would never think to do! Thanks so much for these life saving tips!

  8. Excellent gross motor technique. Watching the throat – excellent advice. This sort of stuff works.

  9. This is an outstanding piece of advice and could also serve as a potential neck breaker if the situation warranted an extreme response.Thanks go to both Jacov Bresler and Bob Pierce for this presentation.

  10. Great Tutorial … He is so right on point about all these “punks” and so called “street fighters”. I’m a Retired Ranger and I can speak first hand about how effective this focus and technique pays off . Please continue to share more of these because I use them along with my own training to teach my wife & daughters how to protect themselves ! BTW, please feel free to share this if you desire .

  11. There are many people out there like my wife and (60 yrs and older) that are restricted in speed and flexibility from age, injury and/or health issues. I refuse to be an easy target and will fight back as I always have. What we need is a way to interrupt an attackers’s momentum and deal a crippling blow to a sensitive and unexpected vulnerable spot. Just FAST AND TO THE POINT. Any attack on us is a life threatening event and requires that type of counter violence on our part. At best we may only have a couple of seconds to thwart the attack and escape. We need to know where the most vulnerable pressure points are and how to use them in a hurry against an attacker. In my situation, I fully intend to kill or at least cripple the stupid bastard for his intended threat to my life.

  12. Sweet and effective technique where the neck goes the body follows. Thank you for the info on a bad deal gone better for the victim.

  13. excellent info thanks really like not looking in the eyes the throat just an inch lower what a difference……

  14. Being former military, these are tried and true maneuvers , that we learned early, on in combat training school ,and Ranger selection hand, to hand combat, so I very much appreciate the technique executed in this video. And always remember it’s not the size of the dog , in the fight, but the size of the fight, in the dog.

  15. Ve9ry simple maneuver and quite effective doesn’t require fine motor function so will be of good use under a fight or flight syndrome.
    Thank you for can technic that work in the real world. But remember fine people we have to practice these technical it isn’t as easy as watch a video now I’m a Ju Jitsu fighter7th dawn lol.

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