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Tackle Stopper: Use His Head As A Handle

Take Control

The tackle is a pretty common attack that you may run into on the street, and if you don’t know how to handle it you may be in for a world of hurt. Luckily, after watching this video you’ll have one more brutal combat technique in your arsenal to help you easily dispatch anyone stupid enough to try to tackle you you.

Quick Note

Before we dig into the specifics of this self-defense tackle stopper I want to quickly draw attention to Jacov’s technique of watching an attacker’s throat not his eyes. This is great advice for two reasons:

  1. Watching the throat gives you a better view of the entire person.
  2. Avoiding eye contact gives you a psychological advantage because it helps you remove emotion from the conflict and eliminates an attacker’s ability to distract you with his eyes.

Breaking It Down

Now for the meat of this self-defense move. To start, this tackle defense is meant to be used on a guy who is already standing in front of you. It’s not meant to stop a bull rush or a running tackle.

  1. If an attacker is in front of you and drops down to grab one or both of your legs, your first move should be to step backwards, lowering your center of gravity. This gives you more stability.
  2. Next, you want to put one hand on the crown of your attacker’s head while your drive your other palm forward into his face. Driving your hand forward into his face will usually stop his forward momentum, but it also serves another purpose.
  3. Once you make contact with his face you will have both hands on opposite sides of his skull. This allows you to easily manipulate his body. Using his chin as a handle, you can torque his head to the left or right which will force his body to follow.

Wrapping Up

Once you’ve gained control of his head, there are a number of self-defense moves you can use to quickly end the fight. The choice is all yours. Just keep in mind that any time you are manipulating the head and twisting it, the move can become lethal, so when training this self-defense technique, go slowly and be very careful.

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144 thoughts on “Tackle Stopper: Use His Head As A Handle”

  1. I really like this tip,your instructor is helpful in conveying what he wants you to know and learn.
    Thank you!

  2. By the way I like the lesson especially avoiding eye contact and looking at his throat instead. Great stuff. But I was wondering what would happen if he bit into your thumb or fingers, how you would respond. Punks will bite and scratch and gouge.

  3. Great stuff as always bob , there is one thing I’d like to know and that is where is the stuff that I have purchased from you, I have rang the number 18008998153 and the can not connect,I have also send emails to the support team with no communication back its starting to look like you are nothing but another scamming arshole thanks for ripping me off I don’t know how you can live with yourself.
    I hope you don’t have a great life and you get caught up with.

  4. That’s a good idea use his head because it gives you a delivery so thank you for another great and informative video I just hope I’m never in a situation where I have to use it and I will practice it and again thank you very much

  5. Wow awesome!. One other thing, the free packs and items you offer me are great but, the postal agency in my country (nigeria) is almost non-existant but, I’ll let you know as soon as I figure out a way to receive the items.


  6. Very useful information for any age. Practice seems to improve the quickness of the movements necessary to take someone to the ground.

  7. Wow! Deadly. What if you killed him? Would you be legally liable for using more force than is necessary for the threat ?

  8. I was attacked with low tackle, he came up of the floor, on all fours, after I had previously, knocked him down with a right hook, trying to hit me with a wheel brace. I stepped back, maintaining my balance and finished him off with a couple of hand chops to his neck. Twisting his head seems a good idea as well, less effort.

  9. Yet another great video lesson. I’ve learned so much from you guys. Thanks for the great work, and your service to our country.

  10. Great information, you never can tell when you might be in a situation where you have to think fast and do what you need to do to protect yourself. Now I need to practice, practice, practice so if I need to use these techniques they will come naturally.

  11. This is good for those ‘idiots’ that don’t want to ‘use their heads’ for anything other than a ‘hat rack!’ Don’t want to use their heads? GOOD! I’ll use it instead and put their butt on the ground and in jail!

  12. Yes I looked at that and that’s something definitely I need to learn I’m 66 year old man in the neighborhood I live in it’s not really that safe that was real cool and it could really help me

  13. Great info, just hope I don’t have to use it. I really try to stay out of those situations and especially those probable locations.

  14. Looks like an easy way to snap the attackers neck better be aware of how much strength is used to turn their head, sometimes we don’t know our own strength especially if we feel in danger.

  15. An eye-opener. Very practical.
    I must practice the move but I hope that I will never use it.
    Thank you for clear instruction and demonstration.

  16. Hello, as I have been in Law Enforcement for over thirty 30’s I like the videos,?it like catching up on the rusty spots. Thank you and be safe.

  17. This is pretty good! Will it work if your opponent is larger and charges your midsection from a further distance?

  18. when watching their eyes, they can fake a move, but like what was stated, if you watch the neck you see all parts of the body and you should be able to see what is coming. thanks for bringing all this great information to us ordinary people. it might very well save our lives in SHTF situations.