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#1 Thai Kick Mistake – Ignoring this will cost you big time in a street fight

The Thai Kick is one of the most devastatingly effective fight moves around. The problem is, when not done correctly (and many instructors leave this part out) it’s also one of the easiest moves for an attacker to defend against.

In the video above, Thai Kickboxing expert Mike Goldbach shows you exactly what to do to avoid the number one mistake people make when using the Thai kick on the street. And this simple trick doesn’t just work for the Thai kick, it’s a necessity for many other kicks, and striking techniques too.

Thai Kick: the 'lean out' extends the arm to stop an attackers forward momentum.

As you saw in the video the “lean out” is nothing more that an extension of your arm to stop an attackers forward momentum (to keep him the right distance away from you) and to prevent him from striking you while you execute the kick. If you are using the “lean out” while kicking you use the arm that’s on the same side as leg you are kicking with. If you kick with your right foot, you check him with the right arm while kicking.

Remember, the lean out is not a shove, you don’t need to knock him back. You just want to keep him in place, or take the power out of any punch he may be throwing. You also don’t want to leave your arm out for him to grab a hold of. It’s just a quick extension and retraction of the arm.

Thai Kick second lean out

It’s also important that you keep your opposite hand up to protect your head. This arm should extend for a lean out after you have kicked the attacker. While this second lean out is happening your other arm is drawn back to protect your head once again.

To learn more about the feared Thai Kick and why it’s one of the most feared fight moves around (it’s been known to break an opponent’s femur in actually street fights) check out Mike Goldbach’s Combat Thai Boxing.

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16 thoughts on “#1 Thai Kick Mistake – Ignoring this will cost you big time in a street fight”

  1. Thanks for putting these instructional videos out for us. I watch every one of them. They are very informative and make the techniques easy to learn.

  2. Good to see someone showing a complete sequence to the kick as most are taught just the “kick” and not the full process. I learned it right (and used it) many years ago while in the Military. Even tho I am disabled Vet, (not from any personal contact; hand to hand) I am still in one piece and alive 😉

  3. I’d prefer the lean out as you put it to be a jab or straight and as a bit of advice on my part defiantly connect with your shin and not your foot , as your foot it easy to break your shin isn’t and it will hurt your aggressor a great deal more . Plus aim low your kick will be faster and you will be more balanced if you do miss or your kick gets checked . 6wins 1 loss. The great kings fight club fighter

  4. A technical correct move preceding the Thai kick that increases its effectiveness while protecting you from most brutal trapping range counters that you may be open to by your opponent… Very important advice that increases effectiveness whilst keeping you safe

  5. Hi, Bob,
    I have a background in kungfu, certs in close quarter combat and defensive tactics. I have travelled halfway around the world on several training trips. Thanks for your info, as it is great to cross reference the skills I already have, and pickup the odd pointer or two.
    Looking forward to recieving the DVDs I ordered.

  6. I am glad I found this site, love the videos that you have sent me very informative. I always loved the martial arts but I for one could see many (for the lack of a better way to put it) weaknesses in the forms and tecniques. The videos you have sent me helps fill in the weaknesses. Thanks for the information.

  7. great tip, i hadn’t actually seen that before, only the guard. but seeing the “lean out” flow makes a lot of sense to help defend against a counter punch.

  8. When I was taught the to use the round kick, I was taught to do something very similar. We also used it to get into range from close quarters…