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Wicked Fast – Reverse Arm Lock Fight Move

Fights often start with an aggressive or belligerent attacker pushing you. If that happens you have two options fleeing the area, or taking control of the situation. A push or shove is a violent act and will not likely be followed up with a peaceful resolution.

I would normally recommend flying into a barrage of quick strikes to take the attacker by surprise, and prevent him from striking first. However, there are situations where an attacker pushes or shoves a victim, but doesn’t immediately start his attack. As you can see in the video above an attacker may shove then drop his hands at his side while perhaps continuing a verbal assault, not thinking you are a threat.

The move Ray demonstrates in the video above is great for a situation like this. If you have access to his hand you can use it to quickly put him into a painful and immobilizing arm lock.

The Reverse Arm Lock

This is also a great move to use on someone who is drunk or otherwise out of hand in a situation where blowing out his ear drum with an ear slap would be considered overdoing it.

As with most joint locks speed is key, no attacker will stand there willingly while you put him into a joint lock. This is a fight move you’ll need to practice slowly at first, but you’ll eventually want to practice it at full speed. The goal is to have the attacker in the arm lock before he realizes what’s going on.

Again, for most situations I recommend quick damaging strikes to immobilize an attacker but there are situations where that’s not possible or appropriate. This is a move designed for those types of situations. The more you know the better your chances of surviving and winning in any situation.

For more simple restraint techniques, along with plenty of brutal lethal tactics (for when things get serious) check out Ray’s Aggressive Smack Down Tactics DVD Package.

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10 thoughts on “Wicked Fast – Reverse Arm Lock Fight Move”

  1. I liked that move, sometimes it is better to just control a situation then to cause phycial maybe perment harm. Also when you let the person go if they continue the attack everyone knows you tryed to stop him before it esclated into a serious fight.

  2. Great video! Can see how it might work for shorter people too. Thanks so much for
    the free tips to keep us safe.

  3. Mikie likes it!! I have not been casually sliding through these moves but have been documenting and organizing them and looking for a practice partner. I am a senior and would enjoy gaining conceptual understanding and practice while at the same time proofing up some lad to being able to handle things. Ethics Presence in this day and increasingly dangerious age is a necessary thing to have, however, it works on a gradient and a gun and deadly force are seldom the place to start. So, I am encourage by the availibility of some less perminant solutions. You have my attention Bob, so thank you. DBH

  4. I need this video series desperately as I have a mma fighter that wants to stomp me in the ground. I have no money because I’ve been unemployed since Oct 31st 2011. Please if there is any way we could work this out, I’ll do it. I just don’t want to run from this guy whose twice my size. I weigh 135 and he weighs close to 200 lbs. please help me to stand my ground, and be confident enough to face my fears. Even if I do get beat, I’ll be able to say I gave it my all. Thank you and GOD bless you, Justin Key.

  5. Very nice I liked it easy and effective,I’m a Black belt 8th degree Master Instructor in the Art of American Kenpo Karate.Me I like to create pain before to try to control any body;You have to.