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Stocked Up On Psychological Ammunition?

When it comes to hand to hand combat its tempting to focus to much on the “moves.” While having a simple set of end it now fight moves up your sleeves is absolutely necessary you simply cannot forget about the psychological side of a fight. The psychological side of self defense and combat is what enables you to put your knowledge and skills into action during the massive adrenaline dump that occurs in a life and death situation. For that reason the psychological side of combat is covered in nearly every one of my DVDs.

There are many strategies that prepare your mind for battle, but the video above is a great place to start. As Demi Barbito explains in this clip, a simple tweak in the way you think about an attacker can completely change the way you perceive the threat.

For many of us the thought of someone fighting us brings up drastically different emotions than the thought of someone attacking those we hold most dear. A guy yelling and threatening me may ruffle my feathers, if he is bigger than me I may start to wonder “can I take this guy” etc. However, a guy doing the same thing directed at my wife…I can tell you right now the size of the guy will be an afterthought. As strange as it may seem, protecting those you love (especially women and children) can be much more primal and instinctual than protecting our own skin.

The instant primal aggression and focus that occurs for most of us when our loved ones are threatened needs to be harnessed and honed into a tool that can be used whenever we need it. When you learn to bring up this kind of primal drive at will it becomes psychological ammunition. When combined with brutal self defense techniques your new found psychological ammunition will enable you to survive, dominate and ultimately escape violent confrontations against larger and stronger attackers.

Want some brutal techniques to pair with your new found psychological ammo? Check out Demi’s Killer Instinct DVD package. You’ll be glad you did.

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21 thoughts on “Stocked Up On Psychological Ammunition?”

  1. In most cases when a guy attacks you verbally and approaches you with the intent to attack, its best to hang back and see what he intends to do,keeping eye contact. If u want him to strike, look away! But watch him with your periferal. Legally, you are covered as eye witneses saw him attacking you. And you defended yourself.

    Think about this statement. And let me know what u think.

  2. this it’s so true, I teach this as switches, light switches, and as things escalate switches get flipped proportionally. They can all be flipped at once if necessary.

  3. That is so true because I remember me and my bro playing bball and I these dudes were talking major trash about how we suck and I was thinking they look pretty strong I don’t want to fight them and then my bro got into a confrontation with one then all jumped and then I forgot about muscles I just thought they not gonna do my brother like that

  4. Since you so kindly asked me to reply, I am going to try. I always thought if I had a lack of fear that would make me safe from anyone’s attacks/threats. But the mote I study & research different types of martial arts/self defense/battle tactics, I have read quite a few times that a person with no fear has no place on a battlefield. The video was very informative, I hope my comment made sense.

  5. I agree with this man entirely. Im not a fighter im more of a listener . I come from a family of 12 and im the youngest. I learn at a young age that fear will make you cower and your fear came be debilitating, and this will keep you from responding or protecting yourself or loved ones. I learned and forced myself to become angry when I get scared. Why? Because in anger im stronger . Mentally and physically. When im angry I can run you over like a freight train but when im afraid I hesitate, I lack focus, I lose the ability to control whats happening.
    Not all fears should be responded to in this way , because some fears are good. But when you or your family is in danger , you need some way to over come your fear and this is how I do it.
    IMHO, Edward

  6. VERY VERY insightful information, I have lost fights because I have not been in the right frame of mind. This gives me a powerful tool for getting and staying in the wright frame of mind no matter what I am doing. Not that I am ignoring what people are talking about, but that I am officially in the wright frame of mind for that adrinalin download, every time it hits me. Thinks for the ability to control that first blast of adrinalin to hit your body.

  7. Yes right
    Tell that to the next tiger you meet in the street – or the next crocodile you bump into
    In the end – you just can’t beat pure strength, speed & a natural aptitude for gratuitous
    violence. And of course a very strong desire to survive & the confidence that you will.

  8. this is a very powerful tool and this made me realize that this tool is much more powerful if your protecting your own life for the life of others or a bigger cause. if people were able to protect themselves the way we know how there would be less violence kind of like using war as a deterrent. with great power comes great responsibility. fear is the greatest motivator if used the right way.

  9. It’s about what matters – if you care enough – you’ll do what’s necessary to protect your interests – the problem with us humans is that we are motivated to much by pride – we fight & die for things that aren’t even worth living for. I’m not sure fear is a good thing either – do we need fear when were performing an action that requires some skill or concentration – of course not – we don’t ride a bike because were afraid – we ride it better because we have no fear at all – because we are confident in what we can do. We don’t need adrenaline to drive our car – or to drive it well – we need confidence – that only comes with practice – then it’s instinctive – just like a tigers confidence in it’s ability to kill for food or to protect itself from threat. Yet even a tiger will run when it is threatened by something it does not understand – or something it knows it cannot deal with. To that end – being successful is about being able to judge threat & our ability to deal with it – having that instinctive edge is all important.

  10. That’s true. Fear when channeled into anger for me helps keep focus. Over time it seemed to become an automatic thing and helpful. For anger must be focused to keep control. For me anyway.

  11. This makes total sense. You hear about mothers who can lift cars when their children are stuck underneath them but almost the entire crew and passengers dieing in a plane crash, that didn’t have to, because of negative panic. The drive to protect someone you love is incredibly strong. The fear / panic when faced with extreme trauma can be severely disabling if you cannot focus your mind to a needed direction. Along with that has to come at least some kind of knowledge of how to defend yourself in the face of adversity to at least be able to get out of the situation. As a women I would not want to get into a full blown confrontation with an attacker if I could avoid it. I would do what I would have to do though to protect myself and those I love and those who cannot defend themselves.

  12. I am a retired mma fighter, i have also dealt with numerous confrontations and attacks during my job. The psychology of fight or flight(I actually prefer fight or freeze as a term) is something i have always found interesting. I believe phychology is 99.99percent of confrontation. Fear is a deap seated phycological survival instinct that has triggers. These triggers are usually socially programmed through life alongside the response they instigate. I do not believe that the physical response people generally refer to at the on set of confrontation is fear. It is an instinctual survival mechanism, it is a physical adrenaline release. You can let it overcome you, freeze. Or you can use it. Adrenaline is a performance enhancing drug! Use it to think clearly and make decisive decisions more quickly, that everything was in slow motion thing is your brain working quicker. If your decision takes you to violence or flight(after necessary violence) then enjoy the physical benefits of increased performance and one of the best pain killers nature ever invented.
    Embrace adrenaline and use its superhuman mental benefits!

  13. I have always been taught to respect human life. I have been in altercations where I was mindful of wanting to avoid causing pain to another person. I have had a few years of martial arts and military and law enforcement experience so I feel capable of doing serious injury to someone if the need arises to protect myself or family. After watching this video, I can understand that hesitation could be very dangerous. I still will try to avoid physical confrontations, but if there is no way out of it, this information will save my bacon and anyone with me. I have heard “mind set” is very important and now I fully understand the implications of that statement. Thanks for making this video available.

  14. Demi is an excellent teacher and knows his trade well. I have never heard how psychological works. I can get anger when I think about the kid that punched my lights out at age 6. Now I can do what he says and find the mindset to be effective.

  15. This i reckon would be “one of” the most important things to be made aware of, i am 48 years old and have had about 15 fights and lost two since the age of 20, and walked away from “and or” avoided dozens of others, i shudder to think where i would be today if i let myself be sucked in to the way of fighting because of pride, i think i would either be a lot better of or a lot worse of or maybe a bit of both, any way im still here and fairly contented with this side of my life, i never had any military training just 6months of martial arts called zen-do-kai an australian made martial art made from the best bits of all the other martial arts and 6months ago started training in krav maga where i learnt that msking a lot of noise like yelling and screaming actually increased my strength by maybe 80%, it is amazing how well it works , and is on tap for when you need it, this is somthing i heard about but never really rubbed of, so yes, this stuff is very important to instill in yourself

  16. I thank you for words of confidence and controlling my emotions in times of trouble and defending my self and family mentally and physically as well prepared for anything on spar of the moment thanks