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The Reality of a Knife Fight

It Only Takes One Strike…

The reality of a knife fight is brutal and downright gruesome. In today’s video, street fighter and Jeet Kune Do prectitioner Paul Vunak demonstrates just how devastating one strike with a knife can be. It’s a good reminder of how effective a knife can be for self-defense, and a frightening reminder that you need a proven strategy to deal with a knife-wielding attacker if fleeing is not an option.

Sobering, Isn’t It?

It’s hard to believe just how much damage can be done with a single strike of a knife. Fancy blocks that look great in the Dojo while sparring with wooden or plastic knives simply won’t work on the street.

Sure, blocking a knife with your arm is better than taking it to the torso, but you’ve gotta understand what blocking a knife with your arm means and why a strategy of blocking or parrying is not enough.

Get The Word Out

If you liked this video please share it with your friends. It’s a scary world out there and sticking your head in the sand won’t do you any good.

There are a lot of folks out there who are ignorant of the realities of knife a fight and this information could save their lives. Let us know your thoughts by leaving a comment down below!

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86 thoughts on “The Reality of a Knife Fight”

  1. There are an alarming anount of run-by slashers on the streets of many cities. It is easy to sit and watch a video on what you “should” do if attacked. The number one (1) thing that isn’t mentioned in this self-defence video, is what to do when attacked from behind by some ” STUPID” and I mean these idiots are chicken sh$#&. They usually are wearing a hoodie over their head and have to hold their pants up with their free hand while running away. I know it is not “legal or ethical” to shoot a perpetrator in the back, but if you do carry concealed, since he or she cut you from behind, I say , without appoligy, ” YELL AT HIM OR HER”. If they turn around, shoot them in the largest area you can see. If they don’t turn around, do to them as they have done to you–“SHOOT TO KILL” . Meaning empty your clip or revolver, don’t stop until the slasher stops breathing or moving, whichever!!

  2. Thank you for posting all the information that you do-good stuff, but a couple you might have missed as others have. BTW – I have had knife fighting training and the first thing that was said was “Somebody is going to get cut. All you have to do is make the other guy bleed more than you do.”
    I have never seen any video about using your BELT! Big belt buckles(I’m not a cowboy but wish I could have won a few events Huge Buckles!)
    1. Belts extend safety zone 3-5 feet depending on waste size?!?! and arm reach.
    2. Combination damage are cuts,bruising,blindness,concussion all possible.
    3. Most unexpected defense weapon. Some belts even have a sword in them.;_ylt=A0LEVoBE4MlWjBsAh6wnnIlQ;_ylu=X3oDMTEwcGZycmkxBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwM2BHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNyZWwtYm90?p=belt+that+turns+into+a+sword&ei=UTF-8&hsimp=yhs-002&hspart=mozilla&fr2=rs-bottom%2Cp%3As%2Cv%3Aw%2Cm%3Aat-s&fr=yhs-mozilla-002

    You do need to practice removing and striking- use old belt, wear safety glasses and pads, experience taught me that. Movies make using Bull Whip easy-NOT, very dangerous if not practiced; same with belt.

    One other defensive tool if caught on street with no defensive weapon(stupid is what stupid does) CAR RADIO ANTENNA. Cuts like knife if fast enough-seen it, been there, done that got away with life -ran like hell after I hit him once-he bled I lived.
    Was in condition stupid not Orange(if not RED) as area of city was KNOW for.

    Hope this helps
    Old fart who always carries a gun; too old to fight fare or care!

  3. Always thought it was a terrible idea to fling a body part deliberately into the path of an edged weapon… unless it’s covered in some type of protective armor. Even then…

  4. Strange how the public generally ignores the knife. It is the silent killer that you never hear barely see and if sharpened correctly never even feel till its too late.So keep forgetting that simple pocket knife, lose your life. See the thing is its not like the movies where you hardly bleed if trained you can stop a heart in less than 4 seconds. Think about that.

  5. Absolutely right. A knife is a very dangerous weapon even in the hands of an unskilled attacker. Any and all advice should be considered useful.

  6. having grown up in some pretty sketchy neighborhoods we all learned to street fight as soon as we were able to stand, not flee, and knife fighting was just a part of my childhood. My biggest concern lately is that there seems to be some kind of conspiracy
    minded folks out there that are spreading the “FEAR EVERYTHING” MINDSET! I mean everytime I turn around there is another website that is promoting that you and your family are about to be mugged or raped in your home. I think that this is just FEAR mongering and the reality is that this is just not going to happen. Of course you do need to have some training for peace of mind but going to Martial Arts schools are just a ridiculous waste of time. All the time spend on the “basics of punching and kicking are not going to stop anything but just get you hurt, maimed or killed. the crap you see on the movies is just that crap. Just for instance: Once in a dark alley myself and my current girlfriend at the time were walking back to our car after going to the movies. 2 thugs decided because I am handicapped and she was a very small girl we would be easy targets. They followed us into the alley behind the theater and I heard one of them open a blade and the other one move to my right side. they proceeded to demand money and my wallet. When I told them to F*!K off he quickly came at me with his blade way out in front of him. Really a bad idea. I dropped to my knee left and punched him in the Balls and literally knocked him off his feet. His partner decided he was also very brave but he waited just a little too long to move. I had already risen up to my feet and he rushed me thinking that his advantage would be his weight as I was a buck 150 and he looked to be every bit of 225+. Unfortunately for him I just grabbed his right arm and shoved my palm through the back side of his elbow and then still hanging on to his arm with my left hand I used a simple knife hand to his throat and he collapsed to the pavement in severe pain and not able to breath well. I grabbed my woman by the hand and we made a beeline for my car. Street fighting is not a lot of moves and counter moves that is just for Hollywood. Real street fights are very fast and very short. You need confidence in your abilities and several tried and tested moves that are more muscle memory than real brain thots at these times. I have carried a knife since being a kid. My phone, credit cards (in my front pocket) and my trusty knife are always in my pockets. I did by the way purchase two of your knives to add to my collection and another one for my wife’s car, 325s tactical, for getting seat belts cut and windows open in case of an accident and/or car fire. I do believe in being prepared for every thing as best as I can ans so should most of us.

  7. Good info. Glad to see someone put a dose of reality into a knife fighting training video. Keep up the good work, man.

  8. Never thought the effect that a Knife can do ,until I Viewed this Video ! Now I know why Cops have the 21 Foot Rule— Shoot to Kill. I’d rather face a Gun vs a Knife and usually one with a knife knows how to use it. Thank You Bob Outstanding Information !

  9. Obviously a knife fight is not something I want to be part of. It is one reason I carry at all times. I am in good shape, but 84 years old. I can shoot pretty good and am not too slow, but no, I don’t want a knife around me.

  10. As a 74 y.o. 6ft. 1in senior male at 202 pounds, I would not try to outrun such an individual however if this occurred during cold weather or cool weather and I yank off my jacket and wrap it around my arm and litterally charge at this idiot before he has time to think and blocking any swing he may make with my jacket arm while my right fist was coming at him like a heat seeking missle and hopefully lay him on the groung where then I would continuely stomp on him like a filthy cockroach….If that don’t work I will just shoot him until my 9-millimeter was empty

  11. I one had a fight with an opponent armed with two large knives. No one had taught me such a situation. Ugly story !

  12. I’ve been in three actual knife fights. I was stabbed in two of them and severely cut in the third. I was able to cut and stab my opponent in each of them. The close proximity of the combatants and the proficiency of the knife itself as a weapon almost always ensures a severe wound in this contest.

  13. Impressive and graphic to demonstrate that this is not the type of situation you want to be in unless you are the aggressor and are detailed the responsibility of quietly taking down an enemy or sentry. I have the entire video of knife fighting and it was well worth it.

  14. In any fight you end up in you go in expecting to get hit or stabbed that is the way it is, unless you strike first then you will usually get a visit from the police.

  15. I agree, the movies do the public no good. Great video, I can only imagine the outcome in an actual situation when the attacker doesn’t stop with just one slice. Thanks for bringing this awareness.

  16. I was wondering if any one else bought the TRS Diomandback? What happened to someone that tried attacking you? I don’t know what happened to the idiots who tried jumping me. They went down and I left. I heard sirens shortly afterwords.

  17. Hi Bob hope your day is good and safe I understand fully the consequences of a knife fight or being attacked with a knife you asked me to send a picture of me with my knife I have and repeatedly watch the training videos I’ve gotten through your program in my picture if you look I’ve had my face cut took most of the top lip part of my chin and almost took an eye but I somehow Maneuvered and when I went down I kicked my attackers knee sideways he dropped his knife but I’d already been cut up since then I’ve trained and learned but I’d like to purchase an extra knife if available Thankyou Todd C

  18. I really like this video, I cannot pay for the DVD’s as I am retired on Social Security and it the vedio verses eating. This and the other video’s shown for free on this site are the best I have ever seen and would encourage everyone to get the DVD’s.

  19. I see that the meat is hanging and when you attack it it moves away now the average circumference of a arm is from 8 inches to 30 and greater when struck by a knife it will definitely cut to the bone if you could show a video on a fixed bonein piece of meat it might be more visual on the aspect of what a knife could and would do the body. If at all possible a video like that might change my wife’s outlook on why she needs to carry a concealed weapon thanks

  20. Thanks Bob for this video. This should be a reality check for many people who think that they can disarm & defuse a knife attack. Martial arts instructors should show this to their students before showing a defensive posture for a knife fight. Thanks again.

  21. You have great stuff and thank you for info currently I have torn Achilles and not working right now so money tight……you guys probably don’t want people like me (no money) but love your info

  22. Thanks Bob for this video a knife fight is nothing to take lightly it is very serious, All of your info is so very informative thanks again.

  23. Hi,
    I’ve been in quite a few knife fights, one thing they all had in common was they all started very suddenly. Does that mean I lost? Not even the first one. My brother and I used to ‘practice,’ I usually used a belt with the buckle sharpened. Hit his hand and he’d bleed so he would stay away from me if possible. However, I gave no warning. Best idea though, is have a handgun or some protection.

  24. Don’t look like any thing I want to happen to me and I know it can so I do stay out of knife fights and carry a automatic Gun so if need be I don’t get close after that kind of cut you will most likely not ever use that arm as you have in the past . Yea stay away from a knife encounter ,but if that’s all you got use it before then all ways be first don’t Waite and get out.

  25. This Vedic is very good and sobbering ! Unless you’ve ever been in or witnessed a knife fight, you would most likely believe that you could block a knife like you would a punch. Of course (ike myself) most people think oh well I might get cut a little! Nothing serious especially if the knife is small. As i noted above this was pretty munch the way i thought it be like and the movies showed that i was right on! Then came that dreadful day that everything I thought i knew was totally wrong. First although only a 3″ blade it cut into and across my chest bone deep! Second my attempt at blocking as i would a punch cost me a severly cut and severed forearm rendering that arm all but useless! Lucky for me the person using the knife was not experienced using a knife any more than i was at defending against a knife! I was able to learn quickly enough how to get inside of the knife and defend myself effectively enough that I only required 56 stiches and lost the full use of my left arm for almost two months. After that fight I started studying how true knife fighters used and defended in knife fights.
    I was very surprised at the difference In blocking and the thrust when using or defending in a knife fight. I recommend that people make themselves at least knowledgeable about knife fighting before they either carry or put themself in the position that may require this knowledge. Yes I carry and have used a small 5″ special forces dagger!

  26. The USMC gave me a few basic lessons way back but that’s exactly why I am a CCW and carry my .45 all the time!!! I might get cut but the MF ain’t going home….ever!!!!

  27. Having butchered many animals both growing up and at a processing facility the damage shown is accurate for a single stroke. Imagine multiple strikes in multiple places. Then there’s the blood. Having been on both sides of the results of a knife involved altercation it’s that brutal.

  28. I am not a violent man and yes I agree with what you are saying and every one has to be careful in our days but there are a lot of ASSHOLES out there how just wont let it go and then you have to cut them and with the drugs out to day you have to use LETHAL force I am sorry but when it comes to my life or there’s I will make shore I will do the living ? .

  29. Well, how do you protect yourself against someone trying to slash or stab you with a knife, or any sharp object? Do you parry, run in for an eye gouge, kick or strike what’s closest to you or what?