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My Wife Thinks I’m Crazy for Doing This…

Am I losing my mind?

Maybe… But I sure as hell never want to be caught without a knife. That’s why I recently started carrying two of them, every day. Why two knives you ask? Here are just a few reasons:

For Everyday Use

Pocket Knives
Photo by: Alexander Rushing

First, I use a knife every day for utility purposes. By carrying knives with different sizes and blade shapes it’s more likely that I will have a better tool for the job. I can also carry one knife that is my “beater” (The one I don’t hesitate to get muddy, sticky, or greasy).

For Self-Defense

Next, in a self-defense situation you never know if the knife kept on your dominant side will be inaccessible. Perhaps an attacker has you pinned against a wall, has control of your arm, etc.

Also, if forced to stab an attacker, it is very possible the knife will be difficult to recover, a grisly thought but it is a real problem (Muscles tend to clench around the blade). If there is a second attacker you’ll be glad you brought a backup.

Self-Defense Situation Number 3 (okay, my overactive imagination is probably the real reason my wife thinks I’m crazy): Carrying blades on different portions of the body can be an advantage if you are taken to the ground. This is a great reason to carry a boot knife. I can keep going with the self-defense scenarios but I think you get the point.

As a Survival Tool

A knife is also one of the two most critical survival tools we have (a fire source being the second). As the old saying goes “Two is one, and one is none.” You can expect that if the SHTF you’d immediately drop your one and only knife into a mud hole, or it would fall out of a pocket in the dark. A backup is just common sense.

Okay, you can see that there are a lot of good reasons to carry two knives. Even so, some people may question my logic by saying that if this were the case we may as well carry two of everything—two sets of keys, two wallets, two cell phones, etc.

Here’s the Thing

It’s possible for us to take preparation to such an extreme that it becomes impossible to lead a normal life. The difference, especially with knives, is the relative ease of carrying two. With so many knives on the market it is easy to find a backup that is inconspicuous, small, and comfortable. What I’m trying to say is that the downside is so small and the upside so large that it’s simply a no-brainer, at least for me.

So what do you think?

Am I the only one who carries two knives? Let me know in the comments below!

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1,264 thoughts on “My Wife Thinks I’m Crazy for Doing This…”

  1. no, you ARE NOT crazy! i also carry several knives on various parts of my body. Better to be safe than sorry. Also, as a woman, and an older woman at that, I do not advertise that i carry…. that could actually start a confrontation that could lead to having to actually use a knife on a person. Better to use avoidance skills first. However, I have taught all my children to always have a knife handy and how to handle one safely. The few friends and family that know I carry a knife (no one knows how many… they do know about one) they are always asking if I have a knife handy. Silly people.
    You make excellent points. My only concern is how to explain the knives in case I ever get stopped by law enforcement… not that I am breaking any laws but you never know nowadays about the police or anybody.
    Yours truly, one really cool grandma or as my daughter lovingly calls me “scary old lady”

  2. I have got countless knives from 10” Bowie style to a folding credit card knife and all in between. The law in the UK have been screwed down so tight we can’t carry a lock blade. How many knives now don’t have lock blades?
    I did the only thing I could think of and got two
    Victorinox Swiss Army Knives. A key ring knife with blade, saw rasp, scissors, tweezers, toothpick.
    It’s about an inch and a half closed. The other a pocket knife with just two blades.
    The hype is right. I’ve never used a knife so much.
    And never had such a sharp blade out of the box.
    But, I have on two occasions already, had a blade close and nearly cut me badly.
    Oh for the perfect knife. I’m pretty sure my collection could be confiscated if it was widely known of.

  3. I wanna say Thanks to you Guys at Fight Fast for all the great training videos and all the cool stuff, and awesome instructors. Mostly for my 3 pack throwing knives. I’ve had a dislocated shoulder for almost 2 weeks and that still wont keep me from 2 hours of throwing everyday. Fight Fast .com is the coolest

  4. Have a few pieces of cutlery. Would be indebted to anyone that can point me towards, in my opinion, the holy grail of carry anywhere perfect fit pieces I ever had the misfortune to own. The Impulse Edge, carried for over 10 years, went halfway around the world twice, saved me from my own stupidity more than once and from the stupidity of others more often than it should have. It felt molded to my hand in every way i held it. The perfection made it seem it was just natural, like i finger, its there and no more thought given. Have not found anything close to that in any other blade I’ve held. 10 years searching knife shows, pawn shops, junk drawers, garage sales, the whole 9 I’ve not found another. If anyone has knowledge of a place to look I have missed, please point me in that direction. thank you.

  5. I carry more than one couple of pockets I even have a necklace knife like you said you never know what knife will work for what you need

  6. You have sent me email after email with the wrong name. It’s correct below. Thank you for changing it correctly. Happy Thanksgiving!

  7. I carry no less than three knives everyday, and also a Hoofman Richter defense pen. My favorite knive that never leaves my side is the Fang, it is comfortable to carry and has a quick release, along with being very secure in its sheath.

  8. You are defiantly not alone on that one. When I was running all over Canada in my youth I would carry at least 2 knives and sometimes 3 knives also with other things that would aid in self defense.

  9. I am a retired cop. well trained in self defence and importantly quick take downs and controlling subjects. I find your site very interesting and useful so thanks to you..i will view your videos later . Also I am a great shooter .I used 357 stub nose for about 15 years then switched to a p226. Love the p226 with 36 rounds accesable by carrying 2 clips. I will keep reading your site. Do you have anyting using foot and leg takedowns followed by controlling someone…..

  10. I have found that a knife is of little value in an initial attack unless your instigating it. Even a firearm is of little value if you’re caught by surprise. I have learned the hard way that I have to control the situation the very instant it even looks like a confrontation. In many situations the attacker has brought a knife or weapon with them, which is great, you can leave it in their chest without actually handing the police useful evidence. I see a knife as a means of crippling an attacker, once I have put them on the ground. If an attacker is on the ground when you draw a knife there is far less chance of accidentally killing them, you can select exactly what tendons you want to cut to ensure the attacker does not get up. In the case of multiple attackers having two hands that work can be very useful in throwing one attacker into another. A small blade is not really suitable for dagger fighting, but very useful for carving up. I would not waste my time trying to get a pocket knife into play when a fight starts. Now, if I thought the fight was going to start and I had lots of notice, having a knife in my hand would have some advantage, even if only to use it to startle. Of course, a trained or skilled attacker will not startle and will not have any concern that you have a knife. I have used my knife to take out a threat as they walk around a corner, I have no problems with taking out a problem from behind and nothing says retreat in the mind of an attacker better than a serious haemorrhage. Obviously, I carry a blade, I just don’t see it as my prime concern when a conflict starts.

  11. I myself always have at least 1 knife on my self , usually 2 when ever I go anywhere , 1 that is in a sheath hanging from my belt , the smallest one being 6.5 inches long blade and when out riding my Harley Davidson ( have been since 1979 ) I always have 3 knives with me. I have very good quality American made knives , my Bowie knife which I have had since 1971, is 16.5 inches and completely solid , 6 Damascus made type , also made here in the best country in the world…the USA !

    I have a total of 47 knives , for all types of use , such as skinning animals I have hunted, fish caught , accomplishing different projects and protection for family , friends and my self. I also have an awesome Japanese Samauri sword !

    Sorry if I bored you with this info. -Kirk Irish-

  12. there are merits to carrying a spare, the possibility that one may get displaced is present, way less like that one would displace both on any given day, regarding self defense, i feel it best to be trained and practiced in multiple assault tactics, if somebody comes at you with their hands, respond with martial arts.., or with a weapon, either disarm or turn their weapon on them, I would definately carry two knifes and idealy not flip or pocket knives, moving parts could make knives unreliable in a pinch.

    have a nice day
    from south africa, home of the okapie (flip knife used by many cape town gangsters)

  13. Thanks again for your emails.the thing is in UK if got with your own knives its a 4years in prison for your got to way the pros & cons it a personal choice.but like myself I don’t have any queries about this? As I said it’s a choice & if you live by the sordid &die by the sord.

  14. I am the kind of guy whom always carries and have knives close at hand for many reasons and one purpose; I love knives

  15. I have replied to this subject before, but as you mentioned, it’s good to have a “beater” for nasty stuff or when someone asks to borrow your knife and then they do something stupid with it like scrape paint or glue or try to use it as a screwdriver, which would leave a nice shiny blade, scratched with a dull if not chipped edge.

    The other advantage to packing more than one knife is that you one can be a fine, plain edged blade and the second can be a full or partially serrated edge. One could be kept super sharp for defense or fine cutting and the second can be thicker or have a different shaped tip. And then there are spring assisted knives, automatic knives, and the manually opened knives with flippers, thumb studs and nail grooves. In any case, you’ll always have one that is sharp or at least sharper if you’re diligent in touching them up.

    I may even carry a light fixed blade knife for eating fast food and meals on the go or to cut a sandwich into pieces. Plastic knives break very easily. Or the may not even have knives available. So it would be strictly for eating with or food prep.

  16. I personally carry a fixed and a folder, both are cinder block certified. The folder is old and I’m thinking of trading in for one of those five in one rescue folders. It has a glass breaker, flint, flashlight, belt slicer and assisted opening. My fixed blade is a homemade karambit I fashioned out of my broken hatchet. This knife will never break and it’s got a wicked sharp edge. Blade and handle are almost 8 inches total.

  17. I’ve been carrying three knives for ever one on my blt,one in my pocket and the last around the neck Daggar

  18. A knife in the pocket, a knife on the belt, and a knife as a belt buckle.
    Without these it would be like putting your pants on before your underwear. And unless you haven’t had your morning coffee this would not make much sense now would it. 🔪🗡⚔️

  19. I agree with you. I usually carry 3, sometimes 4. I’m a woman who has lived alone a long time and has done some dangerous jobs. Wouldn’t be without my knives. Even in the kitchen.

  20. My arsenal of knives are a little bit bigger in size than your’s,and i do have several of Fight Fast Knives,BUT IT IS ALWAYS GOOD TO HAVE A COMPLETE ARSENAL OF WEAPONS AT THE READY!

  21. Kris Carter: Check out the Hoffmann Richter Reaper. What a beaut! Fell in love with it at first sight with the tanto point, curves on the blade that I’ve never seen before and sure grip handle just made for hanging on without slippage. I own many knives, some by famous knife makers that are single productions, Damascus mother of pearl automatics that cost me mucho dinero. But no complaints. Check out the Reaper and I believe you’ll go for it just like I did. I’m retired Army/Air Force 28 years active duty

  22. Craig Willis: You’re right. It’s more important to know how to use the knife/knives that you’re carrying than just to be carrying them untrained. Fight Fast has a great DVD on knife fighting/self defense done by a former Navy Seal. I’ve watched it and had my USAF veteran son watch it twice. That Seal knows his stuff! As expected, I’m sure! If you’re interested, ask Bob to get that disk to you. You’ll never regret it. I’m retired Army/Air Force with 28 years active duty.

  23. I always carry a fast open, razor sharp blade on my dominant side, tucked into my belt, not a pocket. This carry spot aids concealment and provides faster access. On my weak side I carry a Husky folding, quick change razor knife. I actually feel naked when not having my “tools” on my belt.

  24. I carry 1 on my person and 3 in my car plus the truck has 3. Each vehicle has a multi-use tool in it as well.

  25. I usually carry three different knives when I leave my house during the day or night one of my jacket pocket I’m not the one in my jean pocket and my last one all my boot.🔪🔪🔪🔪

  26. I also carry have been carrying two or more knives for several years now. I had read an article in Blade magazine some years ago in which the author stated that everyone that carried a knife should start with two knives because you never knew when you would need a spare. So now I start with at least 2 folders and maybe a fixed blade like the Tops 4.0.

  27. No, I carry at least 2 knives with me at all times. As you have said, 1 as a beater, and well, the other one I keep nice and sharp. I am always on the look out for odd looking knives. A friend of mine has small knife, about 3 inches long when folded. Each side has a lock on both ends. You unlock both sides, and press the buttons on both ends. Instantly, 2 small knives pop out. I have offered him every knife in my collection for this rare knife,except my 5 in 1. He just will not give it up. A rare little knife indeed.

  28. No, your definitely not the only person carrying more than 1 knife. I personally carry a few myself, a person just never knows, and I am better prepared than not. Neck, boot, hip, back, pocket and hell keychain, flashlight lanyard and you can guess the rest. So you know now that some people think outside the box and I happen to be one of those people. Keep safe and tell the wife that she just might want to consider some herself with all of the kidnapped women and children being sold everyday, the neighborhood that you think you know is changing and it is definitely not for the better. Peace Brother, woha.

  29. NO you are not alone. Besides my blades I also pack. I am 72 and physically not as agile, quick or strong as I was back when, so I am prepared to protect my life and family.

  30. Agreed. I would be lost without my knives. I carry two and I have a bag full of backups and knives for different situations.

  31. I carry three knives with me every day one is CRKT m16 other is a small switch blade about as big as your index finger it never leaves my side sharp as razor I sleep with on my body will not be caught with out may best friend never.

  32. I carry three knives with me every day one is CRKT m16 other is a small switch blade about as big as your index finger it never leaves my side sharp as razor I sleep with on my body will not be caught with out may best friend never.

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