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My Wife Thinks I’m Crazy for Doing This…

Am I losing my mind?

Maybe… But I sure as hell never want to be caught without a knife. That’s why I recently started carrying two of them, every day. Why two knives you ask? Here are just a few reasons:

For Everyday Use

Pocket Knives
Photo by: Alexander Rushing

First, I use a knife every day for utility purposes. By carrying knives with different sizes and blade shapes it’s more likely that I will have a better tool for the job. I can also carry one knife that is my “beater” (The one I don’t hesitate to get muddy, sticky, or greasy).

For Self-Defense

Next, in a self-defense situation you never know if the knife kept on your dominant side will be inaccessible. Perhaps an attacker has you pinned against a wall, has control of your arm, etc.

Also, if forced to stab an attacker, it is very possible the knife will be difficult to recover, a grisly thought but it is a real problem (Muscles tend to clench around the blade). If there is a second attacker you’ll be glad you brought a backup.

Self-Defense Situation Number 3 (okay, my overactive imagination is probably the real reason my wife thinks I’m crazy): Carrying blades on different portions of the body can be an advantage if you are taken to the ground. This is a great reason to carry a boot knife. I can keep going with the self-defense scenarios but I think you get the point.

As a Survival Tool

A knife is also one of the two most critical survival tools we have (a fire source being the second). As the old saying goes “Two is one, and one is none.” You can expect that if the SHTF you’d immediately drop your one and only knife into a mud hole, or it would fall out of a pocket in the dark. A backup is just common sense.

Okay, you can see that there are a lot of good reasons to carry two knives. Even so, some people may question my logic by saying that if this were the case we may as well carry two of everything—two sets of keys, two wallets, two cell phones, etc.

Here’s the Thing

It’s possible for us to take preparation to such an extreme that it becomes impossible to lead a normal life. The difference, especially with knives, is the relative ease of carrying two. With so many knives on the market it is easy to find a backup that is inconspicuous, small, and comfortable. What I’m trying to say is that the downside is so small and the upside so large that it’s simply a no-brainer, at least for me.

So what do you think?

Am I the only one who carries two knives? Let me know in the comments below!

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1,264 thoughts on “My Wife Thinks I’m Crazy for Doing This…”

  1. I always carry two knives on me, I have my fixed blade on my hip and I have a tactical folder in my front pocket opposite the the fixed blade and I will wear a boot knife occasionally, no man, I don’t think you’re crazy at all, smart I reckon

  2. I always carry at least2 knives. I even have the credit card knife in my wallet. That is my hideout knife. If for some unforeseen reason
    I am in asome kind of hostage situation. I’ll still have something to use.
    I carry a fixed knife my son made out of an old bed frame. Heat treated, hard, sharp as hell.
    I’ve carried it for 5years, I have never sharpened it. And I use it for EVERYTHING.
    Still shaving sharp. I also carry a lnife i got from you guys. I don’t remember the name. But it has a wicked looking blade on it.
    I also carry you stilleto blade in my duty belt while at work.

  3. I have a pretty nice collection of knives my self. Even my Dad’s WWII navy side knife in the original sheath. hard shell with a hula dancer on it.

  4. Boy scouts said always be prepared. Adults just do it with folders. i have my collection just like everyone else.

  5. Well, maybe I’m nuts too then. My wife certainly thinks I’m a bit paranoid about it too. I carry a knife in each front jeans pocket, a cross draw tiger claw that I can draw across the wrist of any would-be gun jacker. I also carry a tactical pen clipped in my left pocket, a Stryker clipped inside my right. A boot knife, a key knife, and sometimes one or two others!

  6. Good to know that I am not the only one that sees the logic of carrying two knives…and hey, my wife thinks I’m crazy or paranoid too. I’m getting older now so I don’t carry a boot knife anymore…because I don’t intend to go down. Wherever I can clip or sheath a knife I have a place for…

  7. I carry three. A talon, spring assisted lock blade, and my new striker. In most cases, I work alone and usually in a bad neighborhood. (Are there really any safe neighborhoods?) Actually can access and deploy a blade much faster than drawing my carry handgun, acquiring target and firing, especially from a seated position in a vehicle.

  8. I carry 2 and keep a spare in the Vehicle as well. Point well taken about damaging or losing one. I too, carry a ‘beater’

  9. My father always told me “You can bet your last cent the day you don’t have a knife is the day you’ll need it most.” Throughout the years working on a large farm and growing up in Talkeetna I learned that was true not only about knives but countless other examples, a fire sourece, cordage, etc. Since I’m often accused of paranoia by my fiance I was relieved to read the other accounts in this blog. While I admit to being guilty of carrying up to five knives at a time it’s totally justifiable…well maybe not totally.

  10. I guess I’m in good company, I carry at least three. Not necessarily on my body but, one assisted in my purse(my beater) one in my truck and a boot knife when I can. After this blog… I’m carrying one one person always! Thank you.

  11. I generally have three knives on me at one time sometimes four. I’ve also got a spare key hidden in the toolbox of my pickup. Only one phone though. Hahaha be prepared right, isn’t that the motto of Scouts?

  12. I have a knife at my desk, one at my bed, one on my keychain, 2 in my truck, 2 in my EDC, 2 on my person, and one in my BOB.

  13. I will say that I used to sleep with a knife under my pillow, if someone wanted to break in or come near me when iv had to sleep on the streets, I don’t need to panic or even move a muscle which works in my favour, once I was sleeping on a park bench and three people where walking along, one of them started talking lower and I knew he was the one who had the bad intention, I moved around a bit and changed my hand position and basically he got the point and kept walking..

  14. I say don’t worry about it. I plan to find something I can carry with either a shoulder strap, hand strap or can be attached to my belt, which is the way I plan to wear it most of the time. And inside it I plan to carry a few items like a utility knife, scissors, and a folding knife besides a few other items.

    I’m trying to get back in the habit of carrying a flashlight and knife all the time, but sometimes I bang them against things or they weight down my pockets and feel uncomfortable. And if I have one specifically for defense then that knife has to be the most easily and quickly accessible one while the backups for utility or daily chores (cutting packages, breaking down boxes for the recycling bin, cutting string, etc) can ride inside a pouch or cargo pocket. And of course some are better for certain tasks thus the desire to have a few.
    I have one that is durable, one that has a finer, thinner blade and some with plain edges and some have combo serrated and plain edges.

  15. I prefer a dullish and slightly rusty blade for self defense it does more damage even it I loose the battle if I get a couple jabs the dullish blade with do more damage ripping and tearing than a sharp knifes clean cut also the rust infection issues for the attacker…
    I may or may not loose the battle but still most likely have the last laugh…

  16. The only time I have carried 2 knives is when I went hinting a pocket and a long blade other than that I haven’t felt the need for the extra blades but I’m not in the rough part of town I’m more in the country but I still keep both eyes open I enjoy life this way but I wouldn’t let anything or anyone take it away.
    God Bless our Soldiers I wish I could give each of them a Big AMERICAN Hug I am 67 yrs. old and seen a lot enough to know I’m in the Greatest COUNTRY in the World and that’s a FACT and that’s about all I have to say about that. MERRY CHRISTMAS

  17. At present I’m carrying nine blades. They include 6 throwing knives, and three clip-on in various places depending on where I’m going. No, man I don’t think you’re crazy, just smart

  18. Not at all big dog I smell what you’re stepping in and I’m picking up what you’re laying down I myself Carrie 3 sometimes four and there’s always more around me in my vehicle or I don’t sleep with no no but I do have night sticks by my bed as well as firearm let me know when some drug-induced Punk wants to jump into my house and take stuff I’ll either put a bullet in them are gut them like a pig I am not a violent person but I always believed in expect the best but always be prepared for the worst so thank you for all your advice

  19. My wife says the same thing. A new law just passed here in Texas last Sept. 1st. All knives are legaL to carry now, no matter the length. I can carry a sword if I desire, LEGALLY.
    So, that said. I carry at least 2. Usually 3 or 4.
    Plus I carry pistol. With back up in my truck.
    Looking to get ankle holster when funds are available. So I can carry my backup on my person. I an also looking for an affordable Green River Knife (Arkansa Toothpick). In 13 to 15″ blade. Those are legal now also.
    Any feedback welcome.

  20. I agree with you but after getting arrested for having one under my pillow I dont have one now can you explain why

  21. I have at LEAST 2 blades on me at all times, and if im headed to work i have access to 4. Ive carried a knife on my person since i was 5 years old. I know how important it is to carry such a tool. My wife carries and my children have been brought up using and respecting these wonders. No, you’re not the only knife nut.

  22. Absolutly agree with ur way of thinking.. I carry two knives n feel tht in any situation carry two or more is a know brainer. You loose one during the engagement n u recover with another keeping u in the defense mode.

  23. I carry the same Old Timer 3 blade knife my dad did sense he was a teenager. I also carry a Gerber Bear Grylls single blade knive for a second blade. Wish I had more or better to carry

  24. My favorite is a switchblade. I am a sailor and s sharp autoomatic knfe will keep you from getting tangled in lines as you go overboard.

  25. I don’t know in which part of the world you are living, but you might over react or be just right. On my side since the Ice Storm in 98, I carry one pocket knife and a small flash light most of the time…

  26. Boot knife, trs spike ,one each pocket,another full Tang on hip. One up sleeve tied to forearm n wrist with a Native American made leather slide out. Secret of mine. U ain’t nuts I’m more strapped than the usual. Plus belt knife. Around neck knife.

  27. A tiny antique 2 blade for nail cleaning, etc…, a small, thin folder kept sharp for general cutting, a sheathed ridged skinner for defence, a burly, pocket clipped folder as back-up defence are my EDCs.

  28. As someone that uses a small knife on a daily basis for various chores ,it makes sense to carry an extra, you never know when you might need it

  29. I carry 4, a utility knife on my left hip, a double edged boot knife perfect for throwing and across the small of my back is a horizontal sheath that holds 2 daggers with interfacing in so handles are accessible on either side. Combat ready at all times. And yes my wife thinks it’s overkill!!!

  30. I carry a pocket knife. I live in New York and I see the news that if the person is an elderly or a disable person even a women alone. The crime is higher for those persons. I carry chop sticks with the rubber band. Tbe other I carry a 3 inches steal file nail. That I can cancel in my hand ✋. I also carry a foot long rope. I carry a tactical pen that I use for self-defense. I am disable and I always make sure I am aware where I go. My therapist tell me I crazy to carry all this self-defense items. In New York the person need to be aware on the streets. Every since I been carrying these items. I am more aware where I go. It not crazy to have two pocket knife. As long the blade is under 4 inches. Keep your self safe from others.

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