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Lightning Fast Soviet Gun Disarm Technique

It’s a crazy world out there today.  Bringing a knife to a gunfight can be dangerous, but bringing nothing?  You may be attacked while unarmed, and practicing for that moment could save your life and the lives of those around you.

While many self-defense experts would tell you not to do this, Russian SWAT team and KGB hit-men trainer, Vladimir Vasiliev shows how to defend against an attacker with a handgun when you are unarmed or caught off-guard.

“Your hit has to be whip-like”

Soviet Gun Disarm

While quickly stepping off the line of bore, use one or both hands to knock the gun out of the attacker’s grip, making sure you hit hard on the inside of the wrist and/or back of the hand.

Most attackers are more concerned with getting the gun back.  While your attacker is concentrating on retrieving his or her weapon, you can grab their arm, twist it, and take them to the ground away from the gun.
click here.

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14 thoughts on “Lightning Fast Soviet Gun Disarm Technique”

  1. I assume that this tactic is one of last resort in which you think you are going to be killed regardless of whether you meet the attacker’s demands or not.

    1. You are correct Mike, any weapon disarm technique should only be used when you think that there is no way out of the situation. It’s a situation we hope to never be in, but you need to have an actual plan just in case.

  2. I had seen this before. It’s very affective. I showed it once to one of my sons. Realize the weapon may sail several feet depending on your force of contact. For this reason, be aware of your environment. Thank you for the excellent explanation of this technique.

  3. Vasiliev is definitely a master… he makes things look easy… he has been in the fire many times, and can relax in situations the average person, or even a well trained fighter cannot… still, practicing this is a good idea!

  4. Seems like effective technique but you just hope the gunman would not fire while your are at it since you are now directly in line of fire….not moving away your body could be fatal

  5. Nice demonstration but I am wondering if this would work on a person that had “iron wrists”!!!??? I worked construction and knew a guy that was built like a pit bull, short, and powerfully compact and he didn’t have any wrists or neck, just one solid body of muscle.

  6. What about these gang bangers that hold the gun sideways? The wrist would be pointing down like a straight punch, not sideways like this demo.