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Bushcraft or BS: Waterproofing Your Survival Gear

Keeping certain survival items safe in a crisis can be the difference between life and death. The good news is, it’s ridiculously easy to do. This is the simplest way to turn any bag into a waterproof bag, on the fly, with a readily available item.

Survival doesn’t have to be complicated it’s about being resourceful. The key to making this waterproof backpack trick work really well is having a thick trash bag, and making sure you neatly fold down and tape the top.

If you want to turn your bag into a flotation device simply put your whole backpack in the trash bag and seal it up the same way. This makes a flotation device that can be used to cross a river or save your life during a flood or boating excursion gone wrong.

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24 thoughts on “Bushcraft or BS: Waterproofing Your Survival Gear”

  1. Yeah, nice armchair idea. Will work for rain, but you might want to actually test the buoyancy (positive or negative) of this idea before you use it as a “floatation device”. You’re gonna need a pool for the test.

  2. Great video, this is definitely a easier option to those expensive dry bags and doesn’t bring tears when you have to cut it up for other uses.

  3. Great Idea except I keep 4 6 in my bag 24/7 and Im looking for a go bag that bigger than the one I have now. Y’all always have great idea’s.
    Stay safe watch your 6

  4. that is easier then packing each idem in zip lock bags .but with zip lock bags you can change your close and pack your wet stuff in the same bag without getting the rest wet.

  5. Like the idea of plastic bags without the cost. Soon as I get paid I’m gonna pick up some 3 mil bags. Also I was wondering if the TRS fang is full tang. From what I can see I’m pretty sure it is. Ordered 2 of them! One open and one still unopened! Love them even though I have other high end knives for some reason I now have to take it everywhere I go! For a Chinese made knife it’s very tough! I love to hold it even though I have large hands it’s very hard to put down! Love the way my hand grips the Fang!

  6. Just subscribed to the TRS channel after watching the backpack water-proofing video. This is some great info! Thanks.

  7. A suggestion to add to this hint: Before rolling the top of the bag down, push air in the bag out the top. This will let you compact the bag more and make it harder to perforate if you run afoul of thorns (think of the difference between an inflated and deflated balloon).

  8. Been using trash bags to waterproof for years my kids used trash bags for rain ponchos when camping.Zip local bags make excellent boot liners as well

  9. Excellent tip. Thanks!
    May I add that in cases like this where I intend to RESEAL or REUSE the plastic bag without destroying/ripping the plastic. I lay down a tape strip on the side of the bag where your tape-closer will land.
    This strip stays on the bag. Your closer tape is then stuck to my strip, and not the plastic itself. That way, you can pull your closer tape off of my tape strip, and not ruin the bag for other uses.

  10. Great tips Bob! I have been carrying heavy duty trash bags in my bug out bag form years. They also make good raincoats or ponchos.

  11. I have used this idea for some 65 years now, and have passed it on to many people, including guys that I was required by the N.Z. Army to train in field craft who were going to Korea, I might add that I was only 12 years old at the time, and I also taught them how to eliminate snipers as well. There were 296 guys that I trained, They all came back!!! One of them was a Ghurka and he presented me with a ceremonial knife I have always prized it because if a Ghurka gives you an edged weapon it is a mark of the great respect that he has for you as a fighter…….