Bushcraft or BS: Lashing a Tripod
Having a tripod can be extremely useful in a survival situation. The video above is a simple tutorial on the right way to create a tripod, with nothing more than a few feet of cordage.
Whether you are setting the base for a trap, building a shelter, suspending something over a fire, creating shooting sticks, or any other number of uses; knowing how to build a reliable tripod is a must have survival skill. And if you’ve ever tried to build one by simply setting up 3 sticks and wrapping the ends together you know that it will fail miserably.
After watching this video you now know the proper way to build a tripod and will likely never forget, it’s just that simple.
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Wow easy
Great tip
good tips
I learned this in the Boy Scouts about 200-years ago.
Again, in The Corps, and once again in SERE.
The only criticism I have is this: Use war (bailing wire) for the wrapping. This, in concert with green sticks.
If you use the tripod for heating water or cooking, the war won’t burn away, and neither will the green wood.
I always carry some war with me. Or, as it is called around here, “Mormon Rawhide.”
Go thou, and do the same.
Wait … Any more you cannot find bailing war. They use bailing plastic twine, now. Mechanics war, available at the hardware or auto parts stores, is an excellent substitute. Cheap, too.
That was a great tip!
That was a super hack, to tie the sticks tightly all at once so they will form a strong tripod/Teepee, etc. for multiple uses. I won’t be forgetting this. Thanks.
I really like the tip in the video and I hope you keep the lady is the instructor are one of the instructors thank you for the video and keep up the good work
Very good information for a quick fix thanks, Chris
Good cause, good video. Not real fond of the title verbage, but it is real.
Great stuff to know thank you.
You are right again. I for sure will remember this one and like she said, there are many uses for it.
Very simple like you said. Could be used for a variety of things. Very cool. Thanks
Good to know. Thanks
I liked this. I immediately thought that it would be necessary to preplan though because it assumes that I would have cord with me, What if I am caught without anything? I guess a couple of bootlaces would work.
I teach 11 year old Boy Scouts to lash a tripod…..can always come in handy. Half of them use it for chairs.
Easy to do and very practical
That’s a good technique. Like the lady said, you should have your pigging string already handy.
Good stuff. Simple. Practical. Infinitely useful. Less than five minutes of time, which helps to hold your attention in our busy world.
Please post more like this.
She did not say how long the cord should be. In the scouts I believe the cord is 5-6 ft. long, also notched working end of the sticks to seat the cord. If l am worng let me know.
Nice one.
Very practical and handy to know!
As Dorothy said, very basic hack. However, if a person is a greenhorn (mountaineer term for you city folk. Not demeaning, just is), this may be one they be will need to learn. I would like to say can that if this is fresh be learning for you, you should practice all knots you learn weekly if not daily! I guarantee in a SHTF scenario, you will forget easy knots, much less any more complicated ones, so practice practice practice!
Very interesting and useful. Thank you.?
In winter camping a hack is to build a tent inside another tent for added warmth. I wonder if three more sticks and another layer, making it more like a regular teepee with six sides would add enough warmth?
Not bad, but when I go backpacking like on the Pacific Crest trail, about 2 weeks at a time, I use this but instead of paracord I strip the bark on a young maple or alder or a birch for ties. You can get long skinny strips that look like shoe laces and save the cord, especially over a campfire. I’d rather burn up tree bark instead of my cord. Oh, one more thing, you can make the posts as long or as short as you want. I do this sometimes to make a 17′ tall Teepee with about 12-13′ floor space. Place your tarps on about 18″ down from the ties and you can have an indoor fire for warmth and a smaller tarp,3-4′ square over the top will keep out rain. Depends on how elaborate you want to get it takes less time than a modern tent does. I grew up in the Virginia / West Virginia Appalachians and been doing this since I was a very wee lad, poor and feeding ourselves mostly by what we got from the mountains. I learned a lot from the old timers.
A ‘hack?”
Just a simple lashing. Any Tenderfoot Scout could have done it better.
I don,t think your crazy because of some unsafe places in America!
Got that one and more in BSA about 40 years ago. Good rope craft comes in handy all the time you can never have too many knots in you knowledge quiver. Mountaineering and nautical good resources for brush up material.
It’s is amazing the different applications this video can show or use. Very informative.
Well done… so easy.
Simple yet very valuable technique. Thanks for sharing, everyone who watches this will be far advantaged from those who know not.
Love the info you provide . Thank
Awsome….information. very clever and useful.
It’s called wrapping and frapping. Learned it in scouts! Good job!
Good advice
Fast and simple, just the way like it.