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Special Agent Tactics for Urban Survival

You could find yourself in an urban survival situation when you least expect it.

With all that is happening in the world today, things are really changing, and you have no idea what you could be up against in the near future, or if you are traveling in a foreign country that is not as friendly. Urban survival means that you may have to move out of the city as fast as possible from any crisis or danger. You may have to spend a lot of time away from any kind of civilization if you do truly value your life. If you hope to survive, you need to have certain items to make your chance for urban survival a complete success for you, and your family if they are with you. To increase your chances of survival, I will share some special agent tactics that you may find very useful for urban survival.

Preparation Is Key

As an agent, I had to always be ready to deploy at any time and had what we called a “bug out” bag ready with all my gear in it. The items I had may be different for what you need, but the idea is still the same. Carrying your survival kit or a bag which contains all your gear at all times is highly advisable. Your bug out bag won’t be of much help to you if it is stashed away in your car or somewhere where it isn’t easily accessible. Even if it was accessible, what benefit would it have for you in that short span of time in the city because it’s mainly designed for the wilderness? Get a bag that has all your gear that you’ll need for basic needs such as sunglasses, a water bottle, a mask that protects you from dust, earplugs, and even a bandana if possible.

Here I’ve put together a list of other items I recommend you have which are also recommended by the Red Cross. Keep these supplies in an easy-to-carry bag that you can use at home or take with you in case you must evacuate.

At a minimum, you should have:

  • Water: one gallon per person, per day (3-day supply for evacuation, 2-week supply for home)
  • Food: non-perishable, easy-to-prepare items (3-day supply for evacuation, 2-week supply for home)
  • Flashlight
  • Battery-powered or hand-crank radio (NOAA Weather Radio, if possible)
  • Extra batteries
  • First aid kit
  • Medications (7-day supply) and medical items
  • Multi-purpose tool
  • Sanitation and personal hygiene items
  • Copies of personal documents (medication list and pertinent medical information, proof of address, deed/lease to home, passports, birth certificates, insurance policies)
  • Cell phone with chargers
  • Family and emergency contact information
  • Extra cash
  • Emergency blanket
  • Map(s) of the area

Consider the needs of all family members and add supplies to your kit:

  • Medical supplies (hearing aids with extra batteries, glasses, contact lenses, syringes, etc.)
  • Baby supplies (bottles, formula, baby food, diapers)
  • Games and activities for children
  • Pet supplies (collar, leash, ID, food, carrier, bowl)
  • Two-way radios
  • Extra set of car keys and house keys
  • Manual can opener

Additional Supplies

  • Whistle (you might need this to call for help)
  • N95 or surgical masks (to keep you from breathing in contaminants)
  • Matches (and a fire starter)
  • Rain gear
  • Towels
  • Work gloves
  • Tools/supplies for securing your home
  • Extra clothing, hat, and sturdy shoes
  • Plastic sheeting
  • Duct tape
  • Scissors
  • Household liquid bleach
  • Entertainment items
  • Blankets or sleeping bags

Vital Survival Tips

  • If the shit hits the fan, your first priority is to get to a safe place first and immediately set out a plan that will help you get away from the chaos that’s taking place. The map I told you to put into your kit will be very helpful at this point because if the roads are blocked, you might have to walk or go off-road. You need to have an idea where you are going.
  • There are some situations where it is still safe enough to stay at home, make sure you assess the situation and determine which is best for your particular problem before making any plans to move out.
  • Store food at a convenient place in case you think a crisis may happen sometime in future. Ensure the food is non-perishable or at least preservable. Make sure you have enough to last you for several months or years, if possible (at least a couple weeks.)
  • You should also have a safe, clean and potable source of water. Store as much as you can and get filters in case you have to drink water in the wild.
  • You should have a safe place where you can retreat if there’s a problem staying at your own home. Plot out some spots you think will be safe. Be prepared to head there if you need to. Know some alternate routes.
  • Carry your weapons so that you can protect yourself if faced with immediate danger. If you don’t have any weapons, now is a good time to get some. Yes, I said some. I recommend a handgun and a rifle. Maybe even a shotgun for close up battles. Always have several knives and maybe an ax for wood and such. Also, I recommend a couple of non-conventional weapons like a bow and arrow or crossbow and a slingshot.
  • Hunt for rabbits or even deer if you’re living in the rural areas, so you’re not dependent on your survival food stock. Save your stock as a last resort. You might keep some fishing rods too.
  • If you are able to, start your own garden at your temporary residence. This will make you self-sufficient in the long run.
  • Take your GPS or phone with you at all times, if possible.
  • Last, but not least, know how to fight. Have some hand to hand combat skills in case and be physically fit to survive.
  • Pack a good survival book.

Closing Thoughts

The key to urban survival is to be prepared for any emergency. Of course, it would be too much to ask for you to be ready 100 percent of the time. That would be next to impossible. But bear in mind that it is your training and knowledge that will keep you and your family safe in any emergency. Knowing the dangers that await you during a disaster is half the battle.

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17 thoughts on “Special Agent Tactics for Urban Survival”

  1. Urban survival would mean surviving on the streets. One of these scenarios is the get home. Say that social unrest occurred, and you are at work. You need to get home. Your survival kit should be light weight and able to support you for one day for every ten miles you are from home. Assuming that roads are blocked due to rioting (etc.) you will have to walk home. Going through unfamiliar neighborhoods and so on. The straight line of your usual route home is blocked or inaccessible so you will have to use alternate routing. Since there will be little to no “woodlands” to go through the hunting and scavenging will be different. (Stray cats for meat?)

    Maybe you should title this article as “Bug Out or Bug In”. Now write a real article about urban survival. The “Get Home” scenario in the event of natural or manmade disaster. How to navigate your way out of the city and back to your family and survive. Avoiding human predators is harder than avoiding wilderness predators (bears, wolves, etc.). How to walk through the neighborhoods without getting shot as a trespasser, or arrested as a looter.

  2. Bob, there were many items that i had never thought of to be included. Perhaps one additional item would be a strong wooden hiking staff. Not only to assist in difficult areas for traversing such as mountains or forging a stream to check on depth but also aid in carrying the backpacks and other gear. Finally it makes a great defensive weapon against two or four legged animals with the right training. God bless, Doug.

  3. I agree with everything in these survival tips I have to bug out bags I also have been stocking up on other items

  4. Those that will survive the next global catastrophe to call earth a new home, will be those who group and organize to pull their resources for ultimate survival!

  5. The Year Without a Summer 1816. For three years crops failed in much of the northern hemisphere. From a regular volcano in what is now Indonesia. This is likely to happen with another large volcano. Yellowstone is much bigger. With people living in the cities flooding into the countryside famine is sure to follow. Leave early and keep moving like don’t look back.

  6. Hey,
    Love the article and the tactics, but sure sounds like huriricane or a disaster plan list!! Not an urban survival!! Think you have some great ideas but, needs more realistic and city knowledge. Sounds like armaghetton!! Or Zombie nation!!

  7. Very cool you have starting me fell safe when I go out I’ve got bad back so if it happened to me it would have to quickly stop it you are giving me loads of confirenze wich iam thankfull .great page lads.😆

  8. Brilliant advice, Derek. Disasters of all sorts are regular occurrences in the world today. Always best to be prepared.

  9. Good sound advice. Solar backpacks are a must. You can keep your phone charged, solar lights are also must, you have a light all the time at night if necessary with solar lights. I recommend goal zero and LUCCI lights. Some even have built-in chargers for your phone in an emergency!

  10. My Father allways said.
    I have found tho se are words to live by and these tips are tips to live by as well!

  11. FightFast is always offering items for me that are GREAT and affordable. Some of the things are a little out of my price range because I am on SS and a fixed income but the most part I feel safe, secure and well armed. The DVD’s show you how and how to accomplish your objectives. They are also furnishing you with free tips and methods which you do not find anywhere else. You guys, Bob and Jimbo are a blessing to the everyday American who wants to protect their families and themselves. GOD BLESS you guys .

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