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Special Agent Tactics: 3 Steps to Becoming a Warrior

Developing a Warrior Mindset

In a previous article, I wrote about the warrior mindset, and I told you I would describe how to build that mindset. In this article, I will do just that. When I was a federal agent I read somewhere that there was a saying that many cops have to live by, and it goes like this: “Be polite and professional but have a plan to kill everyone you meet.”

This is a harsh reality that all law enforcement officers and soldiers have to live with. We have to have the warrior mindset that tells us that we could be talking to someone one second and have to escalate to deadly force the next. To survive and win you must prepare, commit, believe, and never give up. Let me give you three steps to help you develop your warrior mindset and become a true warrior.

Step 1: Prepare Like A Warrior

When it comes to being a warrior, you can prepare yourself mentally all you want, but if you’re a couch potato, you’re probably not going to be able to perform effectively in a stressful combat situation.

It’s essential that you spend sufficient time preparing your warrior body by working out, eating right, getting enough sleep, and training in a fighting system.

This is no great revelation for you, but something I need to say.

Where to Start

TRS has some GREAT training DVDs that will teach you some of the best fighting techniques in the world, but you do have to practice them…at least a little. People continue to ignore this advice and end up paying the ultimate price when they are attacked.

When I was a defensive tactics and firearms instructor for several federal agencies, I would tell my agents to practice regularly. It was obvious which ones did and which did not. They would show up for their quarterly firearms qualification and would shoot like crap initially.

Same for defensive tactics training. I would not want some of them backing me up. You can’t break the mind-body connection and expect your peak performance to be there when you need it the most without proper practice and training.

I am not saying you have to train like an athlete. Hell, I am almost 55 years old and far from being an athlete, BUT, I continue to stay in decent shape so I won’t be caught out there should violence jump off and I need to act. Though there were exceptions at every agency I ever worked with, you can’t expect a 55-year-old like me to train the same way a 25-year-old does.

What should you focus on?

Your main objective is to maximize your conditioning, maintain many of your acquired skills, and increase your tolerance for stress in order to preserve a constructive mind-body connection. It is not about how much weight you can lift (I don’t lift heavy anymore) or about how far you can run. I can’t run on these knees anymore either. It’s more about you being able to perform at your best—whatever that may be for you—under extreme circumstances, surviving, and winning.

When it comes to survival, it is not always the biggest and strongest who make it. Sometimes it’s those with the most heart that prevail. Those with the strongest survival mindsets are the ones that are best equipped to survive. It’s those who keep on going no matter what comes at them. This is a lesson I want you to remember if you want to become a true warrior.

Here’s what I mean

As an example of a true warrior mindset, I want to relate a story I read recently. A Georgia grandmother was stepping outside her home to take a picture when she was attacked by a rabid bobcat. Now THIS is a warrior’s mindset!

As soon as it took the first step I was in trouble, and I knew it. It leaped on me… I grabbed it by the shoulders and pushed it back away from me… and I took it down. If I had ever let it go, it would have been me, so I made sure I never let it go.

Step 2: Believe You Can Prevail

People often say what you can conceive (believe) you can achieve. Well, there’s a reason for that. Mental imagery, or visualization, is one of the most powerful skills you can use to enhance mental toughness and performance. Athletes do it before a sports match and I used to do it before a martial arts tournament.

I would see myself defeating my opponent, and I often I did. Then, even as an agent, I would visualize certain scenarios that could occur during a search warrant or an undercover operation and would prepare myself for that outcome.

Even today, if I am on an elevator and a couple rough looking guys get on, I visualize how I would take them out if I needed to. Belief and visualization is not used as a substitute for hands-on training, but can definitely supplement your preparation.

Research has shown that if you prepare mentally and believe you can accomplish a task, you will increase your chances of accomplishing it. If you allow negative thoughts and doubts to enter in, they will decrease your chances of winning.

How To Pick Locks. (Who Needs Keys?)

You may find this shocking, but picking open a standard "tumbler" lock, (like the one on your front door), is pretty damn easy when you know how it's done.

And in a "meltdown" survival situation, (once the smash-n-grab crowd has stolen everything not tied-down), the food and water and secure shelter will all be behind locked doors, (which explains why Special Forces are often trained in lock picking... and why they carry a set of lock pics with them).

It's a lot of fun learning this skill, (it doesn't take long)... and kinda nice to help out that buddy locked out of his house after the wife discovered what really happened on that "no money down" real estate seminar in Vegas.

>> Check Out "Lock Picking Kit" Here. <<

How you can simply use imagery training to enhance your skills

First, think about a situation you might find yourself facing. Then think about the action you will take and are about to practice. Go over it a few times in your mind and imagine yourself doing the task while sitting or standing quietly.

Next, think about it again but this time actually pantomime (do or rehearse) the motions. You might have seen someone with his eyes closed talking to himself, moving around and pretending to perform a task. Although he may look like he’s in a trance, he’s not crazy; it’s just a form of cognitive rehearsal. Think about the Karate practitioner doing a Kata. They are pantomiming a fight scenario.

The last part of this, of course, is actually practicing the task or technique. This can be done with hand-to-hand techniques, weapons, or even with your gun (empty of course) as you practice drawing, squeezing the trigger or retaining your weapon.

This type of training helps create a bridge between the psychological and physical aspects of what you are trying to accomplish. If you do what I suggest here, new skills won’t seem so new when you try them for the first time because you will have done them many times in your mind. Repetition alone will not do the trick. You have to go beyond just going through the motions. You have to want to be successful, and you have to see yourself being successful as you perform each task. You have to focus your mind on getting better.

Step 3: Overcome and Win

Many of you are already warriors in some aspect. Being a warrior means throwing your heart and soul into something you believe in and never looking back.

Having a warrior mindset means you won’t quit. Like the Spartans of old, you either back your shield or be carried back on it.

Having a warrior mindset means doing whatever it takes to be prepared because warriors don’t just survive, we overcome and win. At the end of the day, being a warrior is a mind game, and your job is to play the game to win because your life might just depend on it.

Final Thoughts on Thinking Like a Warrior

  • A warrior is a person who aggressively and energetically puts everything he or she has into an activity, cause, or conflict.
  • A warrior’s attitude is how a person looks at a situation and reacts toward it.
  • A warrior’s mindset comes from employing a well thought out and rehearsed mental attitude that predetermines your response to a given situation.
  • The keys to being a warrior are preparing, believing and having the gumption to overcome and succeed.
  • It’s all a mind game; how you play and win is totally up to you.

OK, this is your warrior game plan. I want you not just to read this, but put it into action. Then come back and give me your thoughts.

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46 thoughts on “Special Agent Tactics: 3 Steps to Becoming a Warrior”

  1. Great fundamentals! As you say, constant practice and training are critical, as are self-belief and maintaining fitness.

  2. Thanks for the awesome materials, guys. Thanks to the “warrior mindset” you talk about, I was able to spot an attempted kidnapping last week. I was with my sister, so my first priority was her protection. We got in our car as the wannabe kidnapper kept yelling to a kid walking down the road to get in his car.

    Long story short, when the guy realized we had seen him and we’re behind him in our own car (trying to get out of the parking lot, not trying to be a hero), he got scared and got outta there real fast! Praise God we were there, or that kid probably wouldn’t be here today.

    If it can happen in my quiet town of 40,000 people, it can happen anywhere. Take what they say seriously, folks. You never know when you’ll be able to save lives with it.

  3. Thank you for sharing this I am a warrior and a lot of your show exactly what I had to do to survive and a lot of things you says just reinforces what I already knew and believe thanks

  4. Hi,I’m Pat.I would like to thank a very special agent there. Because,he’s an inspiration to me.And,a true hero in my book. “I am focused !”👍Thank you for sharing.

  5. Good points made I agree training is as important as mindset n vice versa thanks Founder of Strykeforce Close Quarters Combat Systems est.2007

  6. Hi all
    Really like this site. This read should b on the front page of the paper. Everyday life it’d work for an especially kids these days, need to git the f outside an off the computer EZ to b tough txtn
    By no means am I or even think the tough guy badass way They generally git there whooped 1st anyway
    Short story long. I’ve turned my three daughters and a special lady on to this site
    Gess the Lord got a Kik outta blessing me with 3 girls. On that note. When I new they were ready. They were shootin a 22. Now there grown An worry doesn’t go away but my girls r packin an do know sum get your hands off me moves. No one knows everything though So thx guys. Keep on sendin and we’ll keep learning
    Hay there 55 yr ole goat. Only a few yrs on me. I feel ya bruther. Take em out quick fer I can’t last to dam long anymore

  7. This warrior mindset is what I was taught by my military parents, their friends and my neigj or that started tea hing me Tae Kwon Do when I was six years old. I was told that there was no opponent that was too big or too strong or too many to defeat even at six. It has lasted my lifetime and has NEVER let me down. I have always risen to the occasion and come out on top regardless of the odds against me. This advice is powerful for absolutely anyone.

  8. Greetings from Texas,
    Many good points here. Fight with what ever you have, use any advantage. Playing fair is for kids, I’m not one. I don’t remember if you mentioned it in as many words, but there must be a willingness to kill on your part. If not, don’t bother.
    Thanks for the insight.

  9. Love the idea of commitment and I was in the military for 35 years. Now almost 70 and train physically 3 times a week which keeps me very strong and able still to deadlift 285 lbs and to run a half mile.
    The final thoughts sum up neatly the attitude you need to be a warrior. I hope to never have to fight someone but am in the best shape to do some damage. Thank you very much Derek.

  10. Loved it and really appreciate your fight videos. They truly teach how not to be a victim. Most grateful to you and your awesome commitment to make us better. See you at the top. Gregg thompson

  11. Thank you Sir for #5 in your list!
    If you are not ready in your mind, you my hesitate.
    That few seconds can cost you the battle.

    Carry with Honor!

  12. Thank you for sharing this information. I will keep it close by and try my best to implement it so that I too, can become a warrior.

  13. Hi, some very good, sound advice. I’m 86 years young now and spent 21 years active duty in 2 wars never had hand yo hand combat as I am a sniper but today’s world is much different and the need for this kind of skills is very necessary.
    Thank You for sharing this knowledge.
    Be Blessed

  14. Thank you for helping people learn combat skills and mind-set. Practice and mental mind-set is important. Since there is no longer a required Military Service people are not being properly trained to survive hand to hand or stress. Thanks again.

  15. I was given this warrior attitude in the military. Later on I studied Tae Kwon Do. It was not only important to be able to make a move, but to know what the results are supposed to be. It only works if you know how, and have practiced, and are not afraid to do it. One of Ghengis Khan’s quotes is “If you are afraid , don’t do it. If you are doing it, don’t be afraid.” I find your advice just as valuable as any I have ever been given. I am currently 75, and I still visualize my situation. Thanks, you can never get too much good advice.

  16. preparing is so true. By me practicing I felt better about myself, knowing that if something came up I was more equipped to handle the situation.

  17. Great info. I sometimes imagine getting into a certain situation & how I would defend & distinguish that said situation.
    Great to see that u offer that same advice & method. Thanks.

  18. Interesting. Something I all ready do at work but never really thought about it as part of training. Will give it a go. I am usually never the aggressor but always imagine how I have to defend myself against aggressors. All though I carry no weapons and only have my hands and feet to work with I generally hold my own if needs be.

  19. Thanks for this article, as well as the rest of the training materials you guys produced. Thanks to your stuff, I was able to chase off a wanna-be kidnapper last week using my car’s headlights and horn. (And to think it happened in my small town of 40,000 people.) Thanks to your training, at least one life was saved! Hopefully that crook will think twice the next time he gets the urge….

  20. BLUF: success is having beaten your enemy to a meatsack before stomping through their front door.

    Warrior training becomes the epitome of your consciousness. It precedes all violent interaction. Since actual violent episodes are dictated by people, their liklihood of becoming an actual violent encounter is presented much like a tornado alert. Tornado watch conditions are right for the formation of a tornado; Tornado warning means a tornado has been spotted. Training means preparing the mind, body, and spirit for an event of contention through protracted exercise of faith in oneself to dominate and succeed no matter what the obstacle. It requires the individual to continue to seek out perilous situations in order to test individual resolve to choose to fight in adversity on a mental choice, an emotional choice, a physical choice, and an overall spiritual will to survive, dominate, and proliferate.
    Once training has been synchronized on these levels of mind, body, and spirit, the actual violent event may be negotiated with an expected level of success depending on the amount of time, level of training, and level of committment to skill level maintenance, practical application, and physical fitness.

    -Benjamin S. Brown, SGT

  21. I am currently being psychologically harassed by people who appear to want to ease us out of our house. There have been physical threats at a distance. Possibly bluff I don’t know. The warrior mindset would be boon if I can cultivate it to the right degree and stand my ground, which I feel I am right in wanting to do.

    They have stated that their method of harassment is untraceable and hence unprovable – it appears to infer paranoia type reactions or symptoms if I try to express it in conversation.

    They are long serving military folk.

  22. Becoming a warrior is solid teaching. As life would have it, I had to be in the hills the last two days. Walking up hills in 88-92 degrees F (after living many many years at sea level) lets you understand that there are many levels to fitness and you have to be prepared for whatever life throws at you or wherever it leads you. Training and a proper mental attitude is absolutely important . . .Thank You Very Much!!!

  23. Good day.what are you waiting for order this now.i am 54 yr old irish canadian.i joined real israeli krav maga in ottawa ontario.i train 2 ta 3 times a week.i retired early .my younger brother died of glio almost killed me.i desided to retire. I maned up and joined krav maga.ikmf.that along with getting bobs training videos .i feel and look better .than in my 20s.warrior training .special agent stuff .i orderd black ops .brutal.we cant carry guns in i figured why not giv it all.i hav been training 1yr.i lostt 38 lbs.abd went down from 38 waist yo 31.every morning on my way to the least 4 times a week.i get those cherised emails..i am going into 2nd year in krav.and 4 training videos .black ops is a mist hav .i am going to order this one two .anyhow.god bless America .you guys are true warriors.i scene a sticker with the us flags.underneeth it says.THESE COLOURS never run. Kindest regards Frank Kennedy.

  24. This is all good. The mindset is very important and is something that I do every day any more. Being a disabled marine corps vet at 60 years old am living in a situation that I wasn’t trained for. I don’t want anyone jumping the gun here and call me nuts or paranoid. I’m posting this because it’s real and it’s happening all over this country and abroad you just don’t hear about it in the media and it’s not new. People poisoning you in your home. I know how it sounds believe I do. It’s something you would never think about really. But our presidents they cover their glass of water so that no one can poison it. So why is it so hard to believe that when people say they are being poisoned they get blown off. My fiance is allergic to metals. She can’t wear jewelry or anything so she suffers more than I do. They use pesticides, aides sulfur and phosphorous and don’t know what else. We have a price on our head plus I have a vengeful ex wife working along with the man I blew the whistle on for drugs being manufactured in the apt complex we were living at in Pa. The law even saw it with their own eyes and smelled it as well and they were supposed to get back to DEA about it. But the last time my fiance was rushed to the hospital in uniontown her call button was turned off a supposedly nurse put something in her IV wouldn’t tell her what it was, what ever it was it stopped and formed a knot in her arm. Then a Dr comes in no name tag or anything and asked her why she was there and she told him what been going on with the apt and he said he thinks she needs a shrink. So next morning as she is being discharged the social worker comes in and a state trooper my fiance told them what happened during the night. The both told my fiance that we needed to get out of where we were living leave everything because it wasn’t worth our life. So that’s what we did. We packed up our personals what the car would hold and left. We didn’t even bother to lock up. It’s been 2 years now moving across this nation. Our medical records have been compromised, our mail alwAys gets diverted back to Pa. We have lost phones computers . We even called the fire dept of everson pa one night another dept had to answer because our former landlord to everson fire dept not to answer our call he admitted that with his own mouth and the fireman that came wanted to go in apt 4 we lived up above in 6 but they smelled something from 4 which was supposed to be vacant but we knew it wasn’t the landlord was down there. Now here is why we can’t get nothing done because the landlords wife runs elbows with politicians she been campaign manager and what not and even have her listed as a powerful woman whatever that mean went to college and took up business and distribution. Imagine that. They always manage to find us and then they find people which are druggies and criminals to poison us. Yes sounds crazy but believe me it’s real. Imagine your body burning and it feels like you are in a oven. This is what we are going through. We don’t trust management that’s where it starts. There is a lot to this story in every state we been to it’s all the same . But we can’t get no help no one believes us so we don’t even mention it no more for the simple fact that we will be put away. So we have to watch what we say which is nothing now. Drs have seen the physical evidence of the burned skin, poison , but nothing. Now my fiance is diabetic and has never been diabetic. For me I have lost all my perfectly good teeth only have 2 left and 1 of them is loosening up. So now I have to Bobby trap our apt so that my fiance and I can both leave because she hasn’t been out for 3 months and that is what they are waiting for. It took me a while and a lot of prayers and God gave my fiance the answer and then he showed me and searching for ways of doing it to only those that try to come in will get hurt and quiet. Because don’t want to disturb the neighbors either. When you can’t get no help from law enforcement because either they believe you, or they are part of it as well. I don’t trust them either they have given me no reason to. US marshals was my last contact and nothing. So we are on our own. By the way you can go to you tube it’s called gang stalking, and then there is at sonic stalkers, and the targeted individual and you can see for yourself some people have gone through 2 decades of hell. Vets knows what it feels like for your skin to burn from chemicals and what we are going through is no different than chemical war date and terrorism. This is war a different war on humanity that you don’t hear about and trust me when I say it is real and it can happen to anyone of you. Believe it. May God be with you all!!