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5 Tips to Surviving a Street Fight

Street Fights Are No Joke

Street fighting can never be compared to any kind of sport. In street fighting, there are no rules and regulations to be followed. It is brutal and cruel enough to kill you. It is always better to avoid this kind of situation at all cost. However, if you are caught in this unavoidable situation, I have some advice for you to follow. These tips are easy to remember and learn and may save your life!

TIP 1:

You WILL Get Hurt

Unlike sport fighting events, a street fight does not follow any rules, so understand this now, you will get hurt, and you will experience pain. In a street fight, either you will be hitting and kicking your opponent or you will get hit or kicked. Probably both!

You have to train your mind and body to accept pain. If you are a person who has never been in a street fight or if it has been years since your last physical altercation, I suggest you get into a martial arts or self-defense class and take some hits. You don’t want a street fight to be the first time you feel what it is like to get hit.

Speaking of which, even when you are the one doling out the punishment, you are likely to hurt your hands when punching your opponent or your body when ground fighting. Remember there are no mats like in class. If you prepare your mind for this kind of situation, you will be able to keep calmer during a real fight.

TIP 2:

Be Offensive

If you happen to end up in a street fight, you want to be able to inflict devastating damage to your opponent, so you need to make sure you practice your self-defense or martial art skills. Unfortunately, this is the real thing so I am warning you that you should never be afraid to attack or hurt your opponent, especially if your opponent is the one who started the fight.

This is not as easy as it sounds. Most of us don’t have what it takes to seriously injure another person on purpose, but this may be what you have to do to survive. In a situation such as this, you are forced to choose.

It’s either you let them hurt you, or you fight and defend yourself. If you don’t fight back, you will get yourself injured or killed. This is an even larger consideration if you must protect your loved ones as well.

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TIP 3:

Inflict As Much Damage As
and As Is Needed
To Stop The Threat

It is a fallacy that law enforcement officers shoot to kill. We shoot to stop the threat, whatever that may take. Street fighting is not like the sports that you often see on television or that you participate in.

When you are engaged in this kind of situation, make sure to focus on hitting the vital areas of your opponent. Attack his throat, eyes, and groin. This way, you will cause more damage and pain to your opponent.

Once you attack these areas, make sure to continue your attack until the fight is over. The more damage you inflict on these vital areas, the faster you can finish the fight. In law enforcement and in the military, we continue until we neutralize the threat.

TIP 4:

Keep Your Balance

It is always safer for you to stay on your feet and punch your attacker. To do this, you must train to improve your balance and work on maintaining it in a fight. If your opponent can easily get you off-balance, they can knock you down or throw you.

Both Judo and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu are great arts for learning to maintain balance. In addition, your own attacks will be more effective if thrown with good balance. Even if you are in a ground fight, you want to learn to keep your balance should you find yourself on top of your opponent (which is where you want to be by the way).

Finally, be careful when kicking. Once you go to one foot, your balance becomes significantly weaker. If you kick, keep it low and fast and quickly re-establish your balance. It can’t be stated enough how important it is to make sure to keep your balance stable.

TIP 5:

Be Ready For Close Combat

During a street fight, it is unavoidable for you to get close to your opponent. When this happens, make sure to use your knees and elbows when you attack your opponent. Elbows and knees don’t require much space to throw an attack, so this is the most functional technique if you lack space to fight.

Also, most people don’t know how to fight close up, so if you know how to use your knees and elbows up close then, you have an advantage. Oh, and don’t forget about headbutts. You can learn how to effectively use your knees, elbows, and head for fighting in my Special Agent Combative Course.

There You Have It

That’s it for this one. These tips will surely give you the advantage during a street fight should you find yourself in such a situation. Did this help you? If so, join the conversation and leave your thoughts in the comments down below.

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43 thoughts on “5 Tips to Surviving a Street Fight”

  1. Good day.i have this Derek smith combat course.this is the real deal .i am 54.retired .i go to the gym 4 times a week .also other 3 days i take krav maga .with International krav maga Fedetation prepares u the can where your shoes.this course haz street fighting skill. beyond believe.fight fast has everything.never mind shit talkin krav can try free class next day .you will feel real pain.i took gojo rye karate 3 years .ju jitsu .remember .these are competing xports .krab mags is get yr nlsck belt you hav to vo go isreal .if yr not prepard your gonna get the snot kick outta ya.ikmf is the real deal.hard core training and these packages from Bob Pearce. NOBODY WILL FUCK WITH YOU .SHOE spikes.talon knife.fight fast gives you all the tools and targets. You need to become .A ONE MaN Frank k.

  2. Always get in the first punch, preferably on the end of the nose, hit it quick and hard from close in. Do not telegraph your punch. Learn the head butt technique.

    Don’t threaten anyone, but when threatened, the time for talking us over. Act fast, decisvely and with the intent to dispatch your enemy as fast as you can.

  3. Thanks, and carry a gun and a knife. And, know what targets to attack. Before I would allow myself to be punched or kicked in the head, I would aim for vital targets with my knife. If I could not use my gun to create distance and get away, for instance if the opponent charges me, I would shoot to stop the fight. I would do everything to avoid a criminal complaint or killing someone, but I would not allow myself to be punched or kicked in the head and possibly suffer brain damage or death. Avoidance is the best technique, but if the opponent is drugged up or psychotic, that may not be a choice.

  4. Many thanks for these tips I am 69 years of age they can be very valuable when I go walking keep up the good work

    John Capece

  5. Excellent tips ! could not have put it any better. I am over 50 and have gotten into several fights since I was 45…not my fault ever and I dominated in all situation. However… it was painful! Don’t overestimate your ability to maintain your lead a fight, just don’t stop first!

  6. Yeah, its been a long time since I was in a street fight and I was a much younger man. And yes my opponent pulled a knife. Look I’m 53 now, I have a back injury and walk with a crutch, unfit, slow… You get I’m a target. Thats why I’m loving the TRS Fight Fast crew and execelent products and deals. The tools that I’ve brought along with all the freebies they you has given me my confidence back and allowed me to walk the street feeling safe. Thank you TRS FightFast

  7. Thanks Derek, great advice, earned my 1st black belt in 1975 from Master Kim in Dayton,Oh, went into Northern Style Cantonese, and a little Aikido, all in all for over 25 yrs. My street fights rarely lasted more than 10 to 25 seconds, because I never underestimate my opponent and I always plan on going home. Learned very early on that the fancy stuff goes out the window.
    Have a great day!

  8. Awesome, Derek. Thank you for the advice, it’s golden as usual!

    Admittedly, when I first started learning this stuff, I was shocked at how brutal — I might add evil — humans can be to each other. But the more I study, the more I realize that when there’s a situation, it’s always life and death. Do what it takes to survive.

    Better to be judged by twelve than carried by six.

  9. I love and enjoy all of your tips on self defence , please continue sending tips, and videos on all self defence moves, blocks, kicks, & elbows.
    I look forward to receiving all of your interesting tips.
    Thank you

  10. Thanks Bob when you get bad asses like Dereck to tell it like it is,you know its not B.S.When you read articles as this makes me start that process of thinking about how it really is out there on the street and it makes me sick. Thanks again drcsoup

  11. All well said & very true.
    Be remember. You may end up in jail for defending yourself.
    The best bet. When the police come. Just give your name & ask for a lawyer.
    And shut up, until you have one with you. If you talk to them without a lawyer.
    You may just talk yourself into jail. And if you really hurt the other person.
    Count on getting sued and maybe going to jail. The law is not on your side.

  12. Got in a couple of these types of fights when I was younger.Was slapped in the face both times.I kicked their
    butts.One had to have his head sown up the other one I broke three of his ribs,his nose and did a lot of other damage to his face.him and his buddies said that they’d be back,its been 42 or 43 years I’m still waiting.LOL

  13. Hi all…For starters I do appreciate every Combat article…All members involved and ure expert team…for helping giving info and tips about real life combat and tips surving on street…!! Am sure all humankind knws every day is not moonshine and roses or honkey dorey….So yes…as u say try to prevent all fights…but if u can’t…then…strike first…make sure ure opponent stays baffelled…and keep balance…Most important of all stay focus…and keep calm and keep ure mind intact…!! I done it many times during club exercises soforth…and did win on many other tournaments…but that does not matter…I do not boast…will never…although I do have 5/6 combined martial art combat experience since a age of 4 years old..Am now 57 years old ….still feeling 35 years old..!! So…Nobody will fuck with me…Never ever ..!! Regards herman

  14. Great tips, sure to use it IF I ever have to use it, as you said, try to avoid a confrontation, but of push comes to shove, it nice to know were the weak point are.

  15. Thank you for your very valuable tips. I have your courses and I can not even say how much they helped me to raise my confidence and knowledge. Thanks again.

  16. You surely know what you talking about.Balance is so important for staying on your feet.I had the advantage in a fight while standing but got beaten when it went to the floor and also me holding back-big mistake. Advice is appreciated.

  17. I truly appreciate this and other articles provided by “FIGHTFAST.” My only concern is the constant references to “GUYS.” I am a FEMALE USMC COMBAT VETERAN, and by my EIGHT YEARS OF HONOURABLE SERVICE, I HAVE MORE THAN PROVED THAT I CAN DO ANYTHING A MALE CAN DO.
    Please rethink your approach and your client-base. It is not only males that are self-defense and survival-minded.
    Thank you for your consideration.

  18. I read these great tips on street fighting while having coffee at my favorite coffee shop. I am trying to get it into my head that there are people that really want to hurt me and my family. But, I know what you are saying is real life. So I am preparing in my mind to take action when I am challenged with such an event. Thank you!!

  19. 6. Get or improvise a weapon
    7.use terrain fixed objects floors and walls or telephone poles mailboxes fire hydrants as objects to push or slam your attacker into.
    8. if it is dark attack with the light behind you. or the sun behind you if possible.

  20. I have Fibromyalgia and even on a good day I have made cow disease. I did karate years ago and we did stick fighting as kids and then I also had a really interesting Dad. He taught me something I will never forget. One. Take out the legs by any means and two, hurt and or kill by any means. I just can’t move and hope adrenaline kicks in when the mess hits the fan.

    In South Africa we don’t get street fights. You get shot. Blown up. Knifed if you’re lucky or macheted if you’re not. It’s a country of extreme violence and extreme kindness.

    I enjoy reading what you guys say and the healthy me nod but the unhealthy half dead can’t remember my own name me just think aw hell if you want to kill me just do it asshole.

    People who are targeted are usually not the fit,healthy young guys. It’s people like me because we are soft targets for robbers etc. And we need to know how to defend ourselves. Because I cannot even cut a butternut so how do I grab the idiot’s nuts?? I can’t hold a knife like I used to, I doubt I’ll be able to get the safety off my pistol on a bad day – is there something people like me can do, apart from swearing like a trooper and maybe just look mean enough so they flee? A street fight or any attack is seldom one on one too. Cowards. Interesting this.

  21. I am a female, “Love ur blogs btw!” And unfortunately, from the first punch to spontaneously head butting someone by natural reaction…. I unfortunately got and learned all for myself FIRST TIME in street fights. NO FUN ! As posted above, ANY TRAINING IS BETTER THAN NONE! Also as posted, very true…. it will NEVER be like in class or in a ring! If cops don’t break it up, the only thing that will, is whoever is NOT GETTING UP these days! Because I know, 4 me anyway, if u think I’m down and walk away but I can still move…. ITS STILL ON! But…….I’m usually not the one on the ground. Doesn’t happen much AT ALL! But when I am, I can assure u I’d be embarrassed And would want to get even! Only putting that out there because a lot of people get hurt thinking that if the person is down the fights over it’s not that way and every person’s mind. you can only think for yourself! you can’t think for the person on the ground. Just some friendly knowledge put into perspective.

  22. Thanks Derek. Great tips. Balance is vital and often forgotten by those who seek to use kicking techniques they see in films! These guys seldom win the fight!

  23. Been a long time since I’ve been in conflict .a lot of good information with up close fighting tactics.

  24. Derek, I agree with your assessment. Just one small (in my opinion) upgrade. Your statement of: “In street fighting, there are no rules and regulations to be followed.” needs an add on: AND NO REFEREE!

  25. True that. I’ve ever defeated a bigger opponent using knees and elbows coz I had got a fracture when throwing a right hook on close range and the only option I was left with was to use knees and elbows.

  26. Andy H thanks for being a loyal fan. Hey I am 55, have bad knees and sometimes have to pull out my cane. I have adjusted how I fight to meet my physical limitations. I am still able to fight effectively and I have trained to use my can as a weapon. Just adjust to what your capabilities are.

  27. Great information! I will integrate them into my daily kata. I rely on speed to be victorious and I practice my knife katas 4X a week. Thx!

  28. You Are Correct, Mindset Is The Key To Success. Just As In A Gun Fight, In A Street Fight There Is “No Second Place Winner” As Written By The Famous Bill Jordan. He Taught Gun Fighting; When He Was A Border Patrolman. Now, I Practice And Teach Students A Multitude Of Techniques. I Realize That Military And Police Operations Can And Often Differ In Many Scenarios. However, I Personally Carry Two Or More Handguns; Depending On The Climate. Of Course, I Have Extra Ammo For Them. Then, I Carry Several Knives, A Kubotan, A Tactical, Pen, A Tactical Flashlight, A Knife Belt, And 10% Pepper Gas. I Also Pretend To Have A Handicap And Walk With A Cane; That Is 40 Inches Long And Has A Hooked Handle. This Can Be Used Like A Martial Arts Bow. Take Out The Eyes And Throat ASAP And Bite Out The Carotid Artery And Jugular Vein In The Neck; If Possible.Then, Take Out The Groin And Try To Break The Knees. If You Are Able To Kick And Break Your Enemy’s Femur; Then, You May Luck Out And Have The Femur Bone To Sever The Femoral Artery. Then, The Person Can Bleed Out In The Legs Or Pelvic Girdle. The One Who Survives Is The Winner. Remember, It Is Difficult For A Person To Continue To Fight; If He/She Cannot Breathe, See, Or Walk. And This Is The Methods That My Marine Raider Instructor Taught Me Years Ago.

  29. Always worry about an assault charge. Cops are inclined to press charges against the winner of the fight regardless of who started it. Head for the hills after the fight is over I say.

  30. I’ve seen some really good techniques through the months I’ve got is the second worst arthritis you can have I’m a 55 year old welder Millwright 40 + years have taken their toll are there any quick techniques available

  31. I like your info. I’m 60 & am disabled due to back & neck surgeries & I can’t take the chance of getting into a fight. One hit to the head could paralyze me or worse, I don’t even want to think of. If I am threatened in any way I have only 3 ways of stopping the threat before the other person gets a chance to strike first. 1) use my cane & strike them on their head & ears. 2) kick him in the “plums” as hard as I can, lifting him up off the ground in doing so. 3) kick him on the knee caps, dislocating the knee, this being the best first move, ending the threat right there & then. I won’t be charged for anything being disabled & afraid for my life. I would hate to have to do this because I have just introduced this person to pain on the 10 scale, to the 10th power but I will do this without hesitation if my life is threatened.

  32. It’s been a very long time since l been in fight at all, l’ve got a lot older and have developed heart problems and my balance is not so good any more, any pointers?