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Street Self-Defense: Recognize When, and When Not, To Shoot

If you carry a gun, you have to face the reality that someday you may find yourself in a situation where you must use your gun. Unfortunately, there are many people who never fully think this through. They were lucky enough to get a concealed carry license because they felt they needed it. However, they don’t practice and they don’t really think about what it will mean to actually use their gun in self-defense to shoot another person. Something not that easy to do.

In reality, it is very risky to use a firearm for self-defense. Sure, you will be able to use deadly force to defend yourself if necessary, but that comes with a huge issue. That is, the courts must agree that your actions were both necessary and reasonable. Otherwise, you will likely catch a murder charge.

Now I will venture to say that it is for better to be accused of murder than it is to be a murder victim, but, if you’re going to shoot someone you want to be damn sure that your action is truly justified. The less leverage you can give a prosecutor to show that your actions were incorrect, the less chance you will end up in court defending your actions.

Street Self-Defense: What Are You Thinking?

I want to ask you some serious questions: When you carry a gun…

  • What are you thinking about?
  • Do you think that you are safe because you have it?
  • Do you think you have the skills to outshoot a bad guy?
  • Do you think that the key to surviving a shootout is to draw fast and shoot straight?
  • Are you looking forward to the opportunity to prove yourself if it assaulted?

If that is what you are thinking, there are some prosecutors who are waiting and willing to attempt to prove that you were looking for an opportunity to kill someone even if it was done in self-defense. They will use your membership in the NRA and signs in your window with themes like “Protected by Smith & Wesson” as an indication that you could not wait to legally kill someone. If they can create convince a jury of this, you could end up with a murder conviction, whether true or not.

I want you in the mind frame that your gun is a tool of last resort, meaning you should avoid a shootout if you can. If your only choice is to use deadly force in self-defense, it must be clear that you did everything you could to avoid the situation, but could not.

Street Self-Defense: Avoid Violence at All Cost

While it is not always possible, before you consider using your gun, you should first try to avoid the situation altogether. Your first choice needs to be to avoid places where violence is likely to occur or by leaving when it looks like something is about to happen. Unfortunately, today violence can happen anywhere at any time.

Although you might be tempted to be the hero, I would recommend you don’t be, unless your life depends on it. First, it’ not your responsibility to protect everyone around you. That’s the police’s job. While it is possible that I could defend someone and keep them from harm, I have to ask myself, “At what price?”

There is always a price associated with taking the life of someone, even if the courts declare you not guilty. The human mind has a way of torturing itself for killing another. That’s a much harder price to pay than the justice that the courts mete out.

How To Pick Locks. (Who Needs Keys?)

You may find this shocking, but picking open a standard "tumbler" lock, (like the one on your front door), is pretty damn easy when you know how it's done.

And in a "meltdown" survival situation, (once the smash-n-grab crowd has stolen everything not tied-down), the food and water and secure shelter will all be behind locked doors, (which explains why Special Forces are often trained in lock picking... and why they carry a set of lock pics with them).

It's a lot of fun learning this skill, (it doesn't take long)... and kinda nice to help out that buddy locked out of his house after the wife discovered what really happened on that "no money down" real estate seminar in Vegas.

>> Check Out "Lock Picking Kit" Here. <<

Smart Self-Defense: It’s Time To Go

So, how can you avoid this kind of predicament?

First off, if you are maintaining your situational awareness, then you should have a pretty good idea that something is about to happen. Once you have a feel for this, you need to make an important decision:

  • Do you stay and see it out…
  • Or do you leave before it can happen?

Most of us would stay when in reality we should leave before anything can escalate.

Think about that for a moment: There is nothing that says you have a responsibility to defend society. What you do have a responsibility to do is defend yourself and your family. So do your best to do that, not necessarily by shooting, but by getting your family out of there before the shooting starts.

Granted, if you leave a store or restaurant every time you think something is likely to go down, you’re going to be leaving for nothing a majority of the time. But that’s okay since you’re accomplishing your goal and protecting your family. You can always go back after it’s clear that it is safe.

Smart Self-Defense: Don’t Go There At All

You can say the same thing when hearing news that something is happening or about to happen. If there’s a demonstration scheduled downtown, then avoid downtown. You’re not part of that demonstration anyway, so there’s really no reason for you to be there. If you want to find out what happens, watch the news.

The same can be said for many other potentially dangerous situations, such as being in a bad area of town. Unless you have a legitimate reason to be there, why go? Find somewhere else to buy what you need or another route to take so you can avoid problems. Don’t put yourself unnecessarily in danger.

Smart Self-Defense: Diffusing The Situation

Even when trying your best to avoid a violent situation, you may find yourself in one notwithstanding. A classic example is someone getting mad in a bar or night club. Take some guy catching you looking at his girlfriend for an example. If he’s the violent type or has been drinking too much, he may decide to confront you for that imagined slight. What do you do?

In most cases, it is fairly easy to diffuse such a situation by turning their negative comment back into a positive one. In the situation mentioned above, the accusation of, “Hey, are you looking at my girl?” is intended to get a rise out of you. Responding by saying, “Yes I am, she’s beautiful. You’re a very lucky man” is the exact opposite of what he is expecting. By not rising to the situation with a snarky comment but instead complimenting him, you end his desire to cause trouble.

Of course, if that doesn’t work, you can always run away. If he’s really been drinking, he may not be able to keep up. There’s nothing that you can lose by running except your pride. But you really don’t need that to survive anyway, so there should be no problem with letting it go, right?

Smart Self-Defense: When It’s Time To Draw

When all else fails, it’s time to draw; but the point I’m hoping you’re seeing here is that you don’t want to draw until you’ve exhausted other possibilities. If someone walks into the restaurant you’re eating at and opens fire, you don’t have other options. Nonetheless, if they are trying to start trouble, you do. Take advantage of those possibilities when you can.

But when it’s clear that you must use your gun, don’t hesitate to do so. At least, don’t hesitate any longer than tactically necessary. Remember, as long as you conceal your gun, you have the element of surprise on your side. Consequently, don’t draw until you are ready. If you can, take the time to move into a good tactical position where you have cover and the bad guys are flanked before drawing.

Smart Self-Defense: Give Them A Chance To Run

The old saying is, “Don’t draw your gun unless you intend to use it and don’t use it unless you are shooting to kill.” On the whole, I agree with that. But I also agree with the statistic which says that in 70% of the cases where a concealed gun is used in self-defense, merely presenting the gun is enough to cause the bad guys to flee. For this reason, give them the chance to flee before pulling the trigger.

This is exactly why you want to flank them if you can. You can catch them in a way where you have the advantage and it may give you an extra second or two before they are able to respond. This strategy might help tip their decision towards fleeing instead of fighting. It also might give you the second you need to get your sight ready if they decide to shoot it out. Altogether, you’ve got to use whatever you can to your advantage.

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