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Category: Uncategorized

Using a Bow and Arrow for Survival

Using a Bow and Arrow for Survival

I have picked up a new hobby lately. It is kind of funny that I started doing this because it came into my mind while watching one of my favorite television shows, The Walking Dead. You see, currently, in the show, the zombie apocalypse has been going on for many years, and most people don’t Read More

Drilling the “Rough Break” for Grappling & Streetwork

Drilling the “Rough Break” for Grappling & Streetwork

Let’s start with a little Old West history and then walk that into a mighty pragmatic drill-set that trains sensitivity, sensory deprivation, and overall resourcefulness. Read More

Private Investigator Trade Secrets: Conducting A Background Investigation

Private Investigator Trade Secrets: Conducting A Background Investigation

As a private investigator I received 13 requests for my services last week, and six of them were for help locating a missing person. It sounds crazy, but it happens. Family members, ex-spouses, friends, children, and parents can all fall out of touch with each other. Then suddenly something happens, and you desperately need to Read More

Warrior Awareness: The Killing Hand

Warrior Awareness: The Killing Hand

There is a 90% chance that you, Dear Reader, are right-handed. Left-handedness has an approximate 10% distribution in human populations. Some research shows there is an approximate 30% of us who delegate tasks between hands, so called ambidexterity. But if we dig deeper on this mixed-handedness, it is not true even-handedness. This 30% still shows Read More

Training for Courage by Mark Hatmaker

Training for Courage by Mark Hatmaker

Do you consider yourself courageous? Now, whether you answered that question in the affirmative or the negative or in the “Well, maybe, a little” let’s now answer this… Would you like to be more courageous? Read More

Fightin’ Words: Clausewitz & “Suspicious” Discipline

Fightin’ Words: Clausewitz & “Suspicious” Discipline

Let’s ask a question about your local martial arts school, MMA club, “combat hard” discipline du jour. Hell, you can even ask this question of yourself, and that is likely the most valuable subject to ask it of as you can alter course in a heartbeat if you don’t like the answer and get on Read More