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Category: Uncategorized

Attacking The “Buckler” From Heenan To Louis

Attacking The “Buckler” From Heenan To Louis

First, what’s a buckler? A buckler is a small round-shield wielded by swordsmen or spearmen, it is worn on the defensive forearm or held in the defensive hand. While the weapon-hand went to work the buckler was used to deflect blows and at times used as a weapon itself. OK, so what does a buckler Read More

Viking Combat by Mark Hatmaker

Viking Combat by Mark Hatmaker

Overview For today’s historical-combat exercise, we are going to follow a weave of martial endeavors that begins with the American Frontier’s rough & tumble strategy of “Attacking the Buckler” and goes back to Viking archeology. From there we’ll move on to a “chicken or the egg” style debate about whether or not a French martial Read More

A Warrior Conditioning Challenge by Mark Hatmaker

A Warrior Conditioning Challenge by Mark Hatmaker

A Warrior Conditioning Challenge: Bodylocks/Rough & Tumble/Sit-Outs This brief burner will allow you to groove old-school strong, three modes of striking, and two rounds of hot and heavy ground movement. Part 1 Grab your heaviest sandbag, heavy bag, or throwing dummy. Body lock it and take it for a 50 yard carry. Do not put Read More

Survival Training 101

Survival Training 101

Always Be Prepared With all of the reality shows on television dedicated to survival techniques and even doomsday-type preppers, you are likely somewhat familiar with the idea of survival training, but what those television shows might not explain properly is that survival training isn’t just for adventure buffs and the slightly paranoid. The reality is Read More

The Challenges of Performing Surveillance By Derek Smith

The Challenges of Performing Surveillance By Derek Smith

Surveillance takes up a lot of some investigator’s day, and it is a critical task and investigative component for us agents, but they really sucks. In this third blog on surveillance, I want to talk about some of the challenges and problems you will have to deal with during a surveillance. Read More

The Art of Surveillance: Vehicle Surveillance by Derek Smith

The Art of Surveillance: Vehicle Surveillance by Derek Smith

Carrying Out a Surveillance Surveillance Vehicles In a previous article I talked about surveillance in general and gave a few tips. In this article I will talk about vehicle surveillance. Usually during surveillance, a vehicle of some sort is needed at some point during the operation. You need to give some special consideration to the Read More