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How to Conduct a Background Investigation

As a Private Investigator, I am often asked to conduct background checks for my clients. These days I think that is a good idea, especially with so many people meeting on social media. Wouldn’t it be nice if we can trust everyone in the world? Unfortunately, this is not the ideal world. We cannot simply trust everyone we meet. Sometimes, we have to be cautious to protect ourselves or our loved ones from harm. So, there are times when you have to conduct a background check on people you suspect.

For example, if you are hiring a nanny, you should conduct a background check on her before allowing her to take care of your children. If you don’t do so, you are putting your children at risk.

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Do you consider yourself courageous? Now, whether you answered that question in the affirmative or the negative or in the “Well, maybe, a little” let’s now answer this… Would you like to be more courageous?

Following my article on the baton vs. escrima sticks, one of the readers asked me to write about using a cane for self-defense. I thought that was a great idea because canes can be legally carried and can be a very effective self-defense tool. I learned how to use a cane for self-defense when I Read More

Let’s ask a question about your local martial arts school, MMA club, “combat hard” discipline du jour. Hell, you can even ask this question of yourself, and that is likely the most valuable subject to ask it of as you can alter course in a heartbeat if you don’t like the answer and get on Read More

In the fictional world of television or novels, clients (usually beautiful blondes) seek out a private investigator (trench coat and fedora included) to help them find something that doesn’t fall within the bounds of the police’s jurisdiction. They may have already tried working with the police or may be afraid of them, so they turn Read More

California courts have been wrangling with a case regarding the legality of police ripping the “patches” off of the jackets of a particular motorcycle “gang.” The “gang” in question prefers to be called The Mongols Motorcycle Club and to keep matters simple I will refer to this group as The Mongols from here on out. Read More