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Attacking The “Buckler” From Heenan To Louis

First, what’s a buckler?

A buckler is a small round-shield wielded by swordsmen or spearmen, it is worn on the defensive forearm or held in the defensive hand.
While the weapon-hand went to work the buckler was used to deflect blows and at times used as a weapon itself.

OK, so what does a buckler have to do with boxing?

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I would like to introduce you to a fighting principle called the Fluid Shock Wave Principle. I was taught this principle when I became an instructor in a police defensive tactics system called PPCT which stood for Pressure Point Control Tactics. Even though this was the primary focus of the system, I won’t be talking Read More

Action films and cartoons share a common idea, well, many ideas, but I will call your attention to this familiar situation. Our hero, be he Bugs Bunny evading Elmer Fudd or a warrior on the run, encounters a river. To thwart pursuers, he plucks a reed from the surrounding vegetation and submerges himself with only Read More

When it comes to urban survival, there is no one size fits all solution. You must prepare in various ways when it comes to surviving an emergency or crisis situation. Each situation may require a different and possibly unique set of skills to deal with the crisis. Because of this, it’s important for you to Read More

The Importance of Knowing How To Swim A recent series of water-related tragedies reminds us of, at the very least, the vital importance of the ability to swim, and for the ready-warriors of the world an ability that goes a bit beyond that.

Martial Arts & Weapons When it comes to self-defense, I like to train in systems that are practical, especially when it comes to martial arts that train in weapons use. You probably don’t carry around samurai swords, spears, or nunchucks with you, but you might carry a pocket knife or stick. For years I have Read More