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Hand Scalping by Mark Hatmaker

Let’s Talk About Hair-Pulling

There is a surprisingly long history of hair-pulling in combat history, both sportive and on the battlefield. Today we’ll confine ourselves to sportive instances of what we now perceive to be unsportsmanlike behavior. Read More

Developing a Warrior Mindset In a previous article, I wrote about the warrior mindset, and I told you I would describe how to build that mindset. In this article, I will do just that. When I was a federal agent I read somewhere that there was a saying that many cops have to live by, Read More

First Things First In today’s sermon “biting” has nothing to do with your teeth, so rid yourself of images of Mike Tyson chowing down on Evander Holyfield’s ear. In early Frontier Rough & Tumble parlance “to bite” was to take a shot at your opponent’s punching arm with your own fist—specifically an incoming fist. There Read More

You could find yourself in an urban survival situation when you least expect it. With all that is happening in the world today, things are really changing, and you have no idea what you could be up against in the near future, or if you are traveling in a foreign country that is not as Read More

A Warrior Conditioning Challenge: Bodylocks/Rough & Tumble/Sit-Outs This brief burner will allow you to groove old-school strong, three modes of striking, and two rounds of hot and heavy ground movement. Part 1 Grab your heaviest sandbag, heavy bag, or throwing dummy. Body lock it and take it for a 50 yard carry. Do not put Read More

Always Be Prepared With all of the reality shows on television dedicated to survival techniques and even doomsday-type preppers, you are likely somewhat familiar with the idea of survival training, but what those television shows might not explain properly is that survival training isn’t just for adventure buffs and the slightly paranoid. The reality is Read More