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My Wife Thinks I’m Crazy for Doing This…

Am I losing my mind?

Maybe… But I sure as hell never want to be caught without a knife. That’s why I recently started carrying two of them, every day. Why two knives you ask? Here are just a few reasons:

For Everyday Use

Pocket Knives
Photo by: Alexander Rushing

First, I use a knife every day for utility purposes. By carrying knives with different sizes and blade shapes it’s more likely that I will have a better tool for the job. I can also carry one knife that is my “beater” (The one I don’t hesitate to get muddy, sticky, or greasy).

For Self-Defense

Next, in a self-defense situation you never know if the knife kept on your dominant side will be inaccessible. Perhaps an attacker has you pinned against a wall, has control of your arm, etc.

Also, if forced to stab an attacker, it is very possible the knife will be difficult to recover, a grisly thought but it is a real problem (Muscles tend to clench around the blade). If there is a second attacker you’ll be glad you brought a backup.

Self-Defense Situation Number 3 (okay, my overactive imagination is probably the real reason my wife thinks I’m crazy): Carrying blades on different portions of the body can be an advantage if you are taken to the ground. This is a great reason to carry a boot knife. I can keep going with the self-defense scenarios but I think you get the point.

As a Survival Tool

A knife is also one of the two most critical survival tools we have (a fire source being the second). As the old saying goes “Two is one, and one is none.” You can expect that if the SHTF you’d immediately drop your one and only knife into a mud hole, or it would fall out of a pocket in the dark. A backup is just common sense.

Okay, you can see that there are a lot of good reasons to carry two knives. Even so, some people may question my logic by saying that if this were the case we may as well carry two of everything—two sets of keys, two wallets, two cell phones, etc.

Here’s the Thing

It’s possible for us to take preparation to such an extreme that it becomes impossible to lead a normal life. The difference, especially with knives, is the relative ease of carrying two. With so many knives on the market it is easy to find a backup that is inconspicuous, small, and comfortable. What I’m trying to say is that the downside is so small and the upside so large that it’s simply a no-brainer, at least for me.

World's Fastest Drawing Knife.

You wanna try out the fastest drawing knife on the planet? Good. Because here's your chance to get it for FREE.

It even comes with a video showing you exactly how to draw this folder from your pocket (one-handed) so that it snaps open and is ready for action in the blink of an eye. (Your buddies are going to be sooo freaked out when they see this).

>> Your Lightning Fast “Striker” Here. <<

So what do you think?

Am I the only one who carries two knives? Let me know in the comments below!

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1,264 thoughts on “My Wife Thinks I’m Crazy for Doing This…”

  1. I only carry one knife unless I am hunting, then I carry 3 or 4. My wife prefers me to carry a knife at all times. Not crazy to have a variety to chose from.

  2. I am a veteran and a retired Police officer. I have always carried at least two knives. It started with my grandfather who always had a skinning knife on him and a knife to chop and cut while in the woods. It is not paranoid , it is just common sense.

  3. I was a spontaneous knife defense instructor I always carry 3 knives a 2000 lumen flashlight and a laser no you are not crazy my boss at the S/O said I was about the only one he knew he was confident in bringing a knife to a gunfight lol

  4. I usually have 4 knives on me at all times. As well as 9mm strapped to my side.No matter what situation comes up I am ready for it!

  5. I live in the uk n we have strict laws to do with carrying knives.5 years in the can if u r caught.ive been caught 2x but have been v.very lucky to have not been locked up.1 more time n I think they probably will put me away.i still carry 1 of your knives (trs tactical survival) I got 4 of them from yourselves.i think whoever crosses me would be the mad ones.iwatch your videos daily

  6. I feel the same way. I live in a small town in kansas but we do have an major drug problem here. Burglary is common as well as being attacked. I carry two knives one folder and one drop point. But after reading this I think I will carry a third. Possibly a boot knife which I think would be an great asset. Thanks.

  7. I thought I was the only one that looked at things the same way two is always better and don’t forget about the pillow.

  8. Only carry one usually, but have at least four or five in my car, along with hatchet, shovel, baseball bat, canes, survival stuff. My car is the place to be in the event of Armegeddon.

  9. I always thought that carrying at least two was normal and smart , I find it stupid that most people don’t carry even one . They’re the ones that are always asking to borrow mine.

  10. i carry knives all the time. dont want to harm anyone but they come in handy very often.

  11. knives are great, swords aren’t too shabby either. I have a few stashed in various areas.

  12. Guess you can count me in. My wife thinks I spent to much time in combat. I sleep with a 92F under my pillow loaded with a 35rnd mag of fragmentation rounds. A rifle within reach of the bed. A Kershaw knife by the bedside, a Kbar between the dresser and bed, and a 2 foot long royal Kukri under the edge of the bed. Plus a saber and kindjal by the bedroom door. And a bobcat that sleeps at my feet every night. And I forgot a carbon fiber spike on the headboard. This is coal black and almost impossible to see in the dark,during the day it rides comfortably in my combat boot.
    I am a strong believer in owning diamond sharpening stones so you will never find a blade in my home that is not sharp enough to shave with.

  13. I never thought about two knives at a time but have always carried They come so handy all the time

  14. At one time in my life I carried 4 knives but sence my mobility has been compromised I rarely carry one . I have been diagnosed with having a rare muscle disease . They are dissolving and as a result I get weaker. So for me to carry 2 knives seems useless .

  15. I just bought a knife from you,the 5 in 1,like it and made it my EDC knife. When I’m riding I carry a knife and a multitool,which has a blade,nothing like the knife.If I’m camping I have all kinds of knives in my vehicle,keeps me busy around the campfire.

  16. I wear a suit and tie for work, so rarely carry more than one knife, but in my car, I have at least 4 more, not including my multi-tools. It was my pastor who told me early in life that every man needs to carry a knife!

  17. I always make it a point to have at least three blades with me. Two associated with knives and one with a multi-tool!
    In today’s world, you never know what circumstances will warrant. Even simple little everyday outings can turn brutal.
    I think you are a wise man.

  18. I am obsessed with knives!! I always carry 3 blades on me, Swiss Army knife, Spyderco self protection and a blade on the multitool; another 5n1 EDC in my jacket pocket as well as a Hoffman Richter HR15 or 30; in my Blazer I also have a Hoffman Richter Talon, a 5n1 EDC and a machete. Occasionally i also carry a tough, composite tri-blade spike, very effective!

  19. I agree that two knives are better than one. However, I had court today and had to leave my knife in the truck. When I have my boots on I keep a small Gerber in the boot strap. That is along with the smith and Wesson auto open in my pocket. I used to retire knives in a box as I acquired more. I have probly close to 100 knives. They don’t even fit in the box anymore and its a decent sized box. However, I still buy them because I just love knives. I carry a gun, but I’d much rather use a blade….. That’s just the way I was wired I guess. At any rate a knife will have to jump awful high to get me to retire my S&W. Its light, easy to carry, and its not the $20 special from a gas station…..I have plenty of those….this was a $70 one from a knife store. I just can’t justify $200 for a Benchmade. I’ll take the S&W. What can a Benchmade really do that mine cant. The blade is very sharp and its made of titanium. The button is even hard to figure out, so if someone takes it from you, they won’t be able to open it before I have my Gerber. The gerber is small but is a great solid knife as well.

  20. Oh, I forgot I also carry a little SOG tool in my back pocket. Its a tiny, but very strong pair of locking pliers. It also has a blade but I never use it. I had a buddy ask me to help him unscrew this hook. I pulled out my little tool and I was done with the hook and it was on the table and he was still unscrewing his. SOG makes a damn fine knife as well. Picked this one up at home depot for like $60. Carried it for a long time. At the time I thought is was never going to be retired. So, maybe my S&W will be retiired one day. I also have a Gerber auto open which might be my best knife. Love it but I never, ever carry it. I’m scared to death I’ll lose it if I do. I got it free from this job I used to have. No telling what full retail is on that knife.

  21. I don’t know where U live or what the situation is. So, carrying 2 knives 2 me is a good idea so long as U know how 2 use them. Also, I believe having self defensive skills and training so that the knives U carry don’t get taken away and used on U !!! And if the laws in your state allows U 2 carry them. A stun gun might be better. Carry 2 !!! It’s illegal to carry concealed weapons in my state as well as stun guns.

  22. Hey I just read your blog. No your not the only one who carries two knives. I’ve been doing it for years. Nobody knows of the second one. I prefer it that way. As you mentioned forthhand your reasons are truly noted and without hesitation. I’ve been in situations where one wasn’t going to do the job. I’m not going any further. Keep up the good work

  23. I only carry one on my person, at all times. However, I have access to at least 2 more, depending on the need.

  24. I always Double carry my knives, a smaller 3″ folding blade on my key ring keys front week side pocket and my defensive folding blade strong side clipped into my back pocket. Makes sense to have backups in my shirt pocket, a alloy defensive pen as well as my laser pen! Not counting the nine other extremely offensive weapons that are with me at all times, hands, elbows, knees, feet and Remember to always use your head, the key to solving any situation you encounter. Cheers Mark Hedtke (pronounced Head Key)

  25. I just carry one, but it makes good sense to carry two after reading this. I may change my way also.

  26. No sir, you are definitely not crazy! You might be guilty for liking to live and being prepared for unpleasant realities. I too carry at a minimum 2 or more knives, a small “asp”, and a credit card style knife. Additionally a small multi function knife/tool. All of your insights are spot on!

  27. Not crazy. I carry utility knife, and I recently got the 5 n 1 plus I have a Leatherman type tool on me every waking hour.

  28. I’ve never carried two knives on me at once but after reading this Maybe I should get a bit more “crazy”LOL????

  29. Well your not crazy, I like your little collection of knives, I have one that is about 3 times that amount. From pocket knives, to lock blades, to sheath style knives. Most of my pocket knives are still new, but I like to carry 3 to 5 knives on me of different sizes. Knives do not run out of bulletts. I have knives in every room in my house and a few swords. I am disabled and can not move quickly, but I am 300 lbs. So I can use my size to get in close enough to use a blade. But would still rather use my AR-15…..LOL I am a knife nut too, like you. I get paid on the 24th and would like to get a 325s lock blade. Thank You P.S. I also have my spike on me as well.

  30. Yes!! I’m a knife-nuts also, I feel so secure every time I go out with a knife concealed in me, feeling safe and secured that incase of troubles you have something in you that you can depend to use for protection.

  31. I too carry a few blades on me. One credit card knife in my wallet, one multi plyer, and your spike. Never know what I may need if the SHTF around me.

  32. I used to carry 2 and even 3 folding knives. I found a nice compact waist pack and I typically wear cargo pants. The belt on the pouch would slip, so I carried one knife in the cargo pockets until it broke or I replaced it. But these were cheap knives prone to failure, so I would alternate them and always had a backup. For utility or self defense, I was poorly equipped, but we learn as we live. I did realize that folders take up little space and their weight is hardly noticeable.

    Now that I own better quality knives I still try to carry at least two. (There are so many blades types and knife designs) And with the combination of cargo pants, belt and a pouch or organizer and maybe a shoulder/messenger bag for daily tasks and EDC gear, I have options.
    This works for me in that I always have a knife on me in my pockets, on my belt, or in a carrier and I can use the most comfortable or appropriate means off carry. And it prevents your other good knives from being left in a box, drawer or whatever unused, untried and forgotten.

    I don’t conceal carry (ankle, shoulder, etc.) on one or both sides of my body, so I am not being purely tactical, but thinking more like preparedness and being able to deal with an emergency. I will go back to carrying more than one knife all the time.

  33. I have a very large storage container i keep my knives in, not all understands why we collect knives, they are my best, i also have several “knock arounds”.

  34. I carry more than two. I have both fixed blade and folding types of various sized. Some are part of a multi tool. Others are stand alone. Most people know I carry a folding knife, so the fixed blade is my choice for defense. I can keep it concealed and ready for any SHTF problem.

  35. As my favorite general Mad Dog Mattis said,”Always carry a knife with you. Just in case there’s cheesecake, or you need to stab someone in the throat”.

  36. Actually, I’ve carried at least two for years. Normally, I carry at least two folders & one fixed blade for “unforseen circumstances”.

  37. I don’t think you are crazy. I carry a 325 in my right front pocket but after reading this I think I’ll add a a 5 in 1 to my left rear along with the tactical pen in my shirt, the spike around my neck and my gas shutoff key/chain. Oh yes, I keep an equalizer next to the console in my car for when I have to use a rest room in a gas station or reststop. My wife kept a Sig P230 in the door boot of her car; only had to brandish it once fortunately. She went to be with the Lord six years ago but now that I reside in the Union of Soviet Socialist California and can no longer carry concealed I don’t think she would think it was crazy. 410ken

  38. I always carry two sometimes three knives on me at all times. I’m not going to be caught undefended at anytime. Someone may get the one from your pocket and maybe even the one from your belt but if you have another in your boots you’ve still got a chance.

  39. I carry my edc in pocket w/clip ..I also have a solid duty folder on my car visor, a true rescue knife…….

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