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My Wife Thinks I’m Crazy for Doing This…

Am I losing my mind?

Maybe… But I sure as hell never want to be caught without a knife. That’s why I recently started carrying two of them, every day. Why two knives you ask? Here are just a few reasons:

For Everyday Use

Pocket Knives
Photo by: Alexander Rushing

First, I use a knife every day for utility purposes. By carrying knives with different sizes and blade shapes it’s more likely that I will have a better tool for the job. I can also carry one knife that is my “beater” (The one I don’t hesitate to get muddy, sticky, or greasy).

For Self-Defense

Next, in a self-defense situation you never know if the knife kept on your dominant side will be inaccessible. Perhaps an attacker has you pinned against a wall, has control of your arm, etc.

Also, if forced to stab an attacker, it is very possible the knife will be difficult to recover, a grisly thought but it is a real problem (Muscles tend to clench around the blade). If there is a second attacker you’ll be glad you brought a backup.

Self-Defense Situation Number 3 (okay, my overactive imagination is probably the real reason my wife thinks I’m crazy): Carrying blades on different portions of the body can be an advantage if you are taken to the ground. This is a great reason to carry a boot knife. I can keep going with the self-defense scenarios but I think you get the point.

As a Survival Tool

A knife is also one of the two most critical survival tools we have (a fire source being the second). As the old saying goes “Two is one, and one is none.” You can expect that if the SHTF you’d immediately drop your one and only knife into a mud hole, or it would fall out of a pocket in the dark. A backup is just common sense.

Okay, you can see that there are a lot of good reasons to carry two knives. Even so, some people may question my logic by saying that if this were the case we may as well carry two of everything—two sets of keys, two wallets, two cell phones, etc.

Here’s the Thing

It’s possible for us to take preparation to such an extreme that it becomes impossible to lead a normal life. The difference, especially with knives, is the relative ease of carrying two. With so many knives on the market it is easy to find a backup that is inconspicuous, small, and comfortable. What I’m trying to say is that the downside is so small and the upside so large that it’s simply a no-brainer, at least for me.

So what do you think?

Am I the only one who carries two knives? Let me know in the comments below!

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1,264 thoughts on “My Wife Thinks I’m Crazy for Doing This…”

  1. I am a knife nut as well! I carry at least one all the time. I have a variety of two or more in all my vehicles. I have armed my wife and mom with a few also. I think knives are a part of every day life. So I am on the same page with you man!

  2. So do I and a gun. I’m a disabled Vet and I wanted to ask if anyone one of the Fight instructors have anything for persons who are wheelchair bound?

  3. I only carry one knife but I am also trained in the martial arts so I would relay on that and my knife as a secondary. I have training in tak-wan-do and Krav Maga.

  4. NOT SILLY ! In MY ‘former life’ the old adage was “What’s the fastest firearm “re-load” tool ?… A “second gun”! (Still have utilized that ‘practice’,….on a few ‘certain’ occasions since).

  5. Knives are also plain collectible. An old Barlow is a must…Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn thought so. Pocket knives and pen kniveves are only things for light duty, and can be “wicked” sharp. Belt knives are a different class, fast draw, spring assist open, defensive or aggressive multipurpose and generally heavier than pocket knives.

    Having been away from Scouting for 40 years, on my son’s 1st camping trip, I took along my trusty sheath knife and my hand axe to do some work. When I exited our tent, you’d have thought I was a buck naked child molesting, scout stabber from the varied looks I drew. “What!?!?” I was told real scouts were not allowed belt knives or hand axes. They use belt folding knives and saws to cut fire wood and such.

    I also have 3 editions of the WWII bolo knives issued to corps men by the USMC, and various machete designs.

    Knives are not just for function. Their forms can also be beautiful. They are art. My kitchen knives by shun need sharpening (touch up) about once per year. Hard to beat Japanese knife steel. My Shinbu, about 13 inches long will easily remove a hand or arm, and my 28″ Non com officers Katana will remove the rest as needed. Both are great close quarter devices.

    So, what’s not to love? ???

  6. I’ve always carried SEVERAL knives.After being trapped under my horse as a young man and not being able to get to my belt blade, was very glad to get to the one around my neck and cut the girth loose, was very glad to be able to get to my neck knife. From then on I’ve always carried 2 or usually 3 blades on me.

  7. I carry two to three knives on me at all times.
    And yes, I also sleep with two more of um myself.

  8. I carry two. Though, I choose from 3. Most of the time I carry an EDC (the Kershaw Thermite is the perfect edc in my opinion) and one of many Leathermans I own. I do have a S&W tango style fixed blade that I’ll trade out for one of the others depending on what I’m doing. Now, I’m a knife nut, flashlight nut, pen nut, and bag nut. When carrying my bag it has a camera, several knives, pens, notebooks, couple of led flashlights, and miscellaneous other stuff. Including the HR big EDC. HR30, I think. Their largest folding knife. The only thing I’m missing, is a large ‘camping’ or survivalist’s knife. I can’t decide if I want a kukri, or something else. Quite honestly, I’m way past any survival trekking. So, for camping a small hatchet would be fine for cutting wood. In fact, it could also be used for hammering. Anyway, love the blog … from another knife nut!

  9. I carry three knives sometimes, especially on weekend; even when I’m in my own back yard grillin’ up some hot dogs!! I’m just as proficient with a knife as I am with a gun. In my opinion, and for many reasons, a knife is a better weapon, dangerous to many levels, deadly if need be, useful for more than a defensive tool and above all- quiet. While the bang of a gun can certainly follow up through the ultimate defense, my knife, well…if just an extension of my own hand and can be intimidating. In my opinion, you just can’t have enough knives: Carry two (minimum), hide five and bury one; to pick up later for a friend (or as back up). Ps. Be sure to water proof your buried one!

  10. I carry just the one of yours I got last week. I also ordered the 3 throwing knife set(great price) and will convert one to side boot knife.

    Good article, and tell your wife she may have to THANK YOU someday.

  11. I wish there was a knife defense class like the movie with Tommy Lee home teaching knife techniques to Benecio del Toro. I own several knifes.

  12. I love this blog , i knew there was other knife nuts out there and YOU just fpund another brother. thanks , Barry Scott

  13. You can count me in. I carry a folder, a fixed blade and a Swiss army knife. The Swiss army knife is the only one most people ever see me use because it is a standard pocket knife with 7 functions people understand it is not a threatening or imposing blade. The folder is a spring assisted flipper type and I keep in in my clipped to the top hem of my pants pocket, and the third is a neck knife that is my last resort weapon. I am not as fit as I used to be, so the blade is my carry weapon for when things go south.

  14. I think carrying 2knives is a damn good idea. Unfotunately I believe it is illegal in Illinois. However when the SHTF it is def a good move.

  15. With recent unfortunate events here in the UK I think our police would have a dim view about carrying one knife never mind two! As it is anything over 3″ is illegal.

  16. No, I do not think you are the only one who carries two knives. I have been known to carry two knives, and would not think it unusual to regularly carry two or even three knives at a time, especially if they were different types and sizes. I have started on several occasions to order another TRS 325S tactical knife but stopped short of completing the order because of your request that we not order more than one knife.

  17. You are not crazy. I am a disabled veteran (82nd Airborne Rangers) who carried numerous blades in the service. That saved my life during Desert Storm. I was ambushed along with 4 other Rangers by the enemy while doing a building to building search for them. I had a bullet strike my rifle rendering it useless. I was down to my 1911A1 and 3 clips. I also had my 8 throwing knives. It wasn’t long till I was down to them and 2 of my men were out of commission with no ammo left. I waited till 2 of the insurgents were 20 feet away and I threw the 1st knife sticking him in the throat making the other one take cover. We were rescued by a group of Marines but I made sure to get my knife back.

  18. I always carry at least 1 knife on me and one in the car. Usually more on my person, typically one on the strong side, one on the weak side and one hidden on the ankle, though other backup places can be about as good. I don’t carry folders for defense as a rule, but if I already have 2 or 3 full tang fixed blades I may add a folder just for small size/ease of hiding. I got in a fight with a guy armed with a knife once, and I would do damn near anything to avoid getting in another. I had only my mind and body as weapons. His knife was a folder and either had no blade lock or it didn’t work. That may be the only reason I was able to disarm him, and it figures strongly in my own choice of only fixed, full tang blades. That happened 44 years ago and I still carry the scars. On my upper thigh very close to some things I never want damaged or lost. And no, he wasn’t trying to cut my leg; he missed what he was aiming at, then I got the knife away from him. We had a nice little chat about how dangerous it is to play with knives. Well, it wasn’t nice or a chat, but that guy never messed with me again.

  19. In Illinois and indiana the law states that any size is legal concealed or visible…only thing illegal is throwing stars ballistic knives and in Illinois stilettos/switch blades…both states you can carry a sword cane or otherwise…just get funny looks lol

  20. I carry a small fixed blade in my back pocket, where my Copenhagen was when I chewed and then a spring assist in every coat, or hot days left front pocket, if I need one or both it would be close and bloody

  21. I carry at least 4 knives daily. One around my neck. One in each hip pocket and either a boot knife or another ankle knife variant.

  22. I carry a knife and a gun .You know what they say don’t bring a knife to a gun fight and rather have a gun and not need it then to need it and dont have it .

  23. I carry 2 everyday, 1 I use at work the other for protection. I also have 1 in my car next to the drivers seat. Better safe than sorry!

  24. No you’re not nuts. Sometimes I carry 2 knives and 2 guns. Depends on where I’m going and what I’m doing.

  25. I carry 5 on me, 1 every use,1razor sharp,literally can shave buck 110 and 3 stingers that i sharpened enough to shave with. Not crazy at all, once prevention beats pound off I’m screwed anyday

  26. I have carried a knife almost every day of my life since my grandfather first gave me a small pocket knife when I was 6 years old. There have been many replacements over the years but I feel naked without my trusty pocket knife.

  27. As retired military , there is always a backup plan. Knifes are tools, so if you don’t have ,you are SOL…

  28. I do carry two sets of keys too. My SOP set has house and car keys. In my car is another set of house keys. In my other pocket is a car key on a whistle it is only used if my SOP set is missing.

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