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My Wife Thinks I’m Crazy for Doing This…

Am I losing my mind?

Maybe… But I sure as hell never want to be caught without a knife. That’s why I recently started carrying two of them, every day. Why two knives you ask? Here are just a few reasons:

For Everyday Use

Pocket Knives
Photo by: Alexander Rushing

First, I use a knife every day for utility purposes. By carrying knives with different sizes and blade shapes it’s more likely that I will have a better tool for the job. I can also carry one knife that is my “beater” (The one I don’t hesitate to get muddy, sticky, or greasy).

For Self-Defense

Next, in a self-defense situation you never know if the knife kept on your dominant side will be inaccessible. Perhaps an attacker has you pinned against a wall, has control of your arm, etc.

Also, if forced to stab an attacker, it is very possible the knife will be difficult to recover, a grisly thought but it is a real problem (Muscles tend to clench around the blade). If there is a second attacker you’ll be glad you brought a backup.

Self-Defense Situation Number 3 (okay, my overactive imagination is probably the real reason my wife thinks I’m crazy): Carrying blades on different portions of the body can be an advantage if you are taken to the ground. This is a great reason to carry a boot knife. I can keep going with the self-defense scenarios but I think you get the point.

As a Survival Tool

A knife is also one of the two most critical survival tools we have (a fire source being the second). As the old saying goes “Two is one, and one is none.” You can expect that if the SHTF you’d immediately drop your one and only knife into a mud hole, or it would fall out of a pocket in the dark. A backup is just common sense.

Okay, you can see that there are a lot of good reasons to carry two knives. Even so, some people may question my logic by saying that if this were the case we may as well carry two of everything—two sets of keys, two wallets, two cell phones, etc.

Here’s the Thing

It’s possible for us to take preparation to such an extreme that it becomes impossible to lead a normal life. The difference, especially with knives, is the relative ease of carrying two. With so many knives on the market it is easy to find a backup that is inconspicuous, small, and comfortable. What I’m trying to say is that the downside is so small and the upside so large that it’s simply a no-brainer, at least for me.

So what do you think?

Am I the only one who carries two knives? Let me know in the comments below!

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1,264 thoughts on “My Wife Thinks I’m Crazy for Doing This…”

  1. No sir I do as well Small one in my pocket larger one in lunch box tactical pen on a lanyard around my neck most people dont even notice Right on stay safe.

  2. The prepper motto: Two is one, one is none.
    As a prepper for 40 years I have dozens of knives, all with different blade shapes and sizes for different applications. Depending on what I’m doing and where, I somtimes carry 5 or 6 different knives. Better to have and not need than to need and not have.
    Keep up the good work !

  3. I like carrying 3 throwing knifes and 2 pocket knifes, my favorite being an Opinel with a carbon steel blade,sharp as a straight razor, but slow to get out and open fast.If you are familiar with Opinel Brand you will know what I mean.I also carry a concealed weapon under left arm in a custom made shoulder holster, with a 9mm Ruger w/1911 style,I only carry throwing knifes when out at night or when having my wife,one of my daughters or one of my granddaughter’s with me and I am going to protect them that is for damn sure.

  4. I, also, carry 2 knives. My wife says that if someone needs something I more than likely have it with me. I carry a Bulldog Fanny Pack that lets me carry extra supplies.

  5. I could not agree more. I have been carrying a knife since I was around 8. It is a tool . The second one, I hope I never have to use.

  6. Sounds to my like you are a good prepper. I do not see anything wrong with your reasoning. You are right, one is zero and two is one.

  7. Hey Bob you are definitely not crazy I carry three two in the pockets and one concealed the pocket knives are French made DEEJO ( hold an edge better then anything else ) with a karambit for backup. The other item carried at all times is a common garden variety HB pencil. Of these most people would say the knives are dangerous and should be restricted but in fact the pencil is the most dangerous of all and can if held correctly become a fearsome weapon capable of killing with a single thrust.
    12 years military service followed by 20 years as a prison officer Maximum security does help if you have to defend yourself

  8. Just remember the Holy Trinity is made up of three with Hosts of Angels for “backup”. Be safe.

  9. Bob,

    No, you are not crazy!!! Sounds like you are a Military man, right? You have caught onto my beliefs over my 35 year SPECIAL Unit career!!! My answer is to your wife is in the form of a question, “Why do you think the craze, way back when, was to have a stereo packed with every audio component built into one unit? But then they, the REAL AUDOIPHILERS, found that it was better to have seperate components because they found that each component in a separate box was actually MUCH BETTER in delivering quality music!!!

    Like Swiss Army knives with a hundred integrated tools is mice for everyday small stuff, you really need to have desperate knives that perform their own unique function!!! I was trained to be a “Sniper”, I do not rely on just one firearm!!! I need a pistol, semiauto Walter P99 with high capacity magazines for self defence purposes!!! I need my trusty long range rifle to a specific job that not just anyone can do!!! But I also need a smaller assault rifle with high capacity magazines to set a defense perimeter that is far enough away from me for hopefully my only needed first line of self-defense while still maintaining mission “Integrity”!!!

    So Bob, I that this helps your wife so that she can better understand your views on how many knifes that you should carry on you!!!


  10. I actually carry 3 knifes on my person, one on either side of my body on my belt, and one in my pocket. I believe it is always good to be prepared.

  11. If your wife thinks you are crazy, she will most definitely have me committed. On a daily basis I carry: 2-3 different knives, 1 defensive pen, 2 light sources, 1 lighter, 1 first aid kit, personal medications, a concealed carry weapon with extended capacity magazine as well as 1 extended capacity backup magazine and 1 regular capacity magazine. And that’s only on my person. On my carry bag, there’s a water UV purifier, 3 backup batteries for the phone, laser pointers, a backup butane lighter and several other goodies!

  12. I carry two, sometimes three at all times. Out here in the woods of N. Idaho, you never know when you’ll need one.

  13. I went to the Doc for a check up. They wanted to get my weight. I pulled out over 10 pounds of metal from my person. 4 knives, a multi tool, a strike pen and a green laser tool
    They thought I was crazy. Do you?

  14. I always carry two 2 knives, A 3 blade Buck for most everything, like opening bales of hay and alfalfa for the horses, and a fast open single blade for you can guess, and a boot knife when I go to town, WOW, I must have a problem too Ha, Ha.

  15. My wife is the crazy knife one i don’t know how many she has but its a few hundred at last count and not pocket knifes ether. I have a few but there working knifes if you know what i mean. I carry 1 and a 9mm at all times.

  16. No bob that’s not wierd I carry two knives to a folder and a fixed blade and I know a lot of people that do so your normal take a deep breath your just like the rest of us bat shit crazy people ? Just kidding

  17. NO URN’T ! MORE THAN 2

  18. Thanks! I was beginning to worry that I routinely carry two or more knives. Am I becoming paranoid? I also carry a knife in the compartment between the seats of my vehicles. It’s no big deal unless I need to respond appropriately to a situation. My wife knows where they at too.

  19. The best thing for an assault is my daily colt carry… gun to a knife fight good, knife to a gun fight bad. The normal everyday good person should take time to get a CWP.. before it’s too late! Practice and get prepared for the day you need to defend you and your family from the bad guys…

  20. Hahaha .. 3 here! Pocket, hip, leg/calf .. Some days more. We often have a lot of sitting time on job, we practice throwing, which I got of course from fightfast 😉

  21. I carry two, depending upon where I am going to be that day or night. I also carry two or more hidden in various places in my vehicle for backup. They vary from a small utility knife to a 7 3/4″ knife in my boot. I believe in being prepared for any or all situations.

  22. I think carrying two knives is a good thing . I think I will start carrying two . I would like to get another one like I got last month with the light. My two sons and son in law wants to get one also . Good idea.

  23. You are not the only one that carries 2 knives. When it becomes possible I will carry my Jim West as well as the razorback kukri. What I wish I could afford would be to carry the 2 razorbacks the kukri and the bowie. Currently I carry the firestarter by Mora and an inexpensive pocket. Just received the Jim West haven’t figured out how I want to carry it.

  24. I always have a multitool that I use for everything and an assisted open folder that I never use so that the blade is always razor sharp. I might have another small Swiss type knife in my pocket or a hunting knife in my boot.

  25. One folder for a left pocket and another for the right pocket, both with a lanyard and clip for quick retrieval, make perfect sense to me. Practicing quick retrieval and opening the knife, in the dark with only one hand, is also needed.

  26. I carry two knives on me as well as a tactical pen. I also carry two knives in each of my trucks. And if I know I am going anywhere that has a metal detector I carry my trs spike.

  27. Yes sir couldn’t agree with you more. One us diffently to get down and dirty. But the other is ready at any moments notice, to protect or just cutting into a good peach…

  28. Absolutely not you are not the only person to carry two knives. I personally carry three at all times. One on my strong side (Right hip),a boot knife (left outside left leg), and a horizontal on my waistband. All good for work and or protection. You see I’ve been shot and stabbed in my many yrs. I have found that people are NOT afraid of guns much any more. If they see a knife they most likely think the person knows how to use it. And trust me I know how.throwing them,Slashing with them,Short stab ,Deep penetrating lethal stabbing. Like a gun though I will not pull one of my knives without great intent to use it.
    So I say get your wife a knife or two,teach her how to use them properly,THEN SHE WILL UNDERSTAND.
    SCOTT D.

  29. I carry a folding survival knife in one pocket and tactical pen in the other ! Like you said you never know !

  30. I carry a folding survival knife in one pocket and tactical pen in the other ! Like you said you never know ! I would love to get a hoffman richter hr 30 but is illegal in canada

  31. I carry 4 knives every day.
    1. H.R.15
    2. H.R. Gentleman knife
    3. 007 knife in pen
    4. Around my neck native American style wooden sheath and stainless stabber with a wolf on both sides.

  32. Nope.

    I carry a Ka-Bar, a Big Tree 4″ foldup, and another knife I won’t mention. As well as several diverse pistols.

    My wife doesn’t mind at all.

  33. No been doing it for years!!! And alot of people say why do you need 2 isn’t that overkill!!!! I always say not even close to overkill never know when you will need and extra one

  34. For more than 30 years I carried a K-Bar “folding hunter” knife in a leather holster on my belt. But I quit doing that due to the insane “legal” regulations enacted in the last 10-15 years; e.g., I was turned away from a concert (I bought a ticket for) & another time, although it wasn’t legally true, a deputy sheriff told me that since my coat (cold weather) covered my knife it was a “concealed weapon”.

    Nonetheless, I have 3 folding hunter type knives, a fixed blade hunting knife & I’m never more than 5 feet away from one or more of them. And I’m never more than 5 feet away from one of several firearms. Having @ least one very good knife is an absolute necessity & of course it’s always better to have different knives for different purposes, but I will never make the mistake of “bringing a knife to a gunfight.”

    Although I’m in much better shape than most guys my age (early 60’s), I’m not going to get into a physical fight with an attacker — fists, knives, whatever — I will shoot them instead. I’ve seen some young punks I could beat down without a weapon, but I always have & always will believe in what I call “The Law of Overkill” — always have more than you need & you probably won’t have to use it.

    In other words, say a guy 1/2 my age, stronger & faster than me, attempts to break into my house. The first thing he’ll see is a 12-gauge shotgun pointed directly @ him. Loaded with 8 rounds of 00 buckshot — round in the chamber, safety off, pull the trigger & he’s dead. If you’re strong, fast, have martial arts training, etc. you might handle the attack differently — I’m not Bruce Lee or Hulk Hogan. But I never miss what I’m shooting at & due to the “The Law of Overkill”, the attacker will give up & I won’t have to pull the trigger. Been there, done that.

  35. Hi I’m from the UK n always carry a knife.carrying a knife in the UK is a prisonable (is there such a word)offence.due to the recent terrorist attacks we’ve had i think that I have a right to defend myself and my family or anyone else who needs defending.we don’t have the same rights as yourself over here to carry guns but I’ll happily take my chances by carrying a knife and risk arrest if it means I might save my life ,my families life or whoever’s life.if I had a choice I would carry a gun for self defence.god bless America and god bless the

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