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Jim West Will Be Here To Talk About Knives

Hey, FightFast Hotlist:

Our good friend Jim West (official U.S. Special Forces badass) is going to be here in the FightFast studios on August 22 through the 24th. This is going to be fun and instructive as he’ll be fielding questions from our hotlist. We’re concentrating on knives and defending yourself with a blade, but you can ask anything you want.

So, if you’d like to partake in the action, leave your questions in the comments section below. We’re going to ask him the top 50 questions submitted (minus any repeats), so submit your questions right away.

While he’s here, West will also do some hands-on demonstrations with our very popular Black Ops knife, along with another “secret weapon” we haven’t revealed to the public yet. We will also be giving away a FREE GIFT during the live event. It’ll be a random draw from anyone who submitted a question.

How To Pick Locks. (Who Needs Keys?)

You may find this shocking, but picking open a standard "tumbler" lock, (like the one on your front door), is pretty damn easy when you know how it's done.

And in a "meltdown" survival situation, (once the smash-n-grab crowd has stolen everything not tied-down), the food and water and secure shelter will all be behind locked doors, (which explains why Special Forces are often trained in lock picking... and why they carry a set of lock pics with them).

It's a lot of fun learning this skill, (it doesn't take long)... and kinda nice to help out that buddy locked out of his house after the wife discovered what really happened on that "no money down" real estate seminar in Vegas.

>> Check Out "Lock Picking Kit" Here. <<

Watch Live

You can watch this question and answer interview LIVE. Here’s how:

  1. Subscribe to our YouTube channel by going to YouTube and searching for “FightFast”. Once you’ve found our channel, simply click the “Subscribe” button.
  2. The interview with Jim will take place on the last day, Wednesday August, 24th at 10 AM Pacific standard time.

Submit Your Questions Now!

It isn’t often that you can shoot the breeze with a U.S. Special Forces combat vet. West has been in the thick of combat. He knows more about fighting—hand to hand and with a weapon—than just about anyone else on the planet.

So, submit your questions, subscribe to the FightFast YouTube channel, and then watch Jim West live on August 24. After the interview, we will announce the winner of the FREE GIFT. See you there!

For a safe life…
Bob Pierce
President, FightFast/TRS

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301 thoughts on “Jim West Will Be Here To Talk About Knives”

  1. First Thank-you for your service. I am a Vet myself. I put my life on the line for this country to protect the freedom we hold dear to our hearts. We know that that Freedom is not Free. Thank you again.

  2. When & where are these demonstrations being provided.
    I purchased the Throwing Knives and would like to get some hands-on training.

  3. hi jim, a true honor to talk to you. my question is what kind of sharpener do you use in the field. thanks.

  4. Hello,first thing, what type of blade do you recommend (Tonto,drop point, etc)and for an all around every day fixed blade what length do you recommend? Does that change with your mission statement, IE, self defence is different that a camping knife, or extreme situations like a survival knife(not the cheap ones with the stuff in the handle) Is there one that will do for all or is it that 3 knives are better than one, but if you only have one which one would you choose, and the 3 you would recommend for everything you can think of. Thank you for your service, I look forward to hearing back from you,keep up the good work.

  5. I recall the starlight scopes when I was in Vietnam as being state of the art at that time. Which scope do you consider to be its affordable equivalent these days? Thank you for being willing to answer questions out of your considerable information resources.

  6. First of all thank you for your service!!!
    Is a knife really better and faster than a gun in close combat?

  7. Hello Jim ,I live in UK ,we are not allowed Spring assisted or any quick release blade,no hunting knife or a blade over 3in .what would you recommend for our defence . Yours fraternaly Ronnie

  8. Hi. Saw you on the bus in Santa Fe and like your videos.

    What knives are legal to carry?


  9. Hello Jim , I want to thank you for all you have done for us and the country. I’m an air force brat lol . I also joined got swore in and had the quickest enlistment ever. As soon as I completed my oath they told me I wasn’t able to in list. But people like you and all your brothers in arms should be honnered n thanked . Thank you again

  10. Hey Jim , hows it goin ? what was or is the best knife you carried while you were in the service ? I’m a avid knife collector myself . I actually have a Timberline Spec-war . I think this might be the one for me . For when TSHTF !

  11. What is the proper mindset for engaging in a knife fight. I’m a physician and cutting into people is not a new task but to specifically injure, maim or kill is a reach.

  12. What kind of knife do you prefer for throwing? I prefer a spade shaped blade with a yarn wrapped handle.

  13. ok back in the mid 70s we were dropped in to a hot spot or deep s–t whatever i didnt really care about a machte to much but needed a long knife of some kind so i picked up a short sword or samari if u will 27 in long 19 1/2 blade i thoght it did a fine job at close range still got it today but the dirty tricks dept didnt want me to carry it give me ur thoughts on the short sword Drifter

  14. I have seen knife fights where they hold the knife so that the blade is opposite the thumb (Pointed down) and others where the blade is pointed up (Parallel to the thumb). The latter method seems to make more sense to me. What’s correct?

  15. Do you have any suggestions for (mostly) numb hands? Mine is a result of nerve damage because of a broken neck. I’m back to “good” in the 10 ring with my 1911, but still too weak to properly wield a knife effectively.

  16. What is the best way of defending oneself against multiple armed opponents and close-range knife attacks (stabs and slashes)? Many of these attacks take the intended victim by surprise, and are devastating in their speed and ferocity. Thanks.

  17. Jim yes it was great having you as a instructor live anytime o have a need for your brushing up my fight Fast skills thanks to Mr Pierce for having your dvds available. I was wondering if you have anymore dvds available and if you plan on opening a training center here in NY.
    I really enjoyed your style quick easy and very
    Thank you very much.

  18. What is the best locations and orientations to carry both fixed blade & folder. I.e. Tip up or down, vertical or horizontal especially fixed blade. I always preferred tip up fixed on suspenders, but now as civilian I still carry one of each, but don’t want to appear as a tacticool nerd. I carry so 1 is accessible either hand,

  19. Do you have tips for someone in a wheelchair? I’m not able to stand and we all know that it’s a dangerous world we live in. I appreciate your service. I think that you guys are right on point.

  20. First of all Mr. West, thank you for your service. What do you believe is the most effective unarmed response to a knife attack, pther than getting as far away from the knife as fast as you can?

  21. Is the tiquando (? spelling), South Korean style from the Vietnam days still effective in hand-to-hand? If using a knife in this “activity,” what is the proper way to hold your knife for it to be the most effective?

  22. I like all kind’s of knives.But i was wondering what was better too protect ourselves a fixed or folding blade????Thank You for your service and for your time Today..

  23. Hi Jim. I’m 63 years old what area should I concentrate on the most to keep myself in fighting shape. Thank you Gary

  24. Every morning I have a 10-15 minute practice I do by myself using techniques I’ve learned from fightfast and breathing exercises. I think it was Bruce Lee that said he feared a man that practiced the same thing 10,000 times. So in addition to my breathing, qigong meditation inner stuff, I practice the taichi slaps, karate chops, front kicks etc, 12 on each side. What 2-3 additional practice exercises do you recommend?

  25. Hi Jim…I believe in single edge weapons…That’s not to say that a thrusting dagger won’t do the job,but a single edge with your body behind it will remove heads….Do you a single edge is best?

  26. As a hunter fisherman I need to keep my knifies sharp As a combat vet what do you do to keep your knifies sharp?

  27. Since knives seem to be the weapon of choice for robbers and muggers. How can you disarm or block the attack to avoid being cut injured or killed?

  28. I know that Bob has a lot of faith in your ability and knowledge and so I will ask you this. What do you consider to be the best knife to carry under 6″ open for self defense?

  29. Sir,
    What do you feel is the best defensive move when someone is lunging at you with a knife to your mid section, short of turn tail and run.

  30. What. Is your favorite knife and why? How many purposes does it have ? What would you recommend?

  31. Hi Mr. West,
    I am a seventy year old man that doesn’t have the strength that I used to have and was wondering how I could take out a knife swing punk kid or whoever as quickly as possible without much damage to myself. Thanks for you time.

  32. Hi Jim pleasure to be able to ask a question of someone who has really been there and done it. Just a simple one but a question I have asked people before and got different answers. What is the best way to hold a knife if you get in a knife fight situation?

  33. Hello Mr West. Thank you for your service to our Country. What is the one blade that is probably most durable and versatile (American made)?

  34. Thank you for your Service to our Country and that of your ” team members”. Excellence is acquired through devotion to Intense training and committing oneself to the ” team”.
    Please advise The Best choice of Knife ( double edged) for hand to hand fighting.

    Thank you in advance for you expert opinion.

  35. Jim, no questions from me, just a hearty Thank you for your service! Much appreciated, and I’m glad you made it out alive. So many didn’t.

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