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Category: Derek Smith

When Are You Authorized to Use Deadly Force?

When Are You Authorized to Use Deadly Force?

This is a good question. A good friend asked me this question and it inspired me to write this article. Deadly force is the act of taking another’s life when we believe our life is threatened. It is an act that a person feels is unavoidable. One’s action to use deadly force is no different Read More

Special Agent Survival Tactics: Tactical Movement When SHTF

Special Agent Survival Tactics: Tactical Movement When SHTF

Before I begin, let me say that FightFast is not advocating violence of any kind. They just want you to be prepared. The tactics and procedures I am going to discuss are for informational purposes to be used in a life or death situation only. Unless you have been in the military or plan to Read More

Hollywood Spy Gear That Actually Exists

Hollywood Spy Gear That Actually Exists

If you are a spy movie fan like me, you have probably seen all the James Bond and Mission Impossible movies and wondered if all that cool spy equipment they use is real. Well, you’ll be amazed to find out that much of it actually is! Spy pens, video glasses, GPS trackers, and much more Read More

Special Agent Spy Tactics: Using a Cell Phone Spying System

Special Agent Spy Tactics: Using a Cell Phone Spying System

As a former counterintelligence agent for the Air Force Office of Special Investigations AND the Army, I know that there are many reasons why you may want to spy on someone’s telephone. You may be concerned about who your child communicates with through text messages or phone calls. I know I do because I have Read More

10 Crucial Tips for Properly Owning and Using a Handgun

10 Crucial Tips for Properly Owning and Using a Handgun

As a guy who legally carries a firearm, I definitely advocate LEGAL carry. However, owning a gun is one thing, but knowing how to use effectively, is something else entirely. If you don’t know how to use your firearm in a self-defensive situation correctly, you may as well not even own one. Not only does Read More

Six Special Agent Urban Survival Skills by Derek Smith

Six Special Agent Urban Survival Skills by Derek Smith

One essential skill every special agent needs is to be smart about what’s happening on the streets. If you don’t understand the street, then you won’t understand your adversary. The term “Urban Survival” or “Street Survival” is very popular these days and can mean different things depending on who is writing about it and in Read More