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Category: Derek Smith

Modern Private Investigator Tricks and Secrets

Modern Private Investigator Tricks and Secrets

Almost everyone has seen a television show or movie about private investigators (PI). Many people think PI work is dangerous and that only roughnecks are employed as PIs. The PI is often believed to be a person who only follows husbands and wives possibly committing adultery. While there is some truth to all of this, Read More

How to Conduct a Background Investigation

How to Conduct a Background Investigation

As a Private Investigator, I am often asked to conduct background checks for my clients. These days I think that is a good idea, especially with so many people meeting on social media. Wouldn’t it be nice if we can trust everyone in the world? Unfortunately, this is not the ideal world. We cannot simply Read More

How To Use A Cane For Self Defense by Derek Smith

How To Use A Cane For Self Defense by Derek Smith

Following my article on the baton vs. escrima sticks, one of the readers asked me to write about using a cane for self-defense. I thought that was a great idea because canes can be legally carried and can be a very effective self-defense tool. I learned how to use a cane for self-defense when I Read More

How To Survive A Traffic Stop When You’re Armed by Derek Smith

How To Survive A Traffic Stop When You’re Armed by Derek Smith

No one likes a traffic stop, Not even cops. Next, to domestic disputes, this is probably the most dangerous thing police officers do every day. Every traffic stop is potentially deadly for the police officer. It’s not just the danger of gunfire or sudden assault that police officers face… more get killed by passing traffic Read More

Special Agent Survival Tips: Cover vs. Concealment by Derek Smith

Special Agent Survival Tips: Cover vs. Concealment by Derek Smith

You don’t have to be a special agent to know that the first rule of winning a gunfight is to never get shot. Why? Well, getting shot greatly reduces your chances of emerging victorious. One thing we DID learn as agents is that if you DO get shot, it is not the end, you must Read More

Should You Carry a Concealed Weapon?

Should You Carry a Concealed Weapon?

We often watch the nightly news and see yet another public shooting where a bunch of people were killed or wounded when a person decided to shoot up a McDonalds, a movie theater or a concert and we think to ourselves: if someone had a concealed weapon permit and had been carrying, things would have Read More